Tuesday 23rd February 2021

All Masses & Services via Webcam www.blessingtonparish.ie

Daily Mass at 9.30am, Monday to Friday please join us in prayer for The Rosary at 9am

While the Parish Office is  Closed to the Public. We are available by telephone or email  for Mass Bookings, Mass Cards, & General Enquiries Monday to Friday. Email: office@blessington.info Carol: 045 865 327 from 9am to 1pm. Jean: 087 2350835 from 9am to 5pm

The Church is open from 10am on Monday to Saturday and after 11.30am Mass on Sundays to allow people to drop in for quiet prayer or to light a candle. please use the HAND SANITISER as you enter & as you leave the Church. There is a Collection Point at the back of the Church to collect Mass Cards ordered by phone or by email 045 865 327 office@blessington.info

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