Saturday 9th September to Friday 15th September 2023

Saturday 9th September : Blessington: 6pm Mass. Confessions: after 6pm Mass. Lacken: 7.30pm Mass.

Sunday 10thSeptemberBlessington & Valleymount: 10am, Manor Kilbride: 11am, Crosschapel: 11.30am

Tuesday 12th September: Rosary & Holy Hour 7pm to 8pm in Church of Our Lady Blessington

Wednesday 13th  Sept: Eucharistic Assembly will take place this morning and every Wednesday morning at 9.30am, in the Church of Our Lady, until further notice. The Eucharistic Assembly will be led by Deacon Gerry.


Wednesday 13th September: Pray & Play Group 2.45pm-4.30pm For children of all ages with their parents, grandparents, guardians. Contact Áine 0833798366 or Call the office on 045365327

CROSSCARE COLLECTION On the weekend of September 16 and 17, Crosscare will hold its Annual Appeal for Homeless Prevention Services. This will replace the Share collection at all Masses. Crosscare seeks your support to prevent more people from losing their homes as the housing and accommodation crisis continues.


Minister of Eucharist – Sept 2023, Church of Our Lady Blessington

SAT 6PM: Margaret Keogh, Geraldine McMulkin, Ann Marie Wall

SUNDAY 10AM: Aisling Molloy, Margaret Flynn, Mary McHugh

Saturday 2nd September to Friday 8th September 2023

Saturday 2nd September : Blessington: 6pm Mass. Confessions: after 6pm Mass. Lacken: 7.30pm Mass.

Sunday 3rd SeptemberBlessington & Valleymount: 10am, Manor Kilbride: 11am, Crosschapel: 11.30am

Tuesday 5th September: Rosary & Holy Hour 7pm to 8pm in Church of Our Lady Blessington

Wednesday 6th September: Pray & Play Group 2.45pm-4.30pm For children of all ages with their parents, grandparents, guardians. Contact Áine 0833798366 or Call the office on 045365327


Minister of Eucharist – Sept 2023, Church of Our Lady Blessington

SAT 6PM: Margaret Keogh, Geraldine McMulkin, Ann Marie Wall

SUNDAY 10AM: Aisling Molloy, Margaret Flynn, Mary McHugh

Newsletter 27th August 2023 Issue 1467

I would like to thank you all for your continued support in these challenging times, it is greatly appreciated. Since the closure of Ulster Bank in the town, our standing orders have dropped off significantly. We now have a new Neighbourhood Collection account with AIB if you would like to renew your Standing Order or set up a new one, the account details are:

IBAN   IE10 AIBK 9332 3642 2314 05


Donations can also be made through the Neighbourhood Collection envelopes which are available from the parish office ,Once again, may I thank all who support the parish through your donations and thank you for your generosity. With every blessing, Fr Richard

Cemetery Sunday Baltyboys Sunday Aug 27th@3pm

FUEL STAMP SAVING SCHEME Fuel Stamps are a great way to help budget for your fuel costs. Start saving now towards your fuel bills during the winter months.   The Stay Warm Saving Scheme is an easy payment option plan which enables households to budget for their central heating oil or solid fuel. Start saving the €5 Stay Warm Saving Stamps on the savings card and use the stamps to pay (in full or part payment) for fuel with the listed suppliers on the card. A new supplier to the scheme but not listed on the card is Tom Phibbs Fuels Tel: 01 2118469.  The Scheme is open to all households in the Blessington area and full details are available on the card. This initiative is in association with the Department of Communications Energy & Natural Resources. The €5 Stay Warm Saving Stamps and Savings Card are only available from Hennessy’s Hardware and SVP Shop.

Happy Faces will temporarily relocate to St Mary’s JS for September & there is limited sessional places available, please contact Catriona 085 128 1605 or email

Blessington AFC U18’s Players wanted with a bit of experience to join our squad for the up-coming season. Born in 2006 or later. Ph Tony 0876106096

Ігрова група Valleymount Parent & Baby/toddler працює щочетверга протягом шкільного семестру з 09.30 до 12.00 у Valleymount Hall.  Щиро вітаються нові батьки.  Заходьте випити чашечку чаю та побалакати Valleymount Parent & Baby/Toddler Playgroup meets every Thursday during school term from 9.30am to 12 in Valleymount Hall. New parents most welcome. Pop in for a cuppa & a chat.

Overeater Anonymous Naas is a voluntary – not-for-profit support group which helps anyone struggling with issues around food.This includes compulsive overeating as well as anorexia and bulimia. We work a 12-step recovery programme & are just like AA for people with food issues. All are welcome at our Naas meeting which takes place every Tuesday night at 7.30 pm. in Meeting Room 3, in the Parish Centre Ballycane RC Church in Naas.   For more info – call Noeleen 087 465 2098.

Tuesday Rural Bus Service to Naas & Newbridge. Your support is needed to keep this service open. This is ideal as a “shopping bus”. Adult return journey €3.50 & €1 for students. (a free service for many qualifying adults) Departs Blessington Bus Shelter at 10am via Naas to Newbridge (Whitewater Shopping Centre) Departs Whitewater at 1.45pm. Further info: Jane Auld 087 266 0616 or Pat Conlan 086 075 2072

Summer Stars Reading Challenge is back for 2023 & running until 31st August at Blessington Library. Summer Stars encourages children to keep up their reading in the summer months. All children who participate receive a reading card, pencil, bookmark, certificate & medal. This year there are great prizes for some of Wicklow’s best attractions including Clara Lara, Greenan Maze, Wicklow Gaol & Beyond the Trees. Suitable for children of all ages & it’s all completely free.

St Vincent de Paul Blessington, local number 087 181 1579


Learn to dance in a fun and relaxed atmosphere, adult social ballroom and Latin classes commencing 4th & 7th September Blessington. No partner necessary For more information contact Adrienne 085 8404815 or email

San Patrizio Italian restaurant at the West Wicklow House Blessington. Open Thursday to Sunday, for date night and all special occasions. Book now 045865214

2 double rooms for rent, close to Blessington village, contact Trish @ 0877838316

GAELSCOIL NA LOCHANNA seeking cleaner, (14 hours a week) and caretaker (10 hours a week), or person who could combine both for new school term. Please email the Principal with letter of application and two referees.

Yoga Classes in St Kevins Hall. Monday evenings @ 7pm. July 3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th €50 for 4 classes. Private one to one lessons available. Chair Yoga & Men’s Yoga coming soon. Please book in advance. Nancy Hickey: 087 639 1676 – Qualified Yoga Instructor

Blessington Community Employment Vacancies These are developmental opportunities, no experience necessary.

Caretaker: Valleymount Hall.  Job Reference: CE CES 2287778. Duties will include, but not limited to: General light maintenance. Some cleaning duties. Painting. Assisting in general operations of the centre to include key holding, setting up rooms for meetings etc. Adhere to health and safety. Hall duties. Closing Date: 28/07/2023

Baltyboys Cemetery Caretaker Position: Job Reference: CES 2285255

Please contact us on 085-2523563 or  Please note *You must be in receipt of a social welfare payment for the last 12 months to qualify for these positions. * CE Rates Apply.

Blessington Counselling & Psychotherapy – Mandy Downes MAPCP 085 134 9813 Specialist in CBT & Solution focused Therapy

Wicklow & Kildare Mental Health Services  Counselling & Psychotherapy. Aran Centre, Blessington, Co. Wicklow. For Bookings please contact, by phone: 089 274 4920 or e-mail:

GARDENING – For Hedge clipping, Beds overhauled, Strimming, etc Phone Mark: 085 133 7714. Greenleaf Garden Care

Very Nice Self-Contained Private Office to Let at Aran Centre, Blessington (opposite Aldi)  €125 per week plus VAT.  Contact Sean on 087 817 5227.

Looking to upskill or do a new course? Blessington Further Education and Training Centre are now enrolling for Part Time courses in September:

  • Digital Marketing
  • Database Methods
  • Early Leaning & Care
  • Stage 1 – Childcare
  • Care Skills & Care
  • of the Older Person
  • Horticulture Science
  • Word Processing
  • Tourism
  • Spreadsheet Methods
  • Business Administration
  • Social Studies
  • & many more… All courses are QQI certified in either Level 4 or 5 Contact: 045 891 099 – 086 850 3833 – 086 806 1569 or email

Lady available for cleaning at weekend Blessington area only 089 9471410

Paragon Bathrooms Ensuite special includes. Wall & floor tiles – 18yds wall  & 3yds floor. Shower tray & door 80×80. Toilet & floor standing vanity unit. Sink & tap, LED Mirror €2,850

League Barbers in Blessington (which is located in the same building as Dunnes Stores & the Moody Rooster Café) are happy to announce that all our haircuts now cost €15 or less! For seniors & U14’s kids it’s even cheaper, all haircuts are max €10! No, this is not just a temporary offer, this price change is valid seven days a week! Pop in & see for yourself!

Septic Tanks Emptied & Digger Hire. Call Dermot or Adam Phibbs 087 799 5320 – 083 037 4750  License no: NWCPO-21-12619-01

SeeThru Solution – Your Local Trustworthy Cleaning Service for Windows, Gutters, Fascia, Pressure Washing, Softwash, Carpet & Upholstery. Call Greg: 085 858 1850

Painter & Decorator – Interior & Exterior Phone: Damien 085 826 0431

Paying too much for SKY or Virgin Media? We Install or Repair Free to Air and Saorview! No more Bills! Call Billy 086 868 0053

Local Builder Available – All services under one roof, Windows & Doors, Plumbing, Tiling, Roofing, Plastering, Electrical, Carpentry, Insulation. All levels of construction services available. Fully registered. Call Paul 086 309 1829

Interior Designs by Elizabeth Creative, Unique, Personal. Please phone: 086 088 1806. Email:

Eagle Cleaning Solutions – Chimney Cleaning, Exterior Power Washing, Window Cleaning, Gutter Cleaning and Repairs. Call for appointment: 087 247 4388. Email: Find us on Facebook

German Autoworks – Service Specialist VW/Audi, Mercedes, Skoda, Seat, Opel. Call 087 286 3997

Noel Nolan – Blessington Heating & Plumbing Service Call Noel: 087 243 1499 or email

Clarkes Funeral Directors I.A.F.D. Funeral Home & Office, Burgage, Blessington. All areas serviced. Phone: Tony or Regina: 087 273 9048 / 087 659 6426

HEADSTONES – McEvoy Monumental Works, Blessington. Headstones, Inscriptions, Renovations. Serving the people of Blessington for over 40 years. Call to our workshop at Millbank Blessington or phone: Mick 045 865 487 or 086 843 8832 or Gary 087 933 3487

Newsletter Advertising Rates, For just 50c per word per week you can reach a large, local audience. Cut-off for receiving adverts is Wed 10am. You can email the copy to and pay in the Parish Office, or via the Donate button on our website or by bank transfer. Call the Parish Office: 045 865 327


Church of Our Lady, Blessington – Mass Times: Saturday 6.00pm.  Sunday 10.00am

Weekdays: Monday to Friday 9.30am – Fr. Richard Behan PP. Tel: 045 865327

Church of Our Lady of Mercy, Crosschapel – Mass Times: Sundays 11.30am

St. Brigid’s Church, Manor Kilbride – Mass Times: Sundays 11.00am

Weekdays: Monday to Friday 9am – Fr. Paraic McDermott C.S. Sp., Tel: 01 4582154

St. Joseph’s Church, Valleymount – Mass Times: Sunday 10am

Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Lacken – Mass Time: Saturdays 7.30pm

Parish Office: 9am to 1pm Monday to Friday Tel: 045 865 327

Saturday 26th August to Friday 1st September

Saturday 26th August: Blessington: 6pm Mass, Confessions: after 6pm Mass. Lacken: 7.30pm Mass

Sunday 27th August:

Mass Times: Blessington & Valleymount: 10am, Manor Kilbride: 11am, Crosschapel: 11.30am

Tuesday 29th August : Blessington: 10am, Valleymount: 10am, Rosary & Holy Hour 7pm to 8pm in Church of Our Lady Blessington

Cemetery Sunday Baltyboys Sunday Aug 27th@3pm

Saturday 19th August to Friday 26th August

Saturday 19th August: Blessington: 6pm Mass, Confessions: after 6pm Mass. Lacken: 7.30pm Mass

Sunday 20th August:

Mass Times: Blessington & Valleymount: 10am, Manor Kilbride: 11am, Crosschapel: 11.30am

Tuesday 22nd August : Blessington: 10am, Valleymount: 10am, Rosary & Holy Hour 7pm to 8pm in Church of Our Lady Blessington

Cemetery Sunday Baltyboys Sunday Aug 27th@3pm

Newsletter 20th August Issue 1466

I would like to thank you all for your continued support in these challenging times, it is greatly appreciated. Since the closure of Ulster Bank in the town, our standing orders have dropped off significantly. We now have a new Neighbourhood Collection account with AIB if you would like to renew your Standing Order or set up a new one, the account details are:

IBAN   IE10 AIBK 9332 3642 2314 05


Donations can also be made through the Neighbourhood Collection envelopes which are available from the parish office ,Once again, may I thank all who support the parish through your donations and thank you for your generosity. With every blessing, Fr Richard

Cemetery Sunday Baltyboys Sunday Aug 27th@3pm

West Wicklow Cancer Support Charity Music Night, Live music by Mark Browne, Saturday 19th August from 9am, Great Raffle Prizes. Come along and enjoy the craic n ceol at Cullens Lakeview Lounge Ballyknockan. Thank you for your continued support

FUEL STAMP SAVING SCHEME Fuel Stamps are a great way to help budget for your fuel costs. Start saving now towards your fuel bills during the winter months.   The Stay Warm Saving Scheme is an easy payment option plan which enables households to budget for their central heating oil or solid fuel. Start saving the €5 Stay Warm Saving Stamps on the savings card and use the stamps to pay (in full or part payment) for fuel with the listed suppliers on the card. A new supplier to the scheme but not listed on the card is Tom Phibbs Fuels Tel: 01 2118469.  The Scheme is open to all households in the Blessington area and full details are available on the card. This initiative is in association with the Department of Communications Energy & Natural Resources. The €5 Stay Warm Saving Stamps and Savings Card are only available from Hennessy’s Hardware and SVP Shop.

Happy Faces will temporarily relocate to St Mary’s JS for September & there is limited sessional places available, please contact Catriona 085 128 1605 or email

Blessington AFC U18’s Players wanted with a bit of experience to join our squad for the up-coming season. Born in 2006 or later. Ph Tony 0876106096

Ігрова група Valleymount Parent & Baby/toddler працює щочетверга протягом шкільного семестру з 09.30 до 12.00 у Valleymount Hall.  Щиро вітаються нові батьки.  Заходьте випити чашечку чаю та побалакати Valleymount Parent & Baby/Toddler Playgroup meets every Thursday during school term from 9.30am to 12 in Valleymount Hall. New parents most welcome. Pop in for a cuppa & a chat.

Overeater Anonymous Naas is a voluntary – not-for-profit support group which helps anyone struggling with issues around food.This includes compulsive overeating as well as anorexia and bulimia. We work a 12-step recovery programme & are just like AA for people with food issues. All are welcome at our Naas meeting which takes place every Tuesday night at 7.30 pm. in Meeting Room 3, in the Parish Centre Ballycane RC Church in Naas.   For more info – call Noeleen 087 465 2098.

Tuesday Rural Bus Service to Naas & Newbridge. Your support is needed to keep this service open. This is ideal as a “shopping bus”. Adult return journey €3.50 & €1 for students. (a free service for many qualifying adults) Departs Blessington Bus Shelter at 10am via Naas to Newbridge (Whitewater Shopping Centre) Departs Whitewater at 1.45pm. Further info: Jane Auld 087 266 0616 or Pat Conlan 086 075 2072

Summer Stars Reading Challenge is back for 2023 & running until 31st August at Blessington Library. Summer Stars encourages children to keep up their reading in the summer months. All children who participate receive a reading card, pencil, bookmark, certificate & medal. This year there are great prizes for some of Wicklow’s best attractions including Clara Lara, Greenan Maze, Wicklow Gaol & Beyond the Trees. Suitable for children of all ages & it’s all completely free.

St Vincent de Paul Blessington, local number 087 181 1579


Learn to dance in a fun and relaxed atmosphere, adult social ballroom and Latin classes commencing 4th & 7th September Blessington. No partner necessary For more information contact Adrienne 085 8404815 or email

San Patrizio Italian restaurant at the West Wicklow House Blessington. Open Thursday to Sunday, for date night and all special occasions. Book now 045865214

2 double rooms for rent, close to Blessington village, contact Trish @ 0877838316

GAELSCOIL NA LOCHANNA seeking cleaner, (14 hours a week) and caretaker (10 hours a week), or person who could combine both for new school term. Please email the Principal with letter of application and two referees.

Yoga Classes in St Kevins Hall. Monday evenings @ 7pm. July 3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th €50 for 4 classes. Private one to one lessons available. Chair Yoga & Men’s Yoga coming soon. Please book in advance. Nancy Hickey: 087 639 1676 – Qualified Yoga Instructor

Blessington Community Employment Vacancies These are developmental opportunities, no experience necessary.

Caretaker: Valleymount Hall.  Job Reference: CE CES 2287778. Duties will include, but not limited to: General light maintenance. Some cleaning duties. Painting. Assisting in general operations of the centre to include key holding, setting up rooms for meetings etc. Adhere to health and safety. Hall duties. Closing Date: 28/07/2023

Baltyboys Cemetery Caretaker Position: Job Reference: CES 2285255

Please contact us on 085-2523563 or  Please note *You must be in receipt of a social welfare payment for the last 12 months to qualify for these positions. * CE Rates Apply.

Blessington Counselling & Psychotherapy – Mandy Downes MAPCP 085 134 9813 Specialist in CBT & Solution focused Therapy

Wicklow & Kildare Mental Health Services  Counselling & Psychotherapy. Aran Centre, Blessington, Co. Wicklow. For Bookings please contact, by phone: 089 274 4920 or e-mail:

GARDENING – For Hedge clipping, Beds overhauled, Strimming, etc Phone Mark: 085 133 7714. Greenleaf Garden Care

Very Nice Self-Contained Private Office to Let at Aran Centre, Blessington (opposite Aldi)  €125 per week plus VAT.  Contact Sean on 087 817 5227.

Looking to upskill or do a new course? Blessington Further Education and Training Centre are now enrolling for Part Time courses in September:

  • Digital Marketing
  • Database Methods
  • Early Leaning & Care
  • Stage 1 – Childcare
  • Care Skills & Care
  • of the Older Person
  • Horticulture Science
  • Word Processing
  • Tourism
  • Spreadsheet Methods
  • Business Administration
  • Social Studies
  • & many more… All courses are QQI certified in either Level 4 or 5 Contact: 045 891 099 – 086 850 3833 – 086 806 1569 or email

Lady available for cleaning at weekend Blessington area only 089 9471410

Paragon Bathrooms Ensuite special includes. Wall & floor tiles – 18yds wall  & 3yds floor. Shower tray & door 80×80. Toilet & floor standing vanity unit. Sink & tap, LED Mirror €2,850

League Barbers in Blessington (which is located in the same building as Dunnes Stores & the Moody Rooster Café) are happy to announce that all our haircuts now cost €15 or less! For seniors & U14’s kids it’s even cheaper, all haircuts are max €10! No, this is not just a temporary offer, this price change is valid seven days a week! Pop in & see for yourself!

Septic Tanks Emptied & Digger Hire. Call Dermot or Adam Phibbs 087 799 5320 – 083 037 4750  License no: NWCPO-21-12619-01

SeeThru Solution – Your Local Trustworthy Cleaning Service for Windows, Gutters, Fascia, Pressure Washing, Softwash, Carpet & Upholstery. Call Greg: 085 858 1850

Painter & Decorator – Interior & Exterior Phone: Damien 085 826 0431

Paying too much for SKY or Virgin Media? We Install or Repair Free to Air and Saorview! No more Bills! Call Billy 086 868 0053

Local Builder Available – All services under one roof, Windows & Doors, Plumbing, Tiling, Roofing, Plastering, Electrical, Carpentry, Insulation. All levels of construction services available. Fully registered. Call Paul 086 309 1829

Interior Designs by Elizabeth Creative, Unique, Personal. Please phone: 086 088 1806. Email:

Eagle Cleaning Solutions – Chimney Cleaning, Exterior Power Washing, Window Cleaning, Gutter Cleaning and Repairs. Call for appointment: 087 247 4388. Email: Find us on Facebook

German Autoworks – Service Specialist VW/Audi, Mercedes, Skoda, Seat, Opel. Call 087 286 3997

Noel Nolan – Blessington Heating & Plumbing Service Call Noel: 087 243 1499 or email

Clarkes Funeral Directors I.A.F.D. Funeral Home & Office, Burgage, Blessington. All areas serviced. Phone: Tony or Regina: 087 273 9048 / 087 659 6426

HEADSTONES – McEvoy Monumental Works, Blessington. Headstones, Inscriptions, Renovations. Serving the people of Blessington for over 40 years. Call to our workshop at Millbank Blessington or phone: Mick 045 865 487 or 086 843 8832 or Gary 087 933 3487

Newsletter Advertising Rates, For just 50c per word per week you can reach a large, local audience. Cut-off for receiving adverts is Wed 10am. You can email the copy to and pay in the Parish Office, or via the Donate button on our website or by bank transfer. Call the Parish Office: 045 865 327


Church of Our Lady, Blessington – Mass Times: Saturday 6.00pm.  Sunday 10.00am

Weekdays: Monday to Friday 9.30am – Fr. Richard Behan PP. Tel: 045 865327

Church of Our Lady of Mercy, Crosschapel – Mass Times: Sundays 11.30am

St. Brigid’s Church, Manor Kilbride – Mass Times: Sundays 11.00am

Weekdays: Monday to Friday 9am – Fr. Paraic McDermott C.S. Sp., Tel: 01 4582154

St. Joseph’s Church, Valleymount – Mass Times: Sunday 10am

Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Lacken – Mass Time: Saturdays 7.30pm

Parish Office: 9am to 1pm Monday to Friday Tel: 045 865 327

Saturday 12th Aug to Friday 18th August 2023

Saturday 12th August: Blessington: 6pm Mass, Confessions: after 6pm Mass. Lacken: 7.30pm Mass

Sunday 13th August:

Mass Times: Blessington & Valleymount: 10am, Manor Kilbride: 11am, Crosschapel: 11.30am

Monday 14th August Feast of the Ascension: Vigil Mass Blessington; 7.30pm

Tuesday 15th August Feast of the Ascension: Blessington: 10am, Valleymount: 10am, Rosary & Holy Hour 7pm to 8pm in Church of Our Lady Blessington

Cemetery Sunday Baltyboys Sunday Aug 27th@3pm

Friday 11th August 2023

Saturday 5th August : Blessington: 6pm Mass. Confessions: after 6pm Mass. Lacken: 7.30pm Mass.

Sunday 6th August  Times: Blessington & Valleymount: 10am, Manor Kilbride: 11am, Crosschapel: 11.30am

Tuesday 8th  August: Rosary & Holy Hour 7pm to 8pm in Church of Our Lady Blessington


Wednesday 9th August 2023

Saturday 5th August : Blessington: 6pm Mass. Confessions: after 6pm Mass. Lacken: 7.30pm Mass.

Sunday 6th August  Times: Blessington & Valleymount: 10am, Manor Kilbride: 11am, Crosschapel: 11.30am

Tuesday 8th  August: Rosary & Holy Hour 7pm to 8pm in Church of Our Lady Blessington


Tuesday 8th August 2023

Saturday 5th August : Blessington: 6pm Mass. Confessions: after 6pm Mass. Lacken: 7.30pm Mass.

Sunday 6th August  Times: Blessington & Valleymount: 10am, Manor Kilbride: 11am, Crosschapel: 11.30am

Tuesday 8th  August: Rosary & Holy Hour 7pm to 8pm in Church of Our Lady Blessington