Sunday 2nd February 2020

Blessing of Throats will take place at 11.15am Mass in Valleymount

Candlemas – Candles will be blessed for use in the home at Masses this weekend. Candles available in the Parish Office.

Saturday 1st February 2020

Children’s Church is back!! NEW time 6pm Mass in Blessington on Saturdays

Blessing of Throats will take place at 7.30pm Mass in Lacken

Friday 31st January 2020

Visitation of the Sick: If there are any parishioners ill, at home or in hospital who would like a visit from a priest, please contact the Parish Office to let us know and to make arrangements 045 865 327

Thursday 30th January 2020

West Wicklow Cancer Support monthly drop in “Manifestation Meditation” hosted by Gemma Deeny of Yogagym at 7.30pm in the Coimin Centre, Blessington.  No charge, all welcome. Find us on Facebook, call 087 434 6004 or email

Wednesday 29th January 2020

The Citizens Information Centre is open in Blessington Library today 10am to 12.30pm.

The Rosary will be offered at 7.30pm for the intentions of our families in Blessington Church

Christian Meditation Group meet in the Mass Centre in Brittas from 11am. All welcome

Tuesday 28th January 2020

Citizens Information Centre in Blessington Library from 1pm to 4pm. Legal advice service on 1st & 3rd Tues of month by appointment

Eucharistic Adoration from 7.30pm to 8.30pm in Blessington Church.

Monday 27th January 2020

Holy Hour in Crosschapel every Monday after 10am Mass (ex-Bank Holidays)

Blessington Community Walking Group. Walks from the Coimín Centre on Monday (ex-bank holidays) & Thursday at 7pm. All levels catered for & welcome. Find us on Facebook

Sunday 26th January 2020

All children in 3rd Class are invited to 10am Mass in, Blessington for a special blessing & remembrance of their 1st Communion last year.

1st Communion Preparation Mass at 11.15am in Valleymount

Bridge Tournament hosted by St Mary’s College Past Pupils Union, Lawlor’s Hotel, Naas at 2pm €10 per person. Raffle & Prizes. All funds will go to the school. Parking will be available at the school

Saturday 25th January 2020


St. Mary’s Schools & Blessington Parish Fundraiser – Weekly LOTTO DRAW

 a new fund-raising initiative, the money raised will be used to directly support our schools & our parish. You can help in a real, practical way by joining & your support is greatly appreciated.

Carmel Dillon, Principal, St. Mary’s JNS

Gerry Brown, Principal, St. Mary’s SNS

Fr. Richard P.P. Blessington Parish

Full details of how to join, next week

Friday 24th January 2020


St. Mary’s Schools & Blessington Parish Fundraiser – Weekly LOTTO DRAW

 a new fund-raising initiative, the money raised will be used to directly support our schools & our parish. You can help in a real, practical way by joining & your support is greatly appreciated.

Carmel Dillon, Principal, St. Mary’s JNS

Gerry Brown, Principal, St. Mary’s SNS

Fr. Richard P.P. Blessington Parish

Full details of how to join, next week