Newesletter 9th March 2025. Issue 1537
Mass intentions in Blessington
Saturday: Billy Horan…A, John & Margeret Morrissey…A, Patrick Cassidy…A, Mario Mowlds…Birthday Rem, Deceased members of Healy & McDonald Families, Deceased members of Bohan & McDonald Families, Margeret Byrne…A, Patrick, Mary & Judy Behan…A, John Behan…3rd A, Marie Wilmot…2nd A, Nora English…3rd A
Sunday: Paddy Ryall…Bday Rem, Simon Foster…Rem, Bridie Toomey…A, Frank Crampton…A Joe Hearns…Rem Lisa Walsh…Rem Shay Walsh…Rem Kevin Ennis…Rem
Monday: Mass for the Sick & those in Hospital
Tuesday: Mary Nolan…A, John Mulligan…RD
Wednesday: May O Connell…A, Eamon Flanagan…RD
Thursday: Catherine Moore…RD, Mary Balfe…RD
Friday: TJ King…RD, Margeret Humphries…RD
Feast Days. 11th March – St Aengus. St Aengus (Oengus) was a monk in Clonenagh, Co. Laois, who came to the monastery at Tallaght at the end of the eighth century during the abbacy of Maelruain to spend a period under his direction. He was renowned for his devotion to both foreign and native saints and composed two martyrologies. He returned to Clonenagh, where he became abbot and bishop. He died around 824.
Minister of Eucharist – March 2025 Church of Our Lady Blessington SAT 6PM: Geraldine McMulkin & Annmarie Wall SUNDAY 10AM: Margaret Flynn, Charmaine Quinn & Muireann McGuiness
Rosary & Holy Hour The Holy Hour with Rosary and Adoration will take place every Wed Jan 15th at the new time 10.00am to 11.00 am for the duration of the winter months.
Pray & Play Group In the Coimin Centre, Every Wed 2.45pm to 4.30pm. For children of all ages with their parents, grandparents, guardians. Contact Áine 086 107 0480
Women’s World Day of Prayer will be held in St Mary’s Church of Ireland on Fri Mar 7th @11am. Join with us in prayer for peace and justice for women who experience oppression in our world. The theme for this year is ” I made you wonderful” Psalm 139:14
Women’s Breakfast Blessington & Valleymount Parishes For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matt 18:20 Our next Women’s Breakfast will be in Coimin Centre Saturday March 8th, 2025 from 9.30 to 11am. This is a great opportunity for women to get together to have a relaxing chat along with a delicious breakfast and hear a short testimony from one woman about her faith journey. A small donation would be appreciated to cover costs.
Blessington Parish Lotto Numbers on 20th February: 6,8,12,23. €25 Winner: Michelle Colgan. Next Jackpot €3000.
Dates for your Diary – Healing Mass, Church of Our Lady Blessington Saturday May 24th, Saturday September 13th, Saturday December 13th All Masses will take place at 11am All are welcome
POPES INTENTION FOR MARCH FOR FAMILIES IN CRISIS Let us pray that broken families might discover the cure for their wounds through forgiveness, rediscovering each other’s gifts, even in their differences.
The Jubilee Prayer Father in heaven, may the faith you have given us in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother, and the flame of charity enkindled in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, reawaken in us the blessed hope for the coming of your Kingdom.
May your grace transform us into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel. May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos in the sure expectation of a new heaven and a new earth, when, with the powers of Evil vanquished, your glory will shine eternally.
May the grace of the Jubilee reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope, a yearning for the treasures of heaven. May that same grace spread the joy and peace of our Redeemer throughout the earth. To you our God, eternally blessed, be glory and praise for ever. Amen
Pilgrimage for the Jubilee year 2025 Pilgrimage is an important component of a Jubilee year. Many travel abroad for pilgrimage, but a pilgrimage can also take place with the abundant Christian locations we have within our own Diocese. An exhibition ‘Pockets of Hope’ has been set up in the four Jubilee Churches in our Archdiocese: -St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral, Marlborough Street. -Our Lady of Lourdes, Sean McDermott Street. -Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, City Quay. -St. Andrew’s Church, Westland Row. There is a further display in St. Kevin’s Parish Church, Glendalough.
CARE OF THE EARTH Create a buzz with a bee-friendly garden. As well as making honey, bees are crucial pollinators, and spring is when they emerge, hungry and ready to work. If you can, plant early flowering plants like cheerful crocuses, delicate primroses, and elegant hellebores; these provide a vital source of nectar and pollen, ensuring our bees have the fuel they need. Even a small window box brimming with these flowers can make a difference.
Thought of the Week. The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved. Victor Hugo
DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK – APRIL 26 As we begin our Jubilee of Hope, it’s time to launch our 2025 Knock Pilgrimage. The pilgrimage has grown significantly in recent years. In 2024, over 3,000 people from throughout the Archdiocese of Dublin took part. This year the theme of the pilgrimage will focus on the Jubilee year, and we are inviting partnerships of parishes to join us from throughout the Archdiocese. Partnerships who have not travelled to Knock in recent years are particularly welcome. The pilgrimage will provide us with an opportunity to gather as Diocesan community of faith to celebrate the Jubilee year. The pilgrimage takes place on Saturday, April 26, and will include workshops, outdoor walks, the Sacrament of the Sick and our pilgrimage Mass, which will be celebrated by Archbishop Farrell. We hope to welcome more young people this year and encourage our parish partnerships to invite them to attend. It’s a good time to consider booking your Partnership bus. The Choir of Many Voices from throughout the Archdiocese will be back for a third year under the able direction of Ciaran Coll. If you would like to join the choir (previous members will be contacted separately), or have any queries about the pilgrimage, please email More details to follow.
A Prayer for our Parish Heavenly Father, Bless our Church and our parish, And all the good work that goes on in them. May all who are Christians live and work together for the good of each other and the glory of your Name. May those who do not know you be brought by our example to a loving knowledge and peace with you. Amen
Pope Francis has chosen the motto “Miserando atque eligendo”, meaning lowly but chosen; literally in Latin ‘by having mercy, by choosing him’.
Bus Escort: Bus Escort required in Lacken National School for the academic year September 2025 to June 26. Please forward CV and references to or by post to The Chairperson of the Board Of Management, Lacken National School, Lacken, Blessington, Co. Wicklow, W91 CY82 by 9th May 2025.
Prayer for March Lord, as we step into March, grant us the courage to embrace new beginnings. Help us to let go of the past and trust in Your plan for our future. Fill our hearts with hope and determination. Amen.
POPES INTENTION FOR MARCH FOR FAMILIES IN CRISIS Let us pray that broken families might discover the cure for their wounds through forgiveness, rediscovering each other’s gifts, even in their differences
It’s that time of year again, Daffodil Day is coming up on Friday 28th March and we need YOUR help. If you can spare just ONE hour on the day, please phone or text Ann on 087 9141757. Thank you very much in advance, all help is greatly appreciated.
Blessington Carboot Sunday 23rd March St. Kevin’s Community Centre beside Aldi Store 8am – 4pm. Free Customer Parking,Toilet Facilities. Tea / Coffee. Stalls indoor / outdoor facilities. €10 per stall. Bigi Linn – info. 0860752072 Pat Conlan.
6 week course in self care & well being Wednesdays, beginning March 5th, ending April 9th 11am-1230pm €80 or €15 pay as you go Anna Nagle 0872273925.
From the Shoulder Down By Richard Lynch Sat 5TH April @730pm. Tickets €20. In aid of Stratford/Grangecon GAA & Forum. Call Kate 0877739882
Donard Country Market Sunday March 16th 11am to 4pm, Donard Community Hall, W91 YW57, there’s something for everyone. Light refreshments are available.
Blessington U3A are pleased to announce our next talk Speaker: Larry Breen, PRO & Journal Editor of National Federation of Local History Societies Title: The Rebel’s Wife – Matilda Tone & Wolfe Tone’s Family” Date: Tuesday 18th March at 10.30am Venue: Avon Hotel, Blessington
PUPPY RAISERS NEEDED Help to train a future Guide or Assistance Dog by fostering a puppy! This full-time volunteer role involves a pup living in your home from 9 weeks up to 14 months old. To find out more, please email or visit
Blessington Further Education Centre’s new term starting in January 2025 is open to adults who want to return to education. We provide free classes and work with early school leavers and people who have not been in a learning environment in some time. We work with people who are in employment and also those in receipt of social welfare payments. Classes are offered day, night and afternoon on a part-time basis ranging from 2-6 hours per week. We work at the learner’s pace in a friendly environment We offer classes in: Blow drying hair, – Gardening,- Art, – Food and nutrition – We can help you with your C.V and interview skills. – Computers/ Laptop & Phones for beginners and those who need to improve their skills.- Horticulture QQI Level 4 – Growing Vegetables, – Office Skills QQI Level 4 – customer service and desktop publishing, Information Technology Skills, – Business Administration QQI Level 5 – word processing and desktop publishing, NEW COURSE IN APPLIED SOCIAL STUDIES – please phone for more details, SNA Level 5 – day class, FREE Course/Job Guidance service also available We provide 1-1 support to improve English skills of reading and writing as well as numeracy. One of our past students commented that – Leanne said “I was able to talk to my child’s teacher with confidence and express my concerns and listen to advice”. For more information on any of the above please contact us on 045 891099 or email
AWARE SUPPORT & SELF CARE GROUPS If you or those with whom you work wish to connect with people in relation to your mental wellbeing, consider using Aware’s phone-in and Zoom support and self-care groups, support line or support mail. For more information, visit
Accord Prayer for Marriage & Family Life God of love, show us our place in this world as channels of your love. Give to us the gift of respect, empathy and understanding. Bless and strengthen our love for each other. Help us to appreciate the value of family life and to live in harmony with all whom we come in contact with. Encourage us, we pray, to act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with the Lord. Praise be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen
BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT The Irish Hospice Foundation provides a free Bereavement Support Line. This National Freephone Service is available from 10am to 1pm, Monday to Friday, by calling 1800 807077. Visit for more information.
Always wanted to sing. All Welcome. No Auditions. Blessington Millennium Choir are looking to recruit new members who love to sing. With mixed ability and experience, we aim to positively impact our community and as such regularly raise funds for organisations and participate in events So, if you sing in the shower, you are the King or Queen of Karaoke or a keen amateur Come & Join Us We meet every Tuesday evening 7.30 to 9.30pm at the Kare Centre, Blessington For more details please phone (087) 4352385 or (087) 2431499
Manor Kilbride Community Hall Available for hire for Classes, Training Groups Parties & Events. E:
Blessington Bridge Club Meets every Monday at 7.30pm in the Kare Centre. All new players welcome.
Blessington Bowls Club meet every Thursday night at 7.30pm in St Kevin’s Hall, Main Street Blessington. Guests are most welcome, why not come along and bring a friend
Blessington Library Transition Year students will come to Blessington Library for a 4 week digital literacy course for the community on 12th March, 19th March, 26th March and 4th April from 11.30 to 12.30 Book your place or phone (045) 891 740. Saturday 8th March: Puzzle Meet Up: meet fellow jigsaw, puzzlers, swap puzzles and try speed puzzling! No booking required. Irish Group Conversation meet every Tuesday at 7.30 pm. All welcome, no booking required. Spanish Conversation, every second Monday at 10.30, next meeting 3rd March English Conversation every Tuesday from 12 to 2 pm and Thursdays from 5 to 7 pm
Gaelscoil na Lochanna are delighted to receive news from the Department of Education on their purchase of their 3.8 acre site at Kilmalum for the purpose of building the new 16 classroom school with 4 ASD classrooms. Wishing everyone a lovely Seachtain na Gaeilge and run into St. Patrick’s Day.
Employment Vacancy: Modeco Ltd are looking to recruit general operatives for our Timber Frame factory, outside Baltinglass, Co Wicklow. We are looking for hard working individuals to join our growing team. Training will be provided. Immediate start. Please send your C.V to
Help Wanted 087 2919620
R Noone Groundworks LTD Ballymore Eustace Groundworks, Mulching, sawing, tree shears, Site Clearance, Concrete Works, 087-6234977.
A professional live in carer available. Please call 0879064293
Social Dancing. Enjoy an evening of dancing to Silver Moon In Donard Community Hall Saturday 15th March 9pm -12am. All Welcome.
Blessington Taxi Phone Greg 087 2626 393
Paragon Bathrooms We design, supply & fit your dream bathroom in just 5 days! Wicklow Co.Co approved for grant work on mobility bathrooms Call Aidan 085 137 8770 for an appointment at our showroom on Blessington Main St.
Professional Tree Care Tree pruning, Tree Removal, Emergency tree works, Hedge Maintenance We are your local tree service, with over 15 years in the tree industry. Fully qualified & insured. Call Shane Keogh 0833846287 Email
GARDENING SERVICES Grass cutting / Ride on lawnmower Push Lawnmower, Hedge cutting Chainsaw Cutting, Splitting Timber, Spraying, Weeding, Power washing Driveway Patios, General Maintenance around your home. Just Call for reasonable Quates/ Price. Call or text 0876640695
Daz Auto Motors Blessington Newly opened a small garage for motor repairs and car valeting Contact 0894564703 Beside Pet Hospital in Blessington Unit 4 Blessington Industrial Estate W91HY32
Catriona Byrne & Co Solicitors BESIDE AIB – OVER 20 YEARS ESTABLISHED FOR ALL YOUR LEGAL NEEDS 3 Mill Bank, Blessington County Wicklow Tel: 045 857 537
Septic Tanks Emptied & Digger Hire Call Dermot or Adam Phibbs 087 799 5320 – 083 037 4750 License no: NWCPO-21-12619-01
Blessington Counselling & Psychotherapy – Mandy Downes MAPCP 085 134 9813 Specialist in CBT & Solution focused Therapy
Wicklow & Kildare Mental Health Services Counselling & Psychotherapy. Aran Centre, Blessington, Co. Wicklow. For Bookings please contact, by phone: 089 274 4920 or e-mail:
Driving instructor RSA and ADI approved. Contact Michael 087 459 4258 for bookings.
GF Services Tile Cleaning Upholstery Cleaning Carpet Cleaning 0899889861
Painter & Decorator Interior & Exterior Call Damien 085 826 0431
HEADSTONES McEvoy Monumental Works Blessington. Headstones, Inscriptions, Renovations. Serving the people of Blessington for over 40 years. Call to our workshop at Millbank Blessington Call: Mick 045 865 487 – 086 843 8832 or Gary 087 933 3487
Local Builder Available All services under one roof, Windows & Doors, Plumbing, Tiling, Roofing, Plastering, Electrical, Carpentry, Insulation. All levels of construction services available. Fully registered. Call Paul: 086 309 1829
Paying too much for SKY or Virgin Media? We Install or Repair Free to Air & Saorview! No more Bills! Call Billy 086 868 0053
Eagle Cleaning Solutions Chimney Cleaning, Exterior Power Washing, Window Cleaning, Gutter Cleaning & Repairs. Find us on Facebook! Call for appointment: 087 247 4388.
German Autoworks – Service Specialist VW/Audi, Mercedes, Skoda, Seat, Opel – Call 087 286 3997
Function Rooms available at the Avon Call 045 900670 for further info. Kiln-Dried Firewood Standard bag from €110 Large bag from €180 Larch, birch, hornbeam, or ash available. Call 01-2118469 Delivery charge – €20 per order
Niall Kearns Building & Roofing Contractor 086 274 6969 Building New Homes, Extensions, Sunrooms Attic Conversions, Renovations, Chimney Repairs Roofing New Roofs, All Roof Repairs Flat Roofs, Gutter Repairs Roof Replacement, PVC Fascia & Soffit All Work Fully Guaranteed
JP&M Doyle What’s Your Property Worth? Talk to us today for your free-Market Appraisal Specializing In Residential Town & Country Homes Development & Agricultural Land Commercial Property Lettings, Valuations. 2025 is your year to make it happen! With high demand and a lack of supply, now is the perfect time to maximise your property’s value. Tel: 045-865568
Local Professional Painting Services Also can do all other projects in your garden or house. Contact 087 1046654
F&B Manager required for the Avon Immediate start, CVs to
The Avon The Legend of Luke Kelly Chris Kavanagh & The Patriots The Avon, 8th March Tickets on from €25
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