Christmas Eve

May the Holy Family bring  Peace, Joy & Happiness to you & your family this Christmas.

We invite you to join with us in celebrating the birth of Jesus.

Archdeacon Kevin Lyon, Fr. Paraic McDermott, Fr. Micheál Comer, Fr. Noel Campbell, Rev. Deacon Gerry Malone Áine Egan, Pastoral worker, Fr. Richard Behan P.P. Reverend Canon Leonard Ruddock

Confessions: 12 noon to 1pm in Church of our Lady, Blessington and from 5pm to 6pm in St Brigid’s Church, Manor Kilbride

Christmas Eve Mass Times

►Blessington 5.00pm

►Blessington 7.30pm

►Lacken 7.30pm

►Manor Kilbride 8.00pm

►Eadestown 9.00pm

►Crosschapel 9.00pm

►Valleymount 9.30pm

►Blessington 10.00pm

Monday 23rd December 2019

Holy Hour in Crosschapel every Monday after 10am Mass (ex-Bank Holidays)

Sunday 22nd December 2019

Mass times as normal this weekend in all our Churches.

Saturday 21st December 2019

Mass times as normal this weekend in all our Churches.

Friday 20th December 2019

St. Vincent De Paul would like to offer our sincere gratitude for all the donations we received in our annual appeal. If anyone still wishes to donate, can you please drop it into the Parish Office marked for SVP. All donations dropped in here remain in Blessington & the surrounding areas & 100% of donations are distributed to those in need. Any donations left in the SVP Shop are sent to Dublin.

Thursday 19th December 2019

St. Vincent De Paul would like to offer our sincere gratitude for all the donations we received last weekend. If anyone still wishes to donate, can you please drop it into the Parish Office marked for SVP. All donations dropped in here remain in Blessington & the surrounding areas & 100% of donations are distributed to those in need. Any donations left in the SVP Shop are sent to Dublin.

Wednesday 18th December 2019

The Citizens Information Centre is open in Blessington Library today 10am to 12.30pm.

The Holy Face of Jesus Prayer Group in Church of Our Lady, Blessington “Crying Room” from 11am to 11.45am. All welcome.

Tuesday 17th December 2019

Citizens Information Centre in Blessington Library from 1pm to 4pm. Legal advice service on 1st & 3rd Tues of month by appointment

Eucharistic Adoration from 7.30pm to 8.30pm in Blessington Church.

Monday 16th December 2019

►Blessington Parish CHRISTMAS CRIB EXHIBITION in the Coimín Centre Blessington on

December 14th 1pm to 8pm

December 15th 11am to 8pm

December 16th 10am to 4pm

Over 100 exhibits of “Cribs from around the World”

St. Mary’s Junior School Christmas Mass at 9:30am in Church of Our Lady. All welcome.

Holy Hour in Crosschapel every Monday after 10am Mass (ex-Bank Holidays)

Blessington Children’s Choir practice 2:45pm to 3.30pm in the Church.

Neighbourhood Collection Envelopes for December now due Envelopes may be left into the Parish Office or in collection bags at Mass

Sunday 15th December 2019

►Blessing ton Parish CHRISTMAS CRIB EXHIBITION in the Coimín Centre Blessington on

December 14th 1pm to 8pm

December 15th 11am to 8pm

December 16th 10am to 4pm

Over 100 exhibits of “Cribs from around the World”

First Communion & Confirmation preparation Mass at 11.15am in Valleymount

Blessington Ecumenical Carol Service at 5pm in Church of Our Lady, Blessington with guest soloists Veronica Bennett and Lisa Mullaly also Blessington Children’s Church Choir & plenty  of opportunity for congregational singing.

Valleymount & Lacken Parish Concert St Joseph’s National School Present ‘The Nativity’ according to The Gospel of St Luke. Concert featuring St John’s Gospel Choir, Ballinteer & Blessington Folk Group in St Joseph’s Church Valleymount on Sunday 15th December at 7pm. Tickets €10 each or 2 for €15, available from St Joseph’s School or Valleymount Church (after Sunday Mass) and from Blessington Parish Office