Sunday 22nd January 2023

Sunday 22nd January: Mass Times: Blessington: 10am, Manor Kilbride: 11am, Valleymount: 10.00am, Crosschapel: 11.30am.

Tuesday 24th January: Rosary & Holy Hour 10 to 11am in Church of Our Lady, Blessington

Sunday 29th January – Month’s Mind Mass for Fr Kevin Lyon will take place at 11.30am in Crosschapel Church.

Friday 20th January 2023

Daily Mass times: Manor Kilbride at 9am and Blessington at 9.30am

Blessington Parish Office is open from 9am to 1pm Monday to Friday. Telephone: 045 865 327 or email:

We are most grateful to all who have sent in Christmas Dues, there are still envelopes available if you would like to contribute to support all our priests.

Thursday 19th January 2023

Daily Mass times: Manor Kilbride at 9am and Blessington at 9.30am

Blessington Parish Office is open from 9am to 1pm Monday to Friday. Telephone: 045 865 327 or email:

We are most grateful to all who have sent in Christmas Dues, there are still envelopes available if you would like to contribute to support all our priests.

Wednesday 18th January 2023

Daily Mass times: Manor Kilbride at 9am and Blessington at 9.30am

Blessington Parish Office is open from 9am to 1pm Monday to Friday. Telephone: 045 865 327 or email:

We are most grateful to all who have sent in Christmas Dues, there are still envelopes available if you would like to contribute to support all our priests.

Tuesday 17th January 2023

Daily Mass times: Manor Kilbride at 9am and Blessington at 9.30am

Blessington Parish Office is open from 9am to 1pm Monday to Friday. Telephone: 045 865 327 or email:

Tuesday 17th January: Rosary & Holy Hour 10 to 11am in Church of Our Lady, Blessington

We are most grateful to all who have sent in Christmas Dues, there are still envelopes available if you would like to contribute to support all our priests.

Monday 16th January 2023

Daily Mass times: Manor Kilbride at 9am and Blessington at 9.30am

Blessington Parish Office is open from 9am to 1pm Monday to Friday. Telephone: 045 865 327 or email:

Tuesday 17th January: Rosary & Holy Hour 10 to 11am in Church of Our Lady, Blessington

We are most grateful to all who have sent in Christmas Dues, there are still envelopes available if you would like to contribute to support all our priests.

The Parish Team would like to thank & congratulate all who were involved in the visit of the Wise Men last Sunday in Valleymount. It was a great community event & the weather was with us. Mass will be offered for your intentions. Fr. Richard.


Sunday 15th January 2023

Sunday 15th January: Mass Times: Blessington: 10am, Manor Kilbride: 11am, Valleymount: 10.00am, Crosschapel: 11.30am.

Tuesday 17th January: Rosary & Holy Hour 10 to 11am in Church of Our Lady, Blessington

We are most grateful to all who have sent in Christmas Dues, there are still envelopes available if you would like to contribute to support all our priests.

The Parish Team would like to thank & congratulate all who were involved in the visit of the Wise Men last Sunday in Valleymount. It was a great community event & the weather was with us. Mass will be offered for your intentions. Fr. Richard.

Saturday 14th January 2023

Saturday 14th January: Mass times: Blessington: 6pm, Lacken: 7.30pm. Confessions: After 6pm Mass in Blessington

Sunday 15th January: Mass Times: Blessington: 10am, Manor Kilbride: 11am, Valleymount: 10.00am, Crosschapel: 11.30am.

Tuesday 17th January: Rosary & Holy Hour 10 to 11am in Church of Our Lady, Blessington

We are most grateful to all who have sent in Christmas Dues, there are still envelopes available if you would like to contribute to support all our priests.

The Parish Team would like to thank & congratulate all who were involved in the visit of the Wise Men last Sunday in Valleymount. It was a great community event & the weather was with us. Mass will be offered for your intentions. Fr. Richard.

St Mary’s Schools & Blessington Parish Lotto. Numbers drawn on 12th Jan: 10, 12, 23, 24. €25 Winner: Margaret O’Dwyer. Next Jackpot is €2,325

Friday 13th January 2023

Daily Mass at 9am in Manor Kilbride and 9.30am  in Blessington

Blessington Parish Office is open from 9am to 1pm , Monday to Friday. Call 045 865 327

St Mary’s Schools & Blessington Parish Lotto. Numbers drawn on 12th Jan: 10, 12, 23, 24. €25 Winner: Margaret O’Dwyer. Next Jackpot is €2,325

Thursday 12th January 2023

Daily Mass at 9am in Manor Kilbride and 9.30am  in Blessington

Blessington Parish Office is open from 9am to 1pm , Monday to Friday. Call 045 865 327