Monday 4th November 2019

Holy Hour in Crosschapel every Monday after 10am Mass (ex-Bank Holidays)

Eucharistic Adoration every Monday after 9.30am Mass until 12 Noon in the Crying Room, Church of Our Lady, Blessington.

Blessington Children’s Choir practice 2:45pm to 3.30pm in the Church.

Benediction with Guided Prayer & Music in Lacken Church at 8pm

Sunday 3rd November 2019

►Church Collection this weekend for CASA (Caring & Sharing Association) CASA is a volunteer led organisation founded in 1981 to support people with disabilities through a variety of social events.

Candle Ceremony for deceased family members at 11.15am Mass in Valleymount

Shauna Callinan & Lara Gilmore (TY students) invite you to a coffee morning in St. Kevin’s Hall from 10am to 2pm. All money raised goes to ‘Fields of Life’ in Uganda going directly to building Girls Sanitary Facilities & a Well in a rural community, giving them access to clean water for the first time. Shauna & Lara will be travelling to Uganda in March 2020. Your support will be greatly appreciated.

Saturday 2nd November 2019

►Church Collection this weekend for CASA (Caring & Sharing Association) CASA is a volunteer led organisation founded in 1981 to support people with disabilities through a variety of social events.

Candle Ceremony for deceased family members at 7.30pm Mass in Lacken

Friday 1st November 2019

1st Friday of the Month. The Masses will be offered for all those whose names are on the Altar List of the Dead. The priests will visit the sick & housebound. If you would like a visit please contact the Parish Office, 045 865 327

Masses for Holy Day – Feast of All Souls

Blessington at 10am

Manor Kilbride at 11am.

Valleymount at 11.15am

Crosschapel at 11.30am

Coffee Morning in Lacken Community Centre from 10.30am to 12.30pm

Bethany Bereavement Support Group are available in the Coimín Centre Blessington for caring confidential support from 10am to 11am

November Mass of Remembrance at 8pm for all our parishioners who died during the past year. If you have a relative or friend who has died outside our parish & would like their name called out on the night, call the parish office with details

►Blessington Parish Office will be closed for the Holy Day

Thursday 31st October 2019

Visitation of the Sick: If there are any parishioners ill, at home or in hospital who would like a visit from a priest, please contact the Parish Office to let us know and to make arrangements 045 865 327

November Altar List of the Dead – Envelopes available in the church Porch. Masses offered on the 1st Friday of every month throughout the year.

Wednesday 30th October 2019

The Citizens Information Centre is open in Blessington Library today 10am to 12.30pm.

The Rosary will be offered at 7.30pm for the intentions of our families in Blessington Church

Christian Meditation Group meet in the Mass Centre in Brittas from 11am. All welcome

Blessington Parish Folk Group rehearsal every Wednesday at 8pm in the Church.

Tuesday 29th October 2019

Citizens Information Centre in Blessington Library from 1pm to 4pm. Legal advice service on 1st & 3rd Tues of month by appointment

Blessington & District Active Retired meet at 2.30pm in the Coimin Centre Blessington, new members welcome.

Eucharistic Adoration from 7.30pm to 8.30pm in Blessington Church.

Monday 28th October 2019

Bank Holiday Mass at 11am in Church of Our Lady, Blessington

Sunday 27th October 2019

November Altar List of the Dead – Envelopes available in the church Porch from this weekend. Masses offered on the 1st Friday of every month throughout the year.

Saturday 26th October 2019

Mass of Harvest Thanksgiving & Blessing on Saturday October 26th at 7.30pm in Lacken.

Donations of home-baking, fruit, veg & jam, welcome. All donated produce will be sold after Mass with proceeds going towards the maintenance & improvements of the church grounds. There will be a special blessing for our farming community & for all who work in the parish.

Deacon Gerry will be calling to homes in the Lacken area to ‘Bless the Stock’ during the week of 21st to 26th October.