Monday 28th March 2022

Tuesday 29th March: Holy Hour and Adoration for the intentions of families from 7pm to 8pm. All welcome to join & spend some quiet time with the Lord.

Wednesday 30th March: Clothes Collection Supporting Friends of Calcutta in Blessington Church Car Park, from 10am -2pm. (CHY No 13218)

Friday 1st April 1st Friday of the month, Masses will be offered for all on the November Altar List of the Dead

Friday 1st April West Wicklow Cancer Support will be taking part in the East Coast FM “Step up for Cancer Walk” raising vital funds for Cancer Services across Wicklow, walking 15 kilometres from Blessington towards Roundwood in 5 Kilometres stretches. If you would like to walk with us please contact us on 087 434 6004 / All you have to do is walk !! Join us at 10am in the Coimin Centre for tea, cupcakes & some music before departure. As Hippocrates stated: “Walking is mans best medicine” & you are supporting your local community in the process.

Blessington Parish Office is open from 9am to 1pm, Monday to Friday. Mass Cards and Gift Items available. Bookings for Mass Intentions. Newsletter Items. Call: 045 865 327 or Email:

St Mary’s Schools & Blessington Parish Lotto.

 Numbers drawn on 10th March: 9, 17, 20, 30 Weekly Winner €25: Laura Humphries. 

Numbers drawn on 17th March: 4, 11, 18, 23  Weekly Winner €25: Garette Martin.

Numbers Drawn on 24th March: 5, 10, 15, 24 Weekly €25 Winner Ann Moran

Next Jackpot is €750.

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