Valleymount Art & Heritage Weekend

Valleymount Art & Heritage Weekend

June 21st – 8pm in Valleymount Hall

Valleymount Theatre Company presents William Shakespeare’s Comedy  ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ appropriately on ‘Midsummers Night’!

June 22nd – 8pm in Valleymount Hall

Heritage Exhibition ‘The History of The Parish’ followed by a talk on the history of the parish.

June 23rdBishop Eamonn Walsh will celebrate 11.15am Mass in St. Joseph’s Church Valleymount. This will be followed by a Blessing of  THE MEMORY GARDEN  at the front of The Parochial House. The garden is to commemorate the memory of the families who were displaced & affected by the flooding of the Valley 1939 / 1940

Heritage Exhibition & Tea Rooms until 3pm

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