►1st Friday of the Month. The Masses will be offered for all those whose names are on the Altar List of the Dead. The priests will visit the sick & housebound. If you would like a visit please contact the Parish Office, 045 865 327
Masses for Holy Day – Feast of All Souls
►Blessington at 10am
►Manor Kilbride at 11am.
►Valleymount at 11.15am
►Crosschapel at 11.30am
►Coffee Morning in Lacken Community Centre from 10.30am to 12.30pm
►Bethany Bereavement Support Group are available in the Coimín Centre Blessington for caring confidential support from 10am to 11am
►November Mass of Remembrance at 8pm for all our parishioners who died during the past year. If you have a relative or friend who has died outside our parish & would like their name called out on the night, call the parish office with details
►Blessington Parish Office will be closed for the Holy Day