Sunday 28th June 2020
► As of Monday 29th June 2020, we are allowed to return to the public celebration of Mass in the Parishes of Blessington & Valleymount.
- In accordance with the HSE prescribed guidelines we have posted the optimum number of places that each Church can hold.
- We have marked out the seating to promote physical distancing and these are supported by appropriate signage.
- We have established separate entrance & exit doors & we have ground markings indicating directions for the reception of Holy Communion.
- The Church has been deep cleaned & sanitised & there are hand sanitisers available at entrance & exits.
- There will be no sign of peace at Mass & Holy Communion will be received in the hand only.
- The passing of baskets for collections will not take place. Your contributions will be collected at the entrance/exits
- The Sunday obligation is suspended at present. However, if you wish, you can come to Mass on a weekday to fulfil your obligation during this time.
- Toilets are not available at this time.
- Confessions by appointment & will take place in the Crying Room, Church of Our Lady, Blessington.
May I take this opportunity to thank you all for your support, understanding and co-operation at this strange and difficult time.
“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face towards you and give you peace” (Numbers 6:24-26)
With every blessing, Fr Richard.
►When the Church re-opens again next week we need to have teams available to sanitise the church after each Mass is celebrated. Many thanks to those who have already volunteered but more are needed to help as there really are not enough volunteers to spread the burden. If you are willing to volunteer for this very important service, please contact the Parish Office for further arrangements.
►The Parish Office will be open from 9.30am to 12.30pm Monday to Friday.
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