• Welcome to Blessington Parish

There is nothing as strong as us together – Ní neart go cur le chéile
We dwell with the shade of each other – Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine

Blessington is a picturesque location at the foot of the Wicklow mountains. Being surrounded by mountains, rivers and lakes it makes a tranquil setting and an idyllic place to live or visit. A warm welcome is always extended to visitors and new residents of our Parish. This website is designed to give parish members and visitors details of our upcoming parish events and services. Please feel free to get in touch with the Parish Office with any queries you may have.


Saturday 15th to Friday 21st March 2025

Saturday 15th  March : Blessington: 6pm Mass. Confessions: after 6pm Mass. Lacken: 7.30pm Mass.

Sunday 16th March : Blessington & Valleymount: 10am, Manor Kilbride: 11am, Crosschapel: 11.30am.

Monday 17TH March, St Patricks Day, Mass in the Church of our Lady will be at 9.30am

Rosary & Holy Hour  The Holy Hour with Rosary and Adoration is every Wednesday at the new time 10.00am to 11.00 am for the duration of the winter months.

Pray & Play Group In the Coimin Centre, Every Wed 2.45pm to 4.30pm. For children of all ages with their parents, grandparents & guardians. Contact Áine 086 107 0480


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Parish Lotto

St. Marys’ Schools & Blessington Parish Fundraiser

Join our lotto to help raise funds for our schools’ and parish and you could win up to €5,000

“I am delighted to announce the launch of our St. Marys’ Schools and Blessington Parish fundraiser.

It’s a fund-raising initiative and the money raised will be used to directly support our schools and parish.

You can help in a real, practical way by joining and your support is greatly appreciated.

We understand the financial challenge for many of our parishioners and hope that the weekly option of €2 per line will allow everybody to contribute. If you can contribute 3 lines for €5 it would be hugely appreciated and you never know you might just win!”

Fr Gerry

It’s really simple to join and it takes just a minute.

To find out more: click herecall into the parish office or call 01 546 1131

Mass Times & Church Information

Click on Church Name for details

Church Information

Parish Links

Coimín Centre

St Joseph’s Hall

Blessington Parish Church Locations