Sunday 6th December 2020

SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT 6th December – The message of repentance during this season of Advent is a call to each one of us to look deeply into our lives, to renew and deepen our relationship with God.

►Daily Mass at 9.30am, Monday to Friday

►Sunday 6th December: Mass at 10am

Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Tuesday 8th December – Mass Times:

10.00am & 8.00pm in Blessington ***

10.00am in Crosschapel

11.00am in Manor Kilbride

11.15am in Valleymount

***►Rosary & Adoration from 7pm to 7.45 pm (followed by the Holy Day Mass at 8pm)

►The Parish Office will remain closed for the Holy Day

Our Churches have re-opened for public Mass. A ticket is required to attend weekend Masses in Church of Our Lady Blessington, available from the Parish Office: 045 865 327. Parish Office from 9am to 1pm – Monday to Friday. A ticket will also be needed for the 8pm Mass on Tuesday 8th December, Holy Day, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.

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