Newsletter 11th February 2024 Issue 1489

Mass intentions in Blessington

Saturday: Bill & Molly Brady…A, Kit Brady… A , Gerry Carey… A, Mary McIntyre…A, Peter Nolan Snr…A, Chris Foster…A

Sunday:, Matthew Lennon… A, Cecil & Kathleen Collins…A, Peter & Mary Brady…A, William & Pat Brady…A, William & Elizabeth Coyle…A

Monday:  Mass for the Sick & those in Hospital

Tuesday: Billy & Molly Brady…A, Kit Brady…A, Elizabeth Balfe… A

Wednesday:, Peter Wenzel…RD, Seamus Boylan…Rem

Thursday: Ann Martin…Rem, Kitty Mockler…Rem, Peter Doyle…A

Friday:   Ann O Byrne…A, Connor Curran…A

Rosary & Holy Hour on Tuesday 13th Feb, 7pm to 8pm in Church of Our Lady Blessington

Pray & Play Group In the Coimin Centre, Every Wednesday From 2.45pm to 4.30pm. For children of all ages with their parents, grandparents, guardians. Contact Áine 0833798366 or Call the office on 045365327

Minister of Eucharist February 2024 Church of Our Lady Blessington SAT 6PM: Ann Hanlon, Frank Hanlon & Theresa Ball SUNDAY 10AM: Brendan Mahon, George Richardson & Kay Clarke

Dates for 2024 – .Ash Wednesday falls on the 14th February Easter Sunday falls on the 31st March.

Each year, Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent and is always 46 days before Easter Sunday. Lent is a time of preparation for Easter marked by repentance, fasting, reflection, and ultimately celebration.

The family of the late Noel (Daniel) Carroll of Lugnagun, Blessington, would like to thank the many neighbours, friends and relatives who shared in their grief following the passing of Noel.

Your generosity and kindness through this period of great sadness has provided great comfort to Noel’s wife Mary and her family and will never be forgotten.

Blessington Parish Lotto Numbers on 1st February: 12,19,28,30. €25 Winner: Margaret McDermott Next Jackpot €4,225

Popes intention for February February: For the Terminally Ill. The Holy Father encourages prayers “so that terminally ill patients and their families always receive necessary medical and human care and support.”

CARE OF THE EARTH Conserve energy. Turn off all electrical appliances when you’re leaving the house or when you don’t need them. Switch off the light, fan, and AC, disconnect all electronic appliances, and turn off the switch by the wall.

Thought for the week Understanding can overcome any situation however insurmountable it may seem

Lent –

Our Prayer for Lent Loving God, in this season of Lent you call us to act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with each other so that we can build. your Kingdom of justice and peace, your Kingdom of love and truth, your Kingdom of holiness and grace in our world today. AMEN

SEE, what effects of flooding are you noticing in our country and world? DISCERN, how much water does your household use for cooking, bathing, and cleaning? ACT, what could you do differently this Lent to preserve water?

There is no life without water. We cannot survive without it. Sometimes we call Planet Earth, the Blue Planet. Saltwater accounts for 97.5 per cent of all water in the earth; the remaining 2.5 per cent is fresh water. This 2.5 per cent sustains human life on earth – our life. In a real sense it is the foundation of all human civilisation; however, because it seems to be in such abundance, we appear to take water for granted. While fresh water is a global concern, it is always a local issue. Most people drink from the well in their own yard. In the past one hundred and fifty years, with the significant industrialisation of society and of agriculture, the demand for fresh water has increased exponentially, and the effects of vastly increased urban living can be seen in our rivers, lakes and oceans.

#2.1 The Cry of the Earth, The Cry of the Poor

Archbishop Dermot Farrell

Divine Mercy Conference 23rd, 24th & 25th February 2024 Main Hall RDS. Ballsbridge, D4. Speakers Fr. Pat Collins CM,, Sr Mary Keneally OLM, Fr. Sean Kelly and more. Tickets, Sat €35, Sun €25, Weekend €40.


The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Blessington would like to express its appreciation to the local community and businesses in the area for the generous support received to their SVP Xmas appeal. Every cent donated supports very deserving causes in the local community and your generosity made a big difference in providing extra support to families and individuals during the Xmas period. For this we are extremely grateful. Thank You

Free Online Reflection & Meditation Join us for 40 minutes to find healing and hope through the Sunday Gospel.  We will do this through input, music, guided prayer etc…to help nourish the soul for the week ahead. Sunday Evenings 6.45p.m. Online via Zoom (4th, 11th, 18th February) Presented By Martina & The Ruah Team Further enquiries & bookings to

Blessington Bridge Club Meets every Monday at 7.30pm in the Kare Centre. All new players welcome.

Valleymount Walking Group Would you like to start walking? This group is open to everyone of all ages and capabilities. Meeting point: Community Shed Valleymount For more information contact Sean 086 250 8230

Sunday 28th January 2024 Songs & Tunes Session, Zellers of Lacken 6 to 9pm. All listeners, singers,  players very welcome. Any song/tune/style; any ability level; all ages. Just for fun! Bring a friend
Info.: Fiona 0838127317

Friendship Club Every Tuesday 3-5pm Manor Kilbride Hall Starting Tue 6th Feb Tea, Coffee, Chat €2 cover charge Adults only. All welcome

Blessington Walking Club Community support for mental emotional and physical health Morning walks during weekdays  at 9.30am Sunday walks at 11am Meeting point Blessington further ed centre WhatsApp 087 223 4005 insta@blessingtonwalkingclub

Blessington Bowls Club meet every Thursday night at 7.30pm in St Kevin’s Hall, Main Street Blessington. Guests are most welcome, why not come along and bring a friend.

Blessington History Society are hosting a talk on Thursday 15th February 2024 at 8pm in the Coimin Centre. The speaker is Aidan Cruise, and the talk will be based on the history of the Blessington tram 1888 – 1932. A slide show containing photographs of historical interest relating to the tram will be included. Aidan is a long-standing member of Blessington History Society and is the author of two books Left At The Lamb and The Dublin Blessington Tram.

Young couple eagerly looking for a house to rent. No pets. No kids. Non-smokers. Julio at 0838272861 or

Family coming from Brazil looking for a house to rent on a short-term basis. 23/05-05/06. For 10 people. No pets.  Julio. 0838272861 or

The Valleymount Community shed invites you again to come & join the fun on our next night of music/song/poems and more Next Saturday 10th of February at 7.30 sharp come early to secure a seat in the Community shed. Looking forward meeting you all

The Greenway Café Delicious cake boxes made  on the premises. Order one for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day or any Special Occasion To Order ring Natasha @ 0872938428 or Claire @ 0872378663 Last orders for Valentines Day, 5pm on Monday 12th Feb.

Ambrosial Reflexology Benefits of Reflexology include Improved Sleep, Relaxation Adjunct to mental health care (Depression, Anxiety) Contact Eibhlin Ambrose (MNRRI, RGN, PHN) 0870534127

Always wanted to sing? All Welcome. No Auditions. Blessington Millennium Choir are looking to recruit new members who love to sing. With mixed ability and experience, we aim to positively impact our community and as such regularly raise funds for organisations and participate in events. So, if you sing in the shower, you are the King or Queen of Karaoke or a keen amateur, Come & Join Us We meet every Tuesday evening 7.30 to 9.30pm at the Kare Centre, Blessington For more details please phone (087) 4352385 or (087) 2431499

Blessington Library . These are our recurring events. For children and their parents/guardians Tummy Time [0 – 12 months] – Every Thursday, 11.30am Toddler Time [1 – 3 years olds] – Every Friday, 11.30am Story Time [3 – 6 years olds] –  Saturday, 11.30am Children’s Book Club  (Contact the library for more details) Age 8-9 First Thursday of month at 6.30pm Age 10-12 Third Tuesday of month at 7pm. For adults Cuidiú – Breastfeeding group Every second Monday, starting  Monday 15th January. Adult Book Clubs  (Contact the library for more details) Last Thursday of month at 6.30pm Last Friday of month at 11.00am Last Tuesday of month at 6.45pm Writing Group Second Thursday of month at 7pm Poetry Group Third Thursday of month at 6.45pm Crafty Hookers, Knitting Group
Every Wednesday, 11.00am

Blessington Community Employment Vacancies These are developmental opportunities, no experience necessary. St Kevin’s, Cemetery, Hollywood Duties inclusive of but not restricted to grass cutting, light maintenance, key holding, and cleaning. Closing Date: 20/02/2024 Reference: CES: 2317015. Secretary, St Kevin’s  Community Centre. Duties inclusive of but not restricted to admin, answering calls,  And secretarial work. Closing Date: 02/02/2024 Reference: CES: 2317031. Caretaker, Hollywood Community Centre. Duties to include but not restricted to preparing hall for meetings and events, cleaning, light maintenance, and painting. Closing Date: 02/02/2024 Reference: CES: 2317081 Caretaker, St. Johns Cemetery, Ballymore. Duties inclusive of but not restricted to grass cutting, light maintenance, key holding, and cleaning. Closing Date: 16/02/2024 Reference: CES: 2317525 Please contact us on 085-2523563 or Please note *You must be in receipt of a social welfare payment for the last 12 months to qualify for these positions. * CE Rates Apply.


Trainee Accountant/Accounting Technician opportunity available in local accountancy practice. Training will be provided. Please call 087 7821159 for further details.

Catriona Byrne & Co Solicitors BESIDE AIB – OVER 20 YEARS ESTABLISHED FOR ALL YOUR LEGAL NEEDS 3 Mill Bank, Blessington County Wicklow Tel: 045 857 537

Septic Tanks Emptied & Digger Hire Call Dermot or Adam Phibbs 087 799 5320 – 083 037 4750      License no: NWCPO-21-12619-01

Blessington Counselling & Psychotherapy – Mandy Downes MAPCP 085 134 9813 Specialist in CBT & Solution focused Therapy

Wicklow & Kildare Mental Health Services  Counselling & Psychotherapy. Aran Centre, Blessington, Co. Wicklow. For Bookings please contact, by phone: 089 274 4920 or e-mail:

To Let Very nice self-contained private office at Aran Centre, Blessington opposite Aldi.  From €125 per week plus VAT.  Contact Sean on 087 8175227.

Building & Roofing Contractor Available All Roof Repairs, Slates, Tiles, Lead Valleys, Velux Windows, PvC Fascia & Soffit, Extensions, Attic Conversions & Renovations. All Work Guaranteed Niall Kearns 0862746969.

Driving instructor RSA and ADI approved.  Contact Michael 087 459 4258  for bookings.






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