Tuesday 15th October 2019

Blessington U3A welcome Denis Keogh to present a talk based on the workings of the universe: “It’s Your Wonderful Universe” at 10:30am in The Education Centre, Blessington

All welcome, €5pp or €20 for full membership

Citizens Information Centre in Blessington Library from 1pm to 4pm. Legal advice service on 1st & 3rd Tues of month by appointment

Blessington & District Active Retired meet at 2.30pm in the Coimin Centre Blessington, new members welcome.

Eucharistic Adoration from 7.30pm to 8.30pm in Blessington Church.

Blessington Community College Open Night for all incoming first years in 2020 from 6pm to 8pm. All Welcome

Monday 14th October 2019

Holy Hour in Crosschapel every Monday after 10am Mass (ex-Bank Holidays)

Eucharistic Adoration every Monday after 9.30am Mass until 12 Noon in the Crying Room, Church of Our Lady, Blessington.

Blessington Children’s Choir practice 2:45pm to 3.30pm in the Church.

Sunday 13th October 2019

Car Boot Sale (Des Redmond Charities) in St. Kevin’s Hall from 7am to 4pm. €10 per table, Tea & Coffee, Free Car Park

Saturday 12th October 2019

Sacrament of the Sick & Healing Mass on Saturday 12th October at 12 noon in Church of Our Lady, Blessington. There will be tea & coffee served in the Coimin Centre after Mass.

Photo Exhibition of the work of Colman Doyle in Valleymount Hall Fri 11th Oct at 8pm & Sat 12th/Sun 13th Oct from 12noon to 5pm. Colman Doyle was an Irish Press photographer from 1951 & won several awards for his work.

Friday 11th October 2019

Photo Exhibition of the work of Colman Doyle in Valleymount Hall Fri 11th Oct at 8pm & Sat 12th/Sun 13th Oct from 12noon to 5pm. Colman Doyle was an Irish Press photographer from 1951 & won several awards for his work.

Thursday 10th October 2019

1st Communion Preparation Mass for Lacken School at 11.30am Lacken Church

Coimin Management Meeting 7pm

Blessington PPC Meeting 8pm

Wednesday 9th October 2019

The Citizens Information Centre is open in Blessington Library today 10am to 12.30pm.

The Rosary will be offered at 7.30pm for the intentions of our families in Blessington Church

Christian Meditation Group meet in the Mass Centre in Brittas from 11am. All welcome

Blessington Parish Folk Group rehearsal every Wednesday night at 8pm in the Church. Come along and join us.

Bethany Bereavement Support group available for caring confidential support from 8pm to 9pm no appointment necessary.

Tuesday 8th October 2019

Citizens Information Centre in Blessington Library from 1pm to 4pm. Legal advice service on 1st & 3rd Tues of month by appointment

Blessington & District Active Retired meet at 2.30pm in the Coimin Centre Blessington, new members welcome.

Eucharistic Adoration from 7.30pm to 8.30pm in Blessington Church.

Monday 7th October 2019

Holy Hour in Crosschapel every Monday after 10am Mass (ex-Bank Holidays)

Eucharistic Adoration every Monday after 9.30am Mass until 12 Noon in the Crying Room, Church of Our Lady, Blessington.

Blessington Children’s Choir practice 2:45pm to 3.30pm in the Church. New members welcome. We really need a MUSICIAN TO PLAY for the choir: please call Áine 045 865 327 in the Parish Office

Guided Prayer, Benediction & Music at 8pm in Lacken Church. All are welcome.

Meeting for Parents of Confirmation children in Valleymount & Lacken schools will take place at 8pm in Valleymount Church

Blessington & District Forum meet at 8pm in St Mary’s Junior School. All Welcome

Neighbourhood Collection Envelopes for June are due, we would appreciate it collectors could drop the envelopes into the Parish Office

Sunday 6th October 2019

1st Commumion Enrolment Mass at 10am in Church of Our Lady Blessington