Monday 9th November 2020

►Join with Fr. Richard & Fr. Joe, in evening prayer via Zoom Monday, Wednesday, & Friday at 7.30pm. Log on to and click on the Zoom button. If you have any difficulty logging in, please contact us at

Financial Support for the Parish Blessington, Crosschapel, Manor Kilbride. Valleymount & Lacken – During this time, you can make donations to support all our Churches via the DONATE BUTTON on the parish website All SHRINE MONEY remains in the parish. Donations through the black PDF BOXES in Blessington Church also go towards the running of the parish. We are very grateful for your ongoing support. Support for our Diocese through the 1st & 2nd collections may also be made via the DONATE BUTTON on our website. The 1st collection goes to towards the support of the parish. The 2nd collection goes to the Diocese. There are also envelopes available in all Churches for these donations.

Monthly Envelopes for November are now due, they may be dropped into the PDF Boxes in the Church or the post-box at the Coimin Centre. Many thanks to all who are making a special effort to return their envelopes this time it is greatly appreciated.

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