Saturday 20th November 2021

Saturday 20th November: 6pm Mass in Blessington, 7.30pm in Lacken.

Sunday 21st November: 10.00am Mass in Blessington, 11.00am Mass in Manor Kilbride, 11.30am Mass in Crosschapel, 11.15am Mass in Valleymount.

Tuesday 23rd November: Holy Hour & Rosary offered for the intentions of our families from 7pm to 8pm in, Blessington

November Monthly Envelopes can be dropped into the Parish Office, Post Box in Church or to the collection boxes at Mass. Many thanks to all contributors for your continued support.

November List of the Dead. Envelopes available in the Church. Masses offered on the 1st Friday of every month throughout the year.

St Mary’s Schools & Blessington Parish Lotto.  Numbers on 11th Nov 5, 17, 21, 26: Weekly winner of €25 was John Paul Moran. Next week’s jackpot is €1525

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