Sunday 11th June 2023

Sunday 11th June: Mass Times: Blessington: 10am, Manor Kilbride: 11am, Valleymount: 10.00am, Crosschapel: 11.30am

Sunday 11th June Corpus Christi Procession St Joseph’s Church Valleymount at 3pm. Adoration from 12 noon to 3pm Refreshments afterwards. Why not bring a PICNIC! All welcome. We would love to see the boys & girls who received 1st Communion this year take part in the Corpus Christi Procession dressed in their Communion clothes!

Tuesday 13th June: Rosary & Holy Hour 7pm to 8pm in Church of Our Lady Blessington

Congratulations to the girls & boys in Lacken NS who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday 8th June in Lacken Church

Sunday 18th June – 91st Birthday Remembrance Mass for Fr Kevin Lyon will take place in Crosschapel Church at 11.30am

Saturday 10th June 2023

Saturday 10th June: Blessington: 6pm Mass, Confessions: after 6pm Mass, Lacken: 7.30pm Mass

Sunday 11th June: Mass Times: Blessington: 10am, Manor Kilbride: 11am, Valleymount: 10.00am, Crosschapel: 11.30am

Sunday 11th June Corpus Christi Procession St Joseph’s Church Valleymount at 3pm. Adoration from 12 noon to 3pm Refreshments afterwards. Why not bring a PICNIC! All welcome. We would love to see the boys & girls who received 1st Communion this year take part in the Corpus Christi Procession dressed in their Communion clothes!

Tuesday 13th June: Rosary & Holy Hour 7pm to 8pm in Church of Our Lady Blessington

Congratulations to the girls & boys in Lacken NS who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday 8th June in Lacken Church

Sunday 18th June – 91st Birthday Remembrance Mass for Fr Kevin Lyon will take place in Crosschapel Church at 11.30am

Friday 9th June 2023

Blessington Parish Office is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 1pm. Call 045 865 327 – email:

Daily Mass Times: Manor Kilbride – 9am, Blessington – 9.30m

Sunday 11th June Corpus Christi Procession St Joseph’s Church Valleymount at 3pm. Adoration from 12 noon to 3pm Refreshments afterwards. Why not bring a PICNIC! All welcome. We would love to see the boys & girls who received 1st Communion this year take part in the Corpus Christi Procession dressed in their Communion clothes!

Thursday 8th June 2023

Blessington Parish Office is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 1pm. Call 045 865 327 – email:

Daily Mass Times: Manor Kilbride – 9am, Blessington – 9.30m

Sunday 11th June Corpus Christi Procession St Joseph’s Church Valleymount at 3pm. Adoration from 12 noon to 3pm Refreshments afterwards. Why not bring a PICNIC! All welcome. We would love to see the boys & girls who received 1st Communion this year take part in the Corpus Christi Procession dressed in their Communion clothes!

Wednesday 7th June 2023

Blessington Parish Office is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 1pm. Call 045 865 327 – email:

Daily Mass Times: Manor Kilbride – 9am, Blessington – 9.30m

Sunday 11th June Corpus Christi Procession St Joseph’s Church Valleymount at 3pm. Adoration from 12 noon to 3pm Refreshments afterwards. Why not bring a PICNIC! All welcome. We would love to see the boys & girls who received 1st Communion this year take part in the Corpus Christi Procession dressed in their Communion clothes!

Tuesday 6th June 2023

Blessington Parish Office is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 1pm. Call 045 865 327 – email:

Daily Mass Times: Manor Kilbride – 9am, Blessington – 9.30m

Tuesday 6th June: Rosary & Holy Hour 7pm to 8pm in Church of Our Lady Blessington

Sunday 11th June Corpus Christi Procession St Joseph’s Church Valleymount at 3pm. Adoration from 12 noon to 3pm Refreshments afterwards. Why not bring a PICNIC! All welcome. We would love to see the boys & girls who received 1st Communion this year take part in the Corpus Christi Procession dressed in their Communion clothes!

Monday 5th June 2023

Monday 5th June: Bank Holiday Monday, Mass at 10am in Blessington

Tuesday 6th June: Rosary & Holy Hour 7pm to 8pm in Church of Our Lady Blessington

Sunday 11th June Corpus Christi Procession St Joseph’s Church Valleymount at 3pm. Adoration from 12 noon to 3pm Refreshments afterwards. Why not bring a PICNIC! All welcome. We would love to see the boys & girls who received 1st Communion this year take part in the Corpus Christi Procession dressed in their Communion clothes!

Friday 2nd June 2023

Blessington Parish Office is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 1pm. Call 045 865 327 – email:

Daily Mass Times: Manor Kilbride – 9am, Blessington – 9.30m

Friday 2nd June: 1st Friday of the month, Mass offered for all on the November List of the Dead

First Friday Calls…. If the sick or housebound wish to receive Holy Communion in their home, please call the Parish Office to arrange – 045 865 327.

Thursday 1st June 2023

Blessington Parish Office is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 1pm. Call 045 865 327 – email:

Daily Mass Times: Manor Kilbride – 9am, Blessington – 9.30m

Friday 2nd June: 1st Friday of the month, Mass offered for all on the November List of the Dead

First Friday Calls…. If the sick or housebound wish to receive Holy Communion in their home, please call the Parish Office to arrange – 045 865 327.

Issue 1455 June 4th 2023

Mass intentions in Blessington

Brendan Connolly (RD) Co. Mayo, Mick Ball (RD) Co. Kildare

Saturday: Mick Curran (A), John Lipsett (2nd A), John & Ann Craul (A), Liam Craul (A), James Cullen (A), Colette Kelly (A)

Sunday: Charlie Keogh (A), Jim Toomey (A), Mary Kavanagh (A), Kitty Balfe (A)

We also Remember

Monday: Mass offered for the sick.

Tuesday: Birthday Mass, Birthday Mass

Wednesday: Kitty Balfe (A), Tom O’Neill (RD)

Thursday: Sarah Kirwan (A), Mary Drewett (RD)

Friday: Jimmy Donaghy (RD), Gerry O’Sullivan (RD

Saturday 3rd June: Blessington: 6pm Mass, Confessions: after 6pm Mass. Lacken: 7.30pm Mass

Sunday 4th June: Mass Times: Blessington: 10am, Manor Kilbride: 11am, Valleymount: 10.00am, Crosschapel: 11.30am

Tuesday 6th June: Rosary & Holy Hour 7pm to 8pm in Church of Our Lady Blessington

Sunday 11th June: Corpus Christi Procession – St Joseph’s Church Valleymount at 3pm. Adoration from 12 noon to 3pm. Refreshments afterwards. Why not bring a PICNIC! All welcome

First Friday Calls…. If the sick or housebound wish to receive Holy Communion in their home, please call the Parish Office to arrange – 045 865 327.

John Lipsett. On this, the 2nd Anniversary of Dads sudden passing. We would like to thank everyone for the condolences and support that we have received. Especially for our great neighbours and friends who took the time to stand at the top of the road as we were making that difficult journey to the graveyard. A mass has been offered for your intentions. The Lipsett Family

MATT TALBOT WALK Walk in the footsteps of Matt Talbot. Sunday 4th June at 1pm. Visiting key places associated with his life. Walk begins from the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, Sean McDermott Street. Wear suitable footwear. Mass of Healing at 3pm.

St Mary’s Schools & Blessington Parish Lotto. 25th May: 3, 4, 25, 28. €25 Winner: Helen Teague. Next Jackpot €2,975

The month of June is devoted to The Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is an opportunity to dust down the statue or picture of the Sacred Heart and place a flower before it. The Sacred Heart Novena begins this year on Thursday 8th June and ends on Friday 16th June

The Pope’s intentions for June…. For the abolition of torture.  We pray that the international community may commit in a concrete way to ensuring the abolition of torture & guarantee support to victims & their families.

Valleymount Theatre Group are hosting a fundraising Pub Quiz, on Friday 2nd June, Leo’s Star Inn Valleymount from 8pm. €10 for a table of 6 “What’s the world’s biggest spider?  and all that!! Come along and test your general knowledge with a smidgen of sport thrown in!

Valleymount & Lacken Private Members Draw – May Winners: Eimear Miley, Sadie & Seamus Miley, Christy Miley, Claire & Kevin Reid, Sheila & Anthony Geoghegan.

Happy Faces will temporarily relocate to St Mary’s JS for September & there is limited sessional places available, please contact Catriona 085 128 1605 or email

Ігрова група Valleymount Parent & Baby/toddler працює щочетверга протягом шкільного семестру з 09.30 до 12.00 у Valleymount Hall.  Щиро вітаються нові батьки.  Заходьте випити чашечку чаю та побалакати Valleymount Parent & Baby/Toddler Playgroup meets every Thursday during school term from 9.30am to 12 in Valleymount Hall. New parents most welcome. Pop in for a cuppa & a chat.

Cruinniu na n Og is taking place in Blessington Library on Saturday 10th June. 10 am – Musical Toddler Time with Rachel Drew of Let’s Sing (Booking Required) 12 pm – Live Performances by Rhyme Island (All welcome) 2.30pm – Hedwig the Owl Sewing Workshop. For Children aged 6 – 10. (Booking required) Email  or call 045 891 740 for more information.

Cemetery Masses: Eadestown on Sunday 18th June at 12 noon. Manor Kilbride on Sunday 2nd July at 2pm. Templeboden on Sunday 2nd July at 3pm

***URGENT*** Host families required for Spanish boys & girls aged between 12 and 15 years from 2nd to 30th July. If you are interested, Call/text Triona Mills:  089 478 9839 or Paloma via WhatsApp 0034 628 114 938 before 3rd June.

Always wanted to sing? Blessington Millennium Choir are looking to recruit new members who love to sing. All Welcome. No Auditions. With mixed ability & experience, we aim to positively impact our community and as such regularly raise funds for organisations & participate in events. So, if you sing in the shower, you are the King or Queen of Karaoke or a keen amateur, Come & Join Us We meet every Tuesday evening 7.30pm to 9.30pm at the Kare Centre, Blessington. For more details please phone (087) 4352385 or (087) 2431499

Yoga continues in the Coimin Centre on Mondays, 10.45am – 11.45am. Contact Patricia 086 071 7384

Anam Cara South Dublin the organisation that supports bereaved parents,is holding its monthly Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Monday 12th June at 7:15pm in the Maldron Hotel, Tallaght. This event is free & open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not.

Tuesday Rural Bus Service to Naas & Newbridge. Your support is needed to keep this service open. This is ideal as a “shopping bus”. Adult return journey €3.50 & €1 for students. (a free service for many qualifying adults) Departs Blessington Bus Shelter at 10am via Naas to Newbridge (Whitewater Shopping Centre) Departs Whitewater at 1.45pm. Further info: Jane Auld 087 266 0616 or Pat Conlan 086 075 2072

Current Blessington Community Employment Vacancies – These are developmental opportunities, no experience necessary. Building Caretaker: Hollywood Community Centre. Job Reference: 2278006.  Duties will include, but not limited to: Light maintenance. Admin duties. Cleaning. Painting. Assisting with general operations of the centre & this could include key holding, setting up rooms for meetings etc. Adhere to health & safety. Flexible hours required due to the nature of the role to include after hours. Report to reception & or assigned committee member. Closing Date: 29/05/2023

Caretaker St. Kevin’s Centre. Job Reference:2278008.  Duties to include, but not limited to: Light maintenance, general caretaking duties, painting, cleaning. Closing Date: 29/05/2023

Caretaker: Valleymount Hall.  Job Reference: CE 2281488. Duties will include, but not limited to: General light maintenance. Some cleaning duties. Painting. Assisting in general operations of the centre to include key holding, setting up rooms for meetings etc. Adhereto health and safety. Hall duties. Closing Date: 13/06/2023

Please contact us on 085-2523563 or Please note *You must be in receipt of a social welfare payment for the last 12 months to qualify for these positions. * CE Rates Apply.

St Vincent de Paul Blessington, local number 087 181 1579


Household Cleaner Wanted for 4 hours each Friday, 3km from Blessington, 3km from Ballymore. Own transport required,  €15 per hour.  Please ring 087 627 8650.

FOR SALE – Rodger Black Treadmill, Bicycle and Large Dog Crate – 087 615 0363

GARDENING – For Hedge clipping, Beds overhauled, Strimming, etc Phone Mark: 085 133 7714. Greenleaf Garden Care

Rejuvenating facials & holistic massage in the Blessington area. Limited time offers from €20. Contact 087 292 9950

Employment Opportunities in the Offices of the Archdiocese of Dublin: Administrator – Mission & Ministry. Administrator – HR & IT.  Administrator – Property Full role descriptions can be found at Please contact Íde Finnegan on  for further details. Closing date: Friday 2nd June.

Guided Meditation Workshops. Heal your nervous system whilst accessing higher awareness. Limited spaces: 087 685 7857

Musician Available Private Parties Ballads, Blues, Country, Jazz, Rock. All event types

Very Nice Self-Contained Private Office to Let at Aran Centre, Blessington (opposite Aldi)  €125 per week plus VAT.  Contact Sean on 087 817 5227.

Computer & Network Service. Office 365 Migrations, Security, Remote Office, 085 751 2997

Paragon Bathrooms Ensuite special includes. Wall & floor tiles – 18yds wall  & 3yds floor. Shower tray & door 80×80. Toilet & floor standing vanity unit. Sink & tap, LED Mirror €2,850

Castle Canine Cuts 1 to 1 Dog Grooming Service. Available to groom your small to large breeds. Taking bookings Tuesdays – Saturdays. Call/Text Gillian: 087 764 1911 or find us on Facebook.

League Barbers in Blessington (which is located in the same building as Dunnes Stores & the Moody Rooster Café) are happy to announce that all our haircuts now cost €15 or less! For seniors & U14’s kids it’s even cheaper, all haircuts are max €10! No, this is not just a temporary offer, this price change is valid seven days a week! Pop in & see for yourself!

URGENT Teachers required to teach English to Spanish students in Blessington. Dates :3rd to 28th July. Times: 9.30am to 1pm. For more information contact or 0034 628 11 49 38

Septic Tanks Emptied & Digger Hire. Call Dermot or Adam Phibbs 087 799 5320 – 083 037 4750  License no: NWCPO-21-12619-01

SeeThru Solution – Your Local Trustworthy Cleaning Service for Windows, Gutters, Fascia, Pressure Washing, Softwash, Carpet & Upholstery. Call Greg: 085 858 1850

Painter & Decorator – Interior & Exterior Phone: Damien 085 826 0431

Paying too much for SKY or Virgin Media? We Install or Repair Free to Air and Saorview! No more Bills! Call Billy 086 868 0053

Local Builder Available – All services under one roof, Windows & Doors, Plumbing, Tiling, Roofing, Plastering, Electrical, Carpentry, Insulation. All levels of construction services available. Fully registered. Call Paul 086 309 1829

Interior Designs by Elizabeth Creative, Unique, Personal. Please phone: 086 088 1806. Email:

Eagle Cleaning Solutions – Chimney Cleaning, Exterior Power Washing, Window Cleaning, Gutter Cleaning and Repairs. Call for appointment: 087 247 4388. Email: Find us on Facebook

German Autoworks – Service Specialist VW/Audi, Mercedes, Skoda, Seat, Opel. Call 087 286 3997

Noel Nolan – Blessington Heating & Plumbing Service Call Noel: 087 243 1499 or email

Clarkes Funeral Directors I.A.F.D. Funeral Home & Office, Burgage, Blessington. All areas serviced. Phone: Tony or Regina: 087 273 9048 / 087 659 6426

HEADSTONES – McEvoy Monumental Works, Blessington. Headstones, Inscriptions, Renovations. Serving the people of Blessington for over 40 years. Call to our workshop at Millbank Blessington or phone: Mick 045 865 487 or 086 843 8832 or Gary 087 933 3487

Newsletter Advertising Rates, For just 50c per word per week you can reach a large, local audience. Cut-off for receiving adverts is Wed 10am. You can email the copy to and pay in the Parish Office, or via the Donate button on our website or by bank transfer. Call the Parish Office: 045 865 327


Church of Our Lady, Blessington – Mass Times: Saturday 6.00pm.  Sunday 10.00am

Weekdays: Monday to Friday 9.30am – Fr. Richard Behan PP. Tel: 045 865327

Church of Our Lady of Mercy, Crosschapel – Mass Times: Sundays 11.30am

St. Brigid’s Church, Manor Kilbride – Mass Times: Sundays 11.00am

Weekdays: Monday to Friday 9am – Fr. Paraic McDermott C.S. Sp., Tel: 01 4582154

St. Joseph’s Church, Valleymount – Mass Times: Sunday 10am

Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Lacken – Mass Time: Saturdays 7.30pm

Parish Office: 9am to 1pm Monday to Friday Tel: 045 865 327