Thursday 8th December 2022
Holy Day – Feast of the Immaculate Conception:
Wednesday 7th December Vigil Mass for Holy Day 7.30pm in Blessington
Thursday 8th December: Blessington: 10am Mass, Manor Kilbride: 11am Mass, Valleymount: 11.15am Mass
Holy Day – Feast of the Immaculate Conception:
Wednesday 7th December Vigil Mass for Holy Day 7.30pm in Blessington
Thursday 8th December: Blessington: 10am Mass, Manor Kilbride: 11am Mass, Valleymount: 11.15am Mass
Daily Mass Times: Manor Kilbride: 9am, Blessington: 9.30am.
Blessington Parish Office is open from 9am to 1pm, Monday to Friday. Mass Cards & Gift Items available. Bookings for Mass Intentions. Newsletter Items. Call: 045 865 327 or Email:
Holy Day – Feast of the Immaculate Conception:
Wednesday 7th December Vigil Mass for Holy Day 7.30pm in Blessington
Thursday 8th December: Blessington: 10am Mass, Manor Kilbride: 11am Mass, Valleymount: 11.15am Mass
Daily Mass Times: Manor Kilbride: 9am, Blessington: 9.30am.
Blessington Parish Office is open from 9am to 1pm, Monday to Friday. Mass Cards & Gift Items available. Bookings for Mass Intentions. Newsletter Items. Call: 045 865 327 or Email:
Holy Day – Feast of the Immaculate Conception:
Wednesday 7th December Vigil Mass for Holy Day 7.30pm in Blessington
Thursday 8th December: Blessington: 10am Mass, Manor Kilbride: 11am Mass, Valleymount: 11.15am Mass
Sunday 4th December: Mass Times: Blessington: 10am, Manor Kilbride: 11am, Valleymount: 10.00am, Crosschapel: 11.30am.
Tuesday 6th December: Rosary & Holy Hour 10 to 11am in Church of Our Lady, Blessington
Holy Day – Feast of the Immaculate Conception:
Wednesday 7th December Vigil Mass for Holy Day 7.30pm in Blessington
Thursday 8th December: Blessington: 10am Mass, Manor Kilbride: 11am Mass, Valleymount: 11.15am Mass
St Mary’s Schools & Blessington Parish Lotto. 1st December: 5, 7, 21, 25 – €25 Winner: Seanna Pender. Next Jackpot is €2,0125
Saturday 3rd December: Mass times: Blessington: 6pm, Lacken: 7.30pm. Confessions: after 6pm Mass in Blessington
Sunday 4th December: Mass Times: Blessington: 10am, Manor Kilbride: 11am, Valleymount: 10.00am, Crosschapel: 11.30am.
Tuesday 6th December: Rosary & Holy Hour 10 to 11am in Church of Our Lady, Blessington
Holy Day – Feast of the Immaculate Conception:
Wednesday 7th December Vigil Mass for Holy Day 7.30pm in Blessington
Thursday 8th December: Blessington: 10am Mass, Manor Kilbride: 11am Mass, Valleymount: 11.15am Mass
St Mary’s Schools & Blessington Parish Lotto. 1st December: 5, 7, 21, 25 – €25 Winner: Seanna Pender. Next Jackpot is €2,0125
Daily Mass Times: Manor Kilbride: 9am, Blessington: 9.30am.
Blessington Parish Office is open from 9am to 1pm, Monday to Friday. Mass Cards & Gift Items available. Bookings for Mass Intentions. Newsletter Items. Call: 045 865 327 or Email:
St Mary’s Schools & Blessington Parish Lotto. 1st December: 5, 7, 21, 25 – €25 Winner: Seanna Pender. Next Jackpot is €2,0125
Daily Mass Times: Manor Kilbride: 9am, Blessington: 9.30am.
Blessington Parish Office is open from 9am to 1pm, Monday to Friday. Mass Cards & Gift Items available. Bookings for Mass Intentions. Newsletter Items. Call: 045 865 327 or Email:
Daily Mass Times: Manor Kilbride: 9am, Blessington: 9.30am.
Rosary & Holy Hour 10 to 11am in Church of Our Lady, Blessington
Blessington Parish Office is open from 9am to 1pm, Monday to Friday. Mass Cards & Gift Items available. Bookings for Mass Intentions. Newsletter Items. Call: 045 865 327 or Email:
FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT – Advent is a reminder that our life on earth is a preparation for the life of eternity in heaven, and that we wait for the coming of Christ to take us home.
Sunday 27th November: Mass Times: Blessington: 10am, Manor Kilbride: 11am, Valleymount: 10.00am, Crosschapel: 11.30am.
Monday 28th November: Burgage Cemetery Committee AGM will take place in the Coimin Centre, Blessington at 7.30pm. All Welcome
Tuesday 29th November: Rosary & Holy Hour 10 to 11am in Church of Our Lady, Blessington
Friday 2nd December: 1st Friday, Masses offered for all on the November List of the Dead. Padre Pio Blessing after 9.30am Mass in Blessington
St Mary’s Schools & Blessington Parish Lotto. 24th November: 4, 9, 16, 19 – €25 Winner: Rose-Marie Nugent. Next Jackpot is €2,075
FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT – Advent is a reminder that our life on earth is a preparation for the life of eternity in heaven, and that we wait for the coming of Christ to take us home.
Saturday 26th November: Mass times: Blessington: 6pm, Lacken: 7.30pm. Confessions: After 6pm Mass in Blessington
Sunday 27th November: Mass Times: Blessington: 10am, Manor Kilbride: 11am, Valleymount: 10.00am, Crosschapel: 11.30am.
Monday 28th November: Burgage Cemetery Committee AGM will take place in the Coimin Centre, Blessington at 7.30pm. All Welcome
Tuesday 29th November: Rosary & Holy Hour 10 to 11am in Church of Our Lady, Blessington
Friday 2nd December: 1st Friday, Masses offered for all on the November List of the Dead. Padre Pio Blessing after 9.30am Mass in Blessington
St Mary’s Schools & Blessington Parish Lotto. 24th November: 4, 9, 16, 19 – €25 Winner: Rose-Marie Nugent. Next Jackpot is €2,075