Sunday March 5th 2023

Sunday 5th March: Mass Times: Blessington: 10am, Manor Kilbride: 11am, Valleymount: 10.00am – (1st Communion Preparation Mass) Crosschapel Church: 11.30am

Tuesday 7th March: Rosary & Holy Hour 10 to 11am in Blessington

Wednesday 8th March: “A TIME OF HOPE” LENTEN TALKS at 7.30pm Mass every Wednesday during Lent in Church of Our Lady Blessington Week 3 Wed 8th March Carmel Dillon, Principal St Mary’s JS FAITH IN SCHOOL

DIOCESAN COLLECTION FOR TURKEY & SYRIA – Thank you to all who gave so generously in the Church Collection last weekend. Donations from Blessington, Crosschapel & Manor Kilbride came to €4,810, from Valleymount & Lacken €1,150 and Eadestown & Kilteel €1,835

DATE FOR YOUR DIARY: Children’s Church is returning! 6pm Mass on Saturday 11th March in Blessington


Saturday 4th March 2023

Saturday 4th March: Mass times: Blessington: 6pm, Lacken 7.30pm. Confessions: After 6pm Mass in Blessington

Valleymount Community Shed are having A Social Night on Saturday 4th March at 7.30pm in The Stables Valleymount. This is an ‘Open Mic Event’ & is free to all who attend. We hope you will be able to come along & join in the music & the craic. Light refreshments will be provided.

Sunday 5th March: Mass Times: Blessington: 10am, Manor Kilbride: 11am, Valleymount: 10.00am – (1st Communion Preparation Mass) Crosschapel Church: 11.30am

Tuesday 7th March: Rosary & Holy Hour 10 to 11am in Blessington

Wednesday 8th March: “A TIME OF HOPE” LENTEN TALKS at 7.30pm Mass every Wednesday during Lent in Church of Our Lady Blessington Week 3 Wed 8th March Carmel Dillon, Principal St Mary’s JS FAITH IN SCHOOL

DIOCESAN COLLECTION FOR TURKEY & SYRIA – Thank you to all who gave so generously in the Church Collection last weekend. Donations from Blessington, Crosschapel & Manor Kilbride came to €4,810, from Valleymount & Lacken €1,150 and Eadestown & Kilteel €1,835

DATE FOR YOUR DIARY: Children’s Church is returning! 6pm Mass on Saturday 11th March in Blessington


Friday 3rd March 2023

Blessington Parish Office is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 1pm. Call 045 865 327 – email:

Daily Mass Times: Manor Kilbride – 9am, Blessington – 9.30m

Friday 3rd March: 1st Friday of the Month, Mass will be offered for all on the November list of the dead. Padre Pio Blessing will be available after this Mass. If the sick or housebound wish to receive Holy Communion in their home, please call the Parish Office to arrange – 045 865 327.  The visits take place on the First Friday of the Month.

WORLD DAY OF PRAYER: Ecumenical Service at 10am in Church of Our Lady Blessington. ALL WELCOME

Thursday 2nd March 2023

Blessington Parish Office is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 1pm. Call 045 865 327 – email:

Daily Mass Times: Manor Kilbride – 9am, Blessington – 9.30m

Friday 3rd March: 1st Friday of the Month, Mass will be offered for all on the November list of the dead. Padre Pio Blessing will be available after this Mass. If the sick or housebound wish to receive Holy Communion in their home, please call the Parish Office to arrange – 045 865 327.  The visits take place on the First Friday of the Month.

WORLD DAY OF PRAYER: Ecumenical Service at 10am in Church of Our Lady Blessington. ALL WELCOME

Wednesday 1st March 2023

Blessington Parish Office is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 1pm. Call 045 865 327 – email:

Daily Mass Times: Manor Kilbride – 9am, Blessington – 9.30m

Wednesday 1st March: “A TIME OF HOPE” LENTEN TALKS at 7.30pm Mass every Wednesday during Lent in Church of Our Lady Blessington. Week 2 Wed 1st March Ger Gallagher, AMRI Communications – SPORT & FAITH.

Parents & Children welcome to join us every Wednesday for “Pray & Play” from 2.45pm in the ‘Crying Room’ Church of Our Lady, Blessington. Prayer time, Play time & Music. Refreshments afterwards.

Friday 3rd March: 1st Friday of the Month, Mass will be offered for all on the November list of the dead. Padre Pio Blessing will be available after this Mass. If the sick or housebound wish to receive Holy Communion in their home, please call the Parish Office to arrange – 045 865 327.  The visits take place on the First Friday of the Month.

WORLD DAY OF PRAYER: Ecumenical Service at 10am in Church of Our Lady Blessington. ALL WELCOME

Tuesday 28th February 2023

Blessington Parish Office is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 1pm. Call 045 865 327 – email:

Daily Mass Times: Manor Kilbride – 9am, Blessington – 9.30m

Tuesday 28th February: Rosary & Holy Hour 10 to 11am in Blessington

Wednesday 1st March: “A TIME OF HOPE” LENTEN TALKS at 7.30pm Mass every Wednesday during Lent in Church of Our Lady Blessington. Week 2 Wed 1st March Ger Gallagher, AMRI Communications – SPORT & FAITH.

Parents & Children welcome to join us every Wednesday for “Pray & Play” from 2.45pm in the ‘Crying Room’ Church of Our Lady, Blessington. Prayer time, Play time & Music. Refreshments afterwards.

Friday 3rd March: 1st Friday of the Month, Mass will be offered for all on the November list of the dead. Padre Pio Blessing will be available after this Mass. If the sick or housebound wish to receive Holy Communion in their home, please call the Parish Office to arrange – 045 865 327.  The visits take place on the First Friday of the Month.

WORLD DAY OF PRAYER: Ecumenical Service at 10am in Church of Our Lady Blessington. ALL WELCOME

Saturday 25th February 2023

Archbishop Farrell has asked for a Diocesan Collection to be taken up in support of the people of Turkey & Syria affected by the devastating earthquakes. The Collection will take place this weekend & will replace the SHARE collection. The donations will be channelled through Trócaire, who are working with partners in the affected area. They have the capability to ensure that any funds raised in Ireland will be managed appropriately to meet the needs of those most badly affected.

Saturday 25th February: Mass times: Blessington: 6pm, Lacken 7.30pm. Confessions: After 6pm Mass in Blessington

Sunday 26th February: Mass Times: Blessington: 10am, Manor Kilbride: 11am, Valleymount: 10.00am, Crosschapel Church: 11.30am


Friday 24th February 2023

Blessington Parish Office is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 1pm. Call 045 865 327 – email:

Daily Mass Times: Manor Kilbride – 9am, Blessington – 9.30m

Thursday 23rd February 2023

Blessington Parish Office is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 1pm. Call 045 865 327 – email:

Daily Mass Times: Manor Kilbride – 9am, Blessington – 9.30m

Wednesday 22nd February 2023

Blessington Parish Office is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 1pm. Call 045 865 327 – email:

Daily Mass Times: Manor Kilbride – 9am, Blessington – 9.30m

ASH WEDNESDAY – 22nd February – Blessed Ashes will be distributed at Masses in Blessington & Manor Kilbride. Ashes will be available for home use if you want to drop into the Church during the day. There will be a Service of Blessing & distribution of Ashes in Valleymount Church at 10am.

Parents & Children welcome to join us every Wednesday for “Pray & Play” from 2.45pm in the ‘Crying Room’ Church of Our Lady, Blessington. Prayer time, Play time & Music Refreshments afterwards.

“A TIME OF HOPE” LENTEN TALKS at 7.30pm Mass every Wednesday during Lent in Church of Our Lady Blessington Week 1 Wed 22nd February Deacon Gerry Malone talks on FAITH & CALLING