Sunday 12th May

Congratulations to the Boys & Girls who will receive 1st Holy Communion at 11.15am Mass in Valleymount Church today.

►A message from Archbishop Diarmuid Martin

This weekend of 11th & 12th May, we celebrate Good Shepherd Sunday an occasion to reflect on the importance of the ministerial priesthood & on prayer for vocations to the priesthood.  This is an urgent call for the future of our diocese. There will no longer be special collection today as with smaller numbers of seminarians, there are now sufficient funds for the near future. In his message for the World day of Prayer for Vocations Pope Francis says that there can be no greater joy than to risk one’s life for the Lord! He encourages us, especially the young, not to be deaf to the Lord’s call.   ‘If he calls you to follow his path, do not pull your oars into the boat, but trust him.  Do not yield to fear, which paralyses us before the great heights to which the Lord points us.

Next weekend, 18th & 19th May, we will for the first time hold a new collection which will be called the Ministry Sunday Collection. This new annual collection will replace the Share Collection & will be devoted to support the building up of new forms of lay ministry in our parishes.  The work of spreading the Gospel of Jesus in our changing religious culture will require more lay men and women working in various ways alongside our priests at the heart of parish communities. This collection is about ensuring that we will have the people we need – men & women who will be to the fore in making our parishes vibrant faith communities into the future. While many of those involved will be volunteers, we will have to equip & train leaders & provide facilities for formation. We want to work towards a situation where all parishes in this Archdiocese benefit from their gifts & expertise. The new collection is one-step in that process.

Saturday 11th May

Congratulations to the Boys & Girls who will receive 1st Holy Communion at 11am Mass in Lacken Church today.

►A message from Archbishop Diarmuid Martin

This weekend of 11th & 12th May, we celebrate Good Shepherd Sunday an occasion to reflect on the importance of the ministerial priesthood & on prayer for vocations to the priesthood.  This is an urgent call for the future of our diocese. There will no longer be special collection today as with smaller numbers of seminarians, there are now sufficient funds for the near future. In his message for the World day of Prayer for Vocations Pope Francis says that there can be no greater joy than to risk one’s life for the Lord! He encourages us, especially the young, not to be deaf to the Lord’s call.   ‘If he calls you to follow his path, do not pull your oars into the boat, but trust him.  Do not yield to fear, which paralyses us before the great heights to which the Lord points us.

Next weekend, 18th & 19th May, we will for the first time hold a new collection which will be called the Ministry Sunday Collection. This new annual collection will replace the Share Collection & will be devoted to support the building up of new forms of lay ministry in our parishes.  The work of spreading the Gospel of Jesus in our changing religious culture will require more lay men and women working in various ways alongside our priests at the heart of parish communities. This collection is about ensuring that we will have the people we need – men & women who will be to the fore in making our parishes vibrant faith communities into the future. While many of those involved will be volunteers, we will have to equip & train leaders & provide facilities for formation. We want to work towards a situation where all parishes in this Archdiocese benefit from their gifts & expertise. The new collection is one-step in that process.


Friday 10th May

Congratulations to the Boys & Girls

who will receive 1st Holy Communion this weekend 11th & 12th May

Lacken Church at 11am on Saturday Valleymount Church at 11.15am on Sunday

Thursday 9th May

The Parish Book Club will meet at 10am in the Crying Room, Church of Our Lady. The book for discussion is “An Astonishing Secret” by Daniel O’Leary. Published 2017 by Columba Press. New Members welcome.

Wednesday 8th May

The Citizens Information Centre is open in Blessington Library today 10am to 12.30pm.

The Rosary will be offered at 7.30pm for the intentions of our families in Blessington Church

Bethany Bereavement Support group available for caring confidential support from 8pm to 9pm no appointment necessary.

Tuesday 7th May

Citizens Information Centre in Blessington Library from 1pm to 4pm. Legal advice service on 1st & 3rd Tues of month by appointment

Eucharistic Adoration from 7.30pm to 8.30pm in Blessington Church.

Bank Holiday

Bank Holiday Mass at 11am in Blessington


Guided prayer, music and Benediction in Lacken Church from 8-9pm followed by refreshments afterwards. All are welcome

Sunday 5th May

Want a fun, free family day out? Now in its 3rd year we are delighted to announce: Teddy Bears Picnic in collaboration with Russborough House & Gardens. Come along for a fabulous, fun packed day for all ages from 11.30 starting with a woodland walk. Bring your favourite teddy & picnic basket!

The Big Hello Community Weekend

Saturday 4th May “A Wicklow Miscellany” of music, songs, poetry & prose.

Hosted by Blessington Comhaltas from 7pm to 8.30pm in the Coimin Centre,

Sunday 5th May Blessington & District Day Care Centre Open Day in the Coimin Centre, from 10am to 1pm. All welcome to come & enjoy a cup of tea or coffee & view our Day Care Facilities.

Sunday 5th May Intercultural Community Celebration with Tea, Chat & Sing Song in Manor Kilbride Community Hall from 12 to 4pm all welcome.

Hosted by Kilbride & Lakeside Music Committee & Glen Heste Pure Mile Group.

Sunday 5th May Lacken Community Centre Street Fest from 2pm to 4pm.We would love you, your family & friends to be part of it. A fun afternoon.

These events are funded by Wicklow Local Community Development Committee

First Friday

Bethany Bereavement Support Group are available in the Coimín Centre Blessington for caring confidential support from 10am to 11am

1st Friday of the Month. The Masses will be offered for all those whose names are on the Altar List of the Dead. The priests will visit the sick & housebound. If you would like visit please contact the Parish Office, 045 865 327

1st Friday Mass in Manor Kilbride at 9am.

Padre Pio Mass at 8pm in Church of Our Lady Blessington.

1st Friday Mass in Valleymount at 11.15am

Coffee Morning in Lacken Community Centre from 10.30am to 12.30pm

Sunday 5th May

Want a fun, free family day out? Now in its 3rd year we are delighted to announce: Teddy Bears Picnic in collaboration with Russborough House & Gardens. Come along for a fabulous, fun packed day for all ages from 11.30 starting with a woodland walk. Bring your favourite teddy & picnic basket!

The Big Hello Community Weekend

Saturday 4th May “A Wicklow Miscellany” of music, songs, poetry & prose.

Hosted by Blessington Comhaltas from 7pm to 8.30pm in the Coimin Centre,

Sunday 5th May Blessington & District Day Care Centre Open Day in the Coimin Centre, from 10am to 1pm. All welcome to come & enjoy a cup of tea or coffee & view our Day Care Facilities.

Sunday 5th May Intercultural Community Celebration with Tea, Chat & Sing Song in Manor Kilbride Community Hall from 12 to 4pm all welcome.

Hosted by Kilbride & Lakeside Music Committee & Glen Heste Pure Mile Group.

Sunday 5th May Lacken Community Centre Street Fest from 2pm to 4pm.We would love you, your family & friends to be part of it. A fun afternoon.

These events are funded by Wicklow Local Community Development Committee