Sunday 25th August 2019

Cemetery Mass Baltyboys at 12 noon. PLEASE NOTE: there will be no 11.15am Mass in Valleymount

Parking for the Cemetery Mass will be available in Miley’s field across from Baltyboys Cemetery. Please do not park on either side of the road. There will be a one-way traffic system for the duration of the Mass.

Saturday 24th August 2019

A volunteer clean-up day in Rathmore Graveyard from 11am onwards. bring a strimmer rake or fork, we are hoping for a big turn out on the day.

Friday 23rd August 2019

Thursday 22nd August 2019

Wednesday 21st August 2019

Citizens Information Centre will be closed for the month of August. Reopening on Tuesday, 3rd September. Queries can be made to 0761 07 4000 Mon-Fri 9am-8pm.

The Rosary will be offered at 7.30pm for the intentions of our families in Blessington Church

The Irish Blood Transfusion Service Board’s Mobile Unit will be at the Community College Blessington from 5pm to 8.30pm. 3000 units are needed overall each week & donors are especially needed at this time of the year.

Tuesday 20th August 2019

Citizens Information Centre will be closed for the month of August. Reopening on Tuesday, 3rd September. Queries can be made to 0761 07 4000 Mon-Fri 9am-8pm.

Eucharistic Adoration from 7.30pm to 8.30pm in Blessington Church.

Monday 19th August 2019

Sunday 18th August 2019

Valleymount Country from 10am to 3pm in Valleymount Hall

Monthly Envelopes for August are due. We would appreciate it if they are left in the Church at Mass or dropped into the Parish Office any morning. Many thanks contributors & collectors for your continued support.

Saturday 17th August 2019

Friday 16th August 2019

The Irish Blood Transfusion Service Board’s Mobile Unit will be at the Community College Blessington on WEDNESDAY 21st AUGUST from 5pm to 8.30pm. 3000 units are needed overall each week & donors are especially needed at this time of the year.