Friday 14th October 2022

Daily Mass Times: Manor Kilbride: 9am, Blessington: 9.30am.

Blessington Parish Office is open from 9am to 1pm, Monday to Friday. Mass Cards & Gift Items available. Bookings for Mass Intentions. Newsletter Items. Call: 045 865 327 or Email:

St Mary’s Schools & Blessington Parish Lotto. Numbers drawn on 13th October: 5, 6, 18, 20.  €25 Winner: Antoinette O Rourke. Next Jackpot is €1900

Thursday 13th October 2022

Daily Mass Times: Manor Kilbride: 9am, Blessington: 9.30am, Crosschapel: 10am

Thursday 13th October: the Rosary will be prayed at 12 noon in Church of Our Lady,

Blessington Parish Office is open from 9am to 1pm, Monday to Friday. Mass Cards & Gift Items available. Bookings for Mass Intentions. Newsletter Items. Call: 045 865 327 or Email:

Wednesday 12th October 2022

Daily Mass Times: Manor Kilbride: 9am, Blessington: 9.30am, Crosschapel: 10am

Blessington Parish Office is open from 9am to 1pm, Monday to Friday. Mass Cards & Gift Items available. Bookings for Mass Intentions. Newsletter Items. Call: 045 865 327 or Email:

Tuesday 11th October 2022

Daily Mass Times: Manor Kilbride: 9am, Blessington: 9.30am, Crosschapel: 10am

Tuesday 11th October: Holy Hour & Adoration 10am to 11am in Church of Our Lady.

Blessington Parish Office is open from 9am to 1pm, Monday to Friday. Mass Cards & Gift Items available. Bookings for Mass Intentions. Newsletter Items. Call: 045 865 327 or Email:


Monday 10th October 2022

Daily Mass Times: Manor Kilbride: 9am, Blessington: 9.30am, Crosschapel: 10am

Blessington Parish Office is open from 9am to 1pm, Monday to Friday. Mass Cards & Gift Items available. Bookings for Mass Intentions. Newsletter Items. Call: 045 865 327 or Email:

Sunday 9th October 2022

This week in the Parish:

Sunday 9th October: Mass Times: Blessington: 10am, Manor Kilbride: 11am, Valleymount: 11.15am, Crosschapel: 11.30am.

Tuesday 11th October: Holy Hour & Adoration 10am to 11am in Church of Our Lady.

Thursday 13th October: the Rosary will be prayed at 12 noon in Church of Our Lady,

St Mary’s Schools & Blessington Parish Lotto. Numbers drawn on 7th October: 7, 14, 23, 28. €25 Winner: William O’Byrne. Next Jackpot is €1875

Saturday 8th October 2022

This week in the Parish:

Saturday 8th October: Mass times: Blessington: 6pm, Lacken: 7.30pm

Sunday 9th October: Mass Times: Blessington: 10am, Manor Kilbride: 11am, Valleymount: 11.15am, Crosschapel: 11.30am.

Tuesday 11th October: Holy Hour & Adoration 10am to 11am in Church of Our Lady.

Thursday 13th October: the Rosary will be prayed at 12 noon in Church of Our Lady,

St Mary’s Schools & Blessington Parish Lotto. Numbers drawn on 6th October: 7, 14, 23, 28. €25 Winner: William O’Byrne. Next Jackpot is €1875

Friday 7th October 2022

Daily Mass Times: Manor Kilbride: 9am, Blessington: 9.30am, Crosschapel: 10am

Blessington Parish Office is open from 9am to 1pm, Monday to Friday. Mass Cards & Gift Items available. Bookings for Mass Intentions. Newsletter Items. Call: 045 865 327 or Email:

First Friday of the Month, Masses will be offered for all on the November Altar List of the Dead

St Mary’s Schools & Blessington Parish Lotto. Numbers drawn on 6th October: 7, 14, 23, 28. €25 Winner: William O’Byrne. Next Jackpot is €1875

Thursday 6th October

Daily Mass Times: Manor Kilbride: 9am, Blessington: 9.30am, Crosschapel: 10am

Blessington Parish Office is open from 9am to 1pm, Monday to Friday. Mass Cards & Gift Items available. Bookings for Mass Intentions. Newsletter Items. Call: 045 865 327 or Email:

Enrolment of children from St Mary’s School preparing for 1st Penance & 1st Communion 7pm in Coimin Centre, Blessington

Evening of Prayer & Reflection for Readers of the Word at 8pm in the Coimin Centre, Blessington. Facilitated by Rosemary Lavelle

The Month of the Rosary: Every Thursday in October the Rosary will be prayed at 12 noon in Church of Our Lady, Blessington

Wednesday 5th October 2022

Daily Mass Times: Manor Kilbride: 9am, Blessington: 9.30am, Crosschapel: 10am

Blessington Parish Office is open from 9am to 1pm, Monday to Friday. Mass Cards & Gift Items available. Bookings for Mass Intentions. Newsletter Items. Call: 045 865 327 or Email:

Enrolment of children from Gaelscoil na Lochanna, preparing for 1st Penance & 1st Communion 7pm in Coimin Centre, Blessington