Saturday 25th February 2023

Archbishop Farrell has asked for a Diocesan Collection to be taken up in support of the people of Turkey & Syria affected by the devastating earthquakes. The Collection will take place this weekend & will replace the SHARE collection. The donations will be channelled through Trócaire, who are working with partners in the affected area. They have the capability to ensure that any funds raised in Ireland will be managed appropriately to meet the needs of those most badly affected.

Saturday 25th February: Mass times: Blessington: 6pm, Lacken 7.30pm. Confessions: After 6pm Mass in Blessington

Sunday 26th February: Mass Times: Blessington: 10am, Manor Kilbride: 11am, Valleymount: 10.00am, Crosschapel Church: 11.30am


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