Tuesday 20th October 2020

PARISH WEBCAM – If anyone has problems accessing the webcam at the moment, we changed to a new provider last Thursday so if you access though a saved ‘shortcut’ you will need to refresh this by going back to the website an clicking on the camera link there again or a direct link to camera below.

Daily Mass via Webcam at 9.30am Monday to Friday please join us in prayer: www.blessingtonparish.ie

The Church is open from 10am to 6pm every day. Drop in for quiet prayer or to light a candle. We will keep the area cleaned & disinfected but please use the HAND SANITISER as you enter & as you leave the Church.

Church Collections – donations can be made to the 1st & 2nd collections via the DONATE BUTTON on the parish website. The 1st collection goes to towards the support of the parish The 2nd collection goes to the Diocese.

All the SHRINE MONEY & donations in the black PDF BOXES on the wall of the church remain in the parish. During this time you can also make donations via the DONATE BUTTON on the parish website. Thank you for your ongoing support.

This is an unprecedent time, it’s time for unprecedented kindness

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