Monday 5th August 2019
►Bank Holiday Mass at 11am in Blessington
►Guided Prayer, Benediction & Music at 8pm in Lacken Church. All are welcome.
►Bank Holiday Mass at 11am in Blessington
►Guided Prayer, Benediction & Music at 8pm in Lacken Church. All are welcome.
“TOUCH” Supporting Vulnerable children in “Our World” are holding a Church Gate Collection next weekend 10th and 11th August at all Masses. All the money raised will go towards the building of a new hospital for children with mental health problems in Kathmandu, Nepal. Please Support.
Is there a better sound in the world?
Tell a joke or a funny story … whatever it takes…
You’ve brightened someone’s day for just a minute, and in doing so have brightened your own!!
►Bethany Bereavement Support Group are available in the Coimín Centre Blessington for caring confidential support from 10am to 11am
►1st Friday of the Month. The Masses will be offered for all those whose names are on the Altar List of the Dead. The priests will visit the sick & housebound. If you would like a visit please contact the Parish Office, 045 865 327
►1st Friday Mass in Manor Kilbride at 9am.
►1st Friday Mass in Valleymount at 11.15am
►Coffee Morning in Lacken Community Centre from 10.30am to 12.30pm
►Padre Pio Mass at 8pm in Blessington.
The Rosary will be offered at 7.30pm for the intentions of our families in Blessington Church
►Eucharistic Adoration from 7.30pm to 8.30pm in Blessington Church.
Today is a gift, be grateful for it
►Valleymount Country Market. Sun 28th July from 10am to 3pm.
Blessington Parish Finance Committee would like to thank all who are supporting the Parish Neighbourhood Collection & the Parish Development Fund Boxes (PDF boxes) in Church of Our Lady.
The money raised through the Neighbourhood Collection & the PDF boxes stays in the parish so, by your contributions you are supporting your local parish & we are most grateful.
If you have ANNUAL Envelopes & MONTHLY Envelopes that have not been collected, please drop them into the Parish Office or into one of the collection bags at Mass on Sunday.