Newsletter 12th Jan 2025. Issue1290

Mass intentions in Blessington

Saturday: Josephine Murphy …A, Noel Murphy…Rem, Leo Howlin…A

Sunday: Maurice O Sullivan…A, Leisha Williams…RD

Monday: Mass for the Sick & those in Hospital

Tuesday: Special Living Intention, Gabriel Lavin…A

Wednesday: John Burns…A, Get Well Mass

Thursday: Blessington Deceased Card List

Friday: Liam Murphy…RD, Derek Kane…RD

Funding Appeal

Our Parish Finances are in a very fragile state. There are many reasons for this – dwindling congregations, lack of regular income, peoples’ own financial situations etc. Historically, our Parish account had been with the Ulster Bank. When that closed, we lost quite a frightening number of Standing Orders. So much so, we are operating from month to month at the moment. I am asking you to consider renewing your standing order with your Bank, and, if your resources permit, to increase your contributions. We need a regular income on which we can depend.

The offerings given at Mass on Sundays do not stay in the parish. They are for the diocesan salaries of priests, and for the support of parishes poorer than our own. The money we rely on comes from the envelopes, the standing orders, and whatever rental income we can generate from our buildings.

Thank you in advance for supporting your parishes. Standing Order forms are available at the back of our churches. As we continue to build the church of the future in hope, may the Lord bless us and the gifts we are able to give.

Feast Days 15th Jan – St. Ita St lta was born in Co. Waterford of noble and Christion parents. Early on she set her mind on serving Christ in religious life. She founded o monastery in Killeedy, Co. Limerick, which attracted o great variety of young people. She was given the title ‘foster-mother of the saints of Ireland’. She died in 570. 16th Jan St Fursa

16th: St Fursa was born in Ireland and become one of the great monastic missionaries abroad. He went first with his brothers Foillon and Ulton to live the monastic life in East Anglia. But as great numbers continued to visit him there he left Foillon as abbot and sought refuge in Fronce around 644. A patron gave him a hermitage  at Lagny on the Marne. He died about 650 at Mezeralles and was buried in Peronne, which become o great centre of devotion to him.

Rosary & Holy Hour  The Holy Hour with Rosary and Adoration will resume on Wed Jan 15th at the new time 10.00am to 11.00 am for the duration of the winter months.

Pray & Play Group In the Coimin Centre, Every Wed 2.45pm to 4.30pm. For children of all ages with their parents, grandparents, guardians. Contact Áine 086 107 0480

Minister of Eucharist –January 2025 Church of Our Lady Blessington SAT 6PM: Pat McGrath, Ann Hanlon & Frank Hanlon SUNDAY 10AM: George Richardson, Kay Clarke & Aisling Molloy.

A special word of thanks to Our Caretaker, Christine who has worked tirelessly to keep the pathways around our church, the Church of Our Lady, Blessington, clear of snow and safe for  everyone to walk on.

Blessington Parish Lotto Numbers on 26th December 2,12,17,21. €25 Winner: Robin Fallon.  Next Jackpot €2825.

Blessington Parish Lotto Numbers on 2nd January: 8,13,20,24. €25 Winner: Deirdre McNamara.  Next Jackpot €2850.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025 This year’s prayer resource has been prepared by the community of Bose, an ecumenical monastery of brothers and sisters in northern Italy. As we celebrate 1,700 years since the Council of Nicaea, this worship service has, at its heart, the Nicene Creed. We are invited to reflect on the story of Martha’s confession of faith in Jesus as narrated in John 11: 17-27, and to contemplate Jesus’ provocative question to Martha: ‘Do you believe this?’ Texts for the main service and for the days of the octave of prayer con be found in the Spirituality and Reflection section of the website of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland:, and on the website of the Dicastery for Promoting Christion Unity:

Prayer to St Ita O God, who made Saint Íte of Killeedy a spiritual mother to several saints, grant us her intercession and help us emulate her love for You and her service to Your kingdom. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen.

POPES INTENTION FOR  January. For the right to an education. Let us pray for migrants, refugees and those affected by war, that their right to an education, which is necessary to build a better world, might always be respected.

The Jubilee Prayer Father in heaven, may the faith you have given us in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother, and the flame of charity enkindled in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, reawaken in us the blessed hope for the coming of your Kingdom. May your grace transform us into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel. May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos in the sure expectation of a new heaven and a new earth, when, with the powers of Evil vanquished, your glory will shine eternally. May the grace of the Jubilee reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope, a yearning for the treasures of heaven. May that same grace spread the joy and peace of our Redeemer throughout the earth. To you our God, eternally blessed, be glory and praise for ever. Amen

A Prayer for the New Year As the new year begins, I look to You for our hope, joy, and peace. Give me the courage to do all that You ask of me. Please also make me brave to not do what isn’t from You. Show me how to walk in grace and embrace Your love for me even more. Amen

CARE OF THE EARTH  The water you use in the preparation of food, you can store it to later water your plants with it Water your plants or very early or late, to avoid evaporation by the sun and use water-saving hoses.

Thought of the Week After the Epiphany Jesus works signs and wonders among his people. We risk losing the full message of Christmas if we only think of Jesus as a baby in a crib.

Pope Francis has chosen the motto “Miserando atque eligendo”, meaning lowly but chosen; literally in Latin ‘by having mercy, by choosing him’.

Children did you Know? The evening before Epiphany is called Twelfth Night. Children in many European countries receive presents on this night. According to Italian folklore, an old woman named Befana goes down chimneys on Twelfth Night and delivers presents in imitation of the Wise Men. In Spain, children fill their shoes with gifts for the Magi and hope gifts will be left in thanks. In many countries a special cake, called a king cake, is eaten. Hidden inside the cake is a small object, such as a bean or a plastic baby. The person who finds the hidden object is named king or queen of the celebration.

January. January is the first month of the year. The first of January is known as New Year’s Day. It is the beginning of a fresh new year. Fittingly, January is often seen as a month of retrospection. Now that is a big word, and it means looking back on the year that recently ended and looking forward to the coming new year. For many people it is a time for change and many people make New Year’s resolutions – decisions to do something different or to make some changes in their lives. Some people decide to eat healthier food and give up sugary treats and other people take up a sport or join a gym to get fit. However, you can make all these changes during any month of the year! January is a winter month in the Northern Hemisphere and a summer month in the Southern Hemisphere. Did you know that the first records of the word January come from before the year AD 1000? The month is names after Janus, the Roman god of doorways, beginnings, and the rising and setting sun doorways, beginnings, and the rising and setting of the sun. January 6th is known as Little Christmas, and it is also the Feast of the Epiphany. According to the New Testament’s Gospels, on this date the Magi – the three wise men or kings – honoured the infant Jesus. They travelled a long way and by following the Christmas Star they finally arrived at the stable in Bethlehem to see Baby Jesus. They brought him lovely presents of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. The Feast of the Epiphany is known as Three King’s Day in Spain and some other Hispanic countries. In England, the celebration is called Twelfth Night. In celebration of the feast of the Epiphany in Ireland, January 6th is marked by Nollaig na mBan or woman’s Christmas. On this day it is the tradition in Ireland for women friends and family members to get together and enjoy their own Christmas, while the men folk stay at home and handle all the chores. So, you see even though January is right in the middle of winter it is a really great month – out with the old and in with the new.

PUPPY RAISERS NEEDED Help to train a future Guide or Assistance Dog by fostering a puppy! This full-time volunteer role involves a pup living in your home from 9 weeks up to 14 months old. To find out more, please email or visit

Blessington Further Education Centre’s new term starting in January 2025 is open to adults who want to return to education. We provide free classes and work with early school leavers and people who have not been in a learning environment in some time. We work with people who are in employment and also those in receipt of social welfare payments. Classes are offered day, night and afternoon on a part-time basis ranging from 2-6 hours per week. We work at the learner’s pace in a friendly environment We offer classes in: Blow drying hair, – Gardening,-  Art, – Food and nutrition – We can help you with your C.V and interview skills. – Computers/ Laptop & Phones for beginners and those who need to improve their skills.- Horticulture QQI Level 4 – Growing Vegetables, – Office Skills QQI Level 4 – customer service and desktop publishing, Information Technology Skills, – Business Administration QQI Level 5  – word processing and desktop publishing, NEW COURSE IN APPLIED SOCIAL STUDIES – please phone for more details, SNA Level 5 – day class,  FREE Course/Job Guidance service also available We provide 1-1 support to improve English skills of reading and writing as well as numeracy. One of our past students commented that – Leanne said “I was able to talk to my child’s teacher with confidence and express my concerns and listen to advice”. For more information on any of the above please contact us on 045 891099 or email

AWARE SUPPORT & SELF CARE GROUPS If you or those with whom you work wish to connect with people in relation to your mental wellbeing, consider using Aware’s phone-in and Zoom support and self-care groups, support line or support mail. For more information, visit

Accord Prayer for Marriage & Family Life God of love, show us our place in this world as channels of your love. Give to us the gift of respect, empathy and understanding. Bless and strengthen our love for each other. Help us to appreciate the value of family life and to live in harmony with all whom we come in contact with. Encourage us, we pray, to act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with the Lord. Praise be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT The Irish Hospice Foundation provides a free Bereavement Support Line. This National Freephone Service is available from 10am to 1pm, Monday to Friday, by calling 1800 807077. Visit for more information.

ALZHEIMER CAFÉ NAAS The Alzheimer Café evening takes place on the last Wednesday of every month from 7pm to 9pm in the Convent Tea Rooms at McAuley Place, Sallins Road, Naas (Beside Parish Church). Those living with a dementia, families, carers and professionals with an interest in the area are all welcome to attend. Each month a different speaker will give a perspective on Alzheimer disease and an open discussion takes place with questions and answers.

A Prayer for our Parish Heavenly Father, Bless our Church and our parish, And all the good work that goes on in them. May all who are Christians live and work together for the good of each other and the glory of your Name. May those who do not know you be brought by our example to a loving knowledge and peace with you. Amen

Blessington History Society  are holding their AGM on Thursday 16th January 2025 at 7.30pm in the Coimin Centre Blessington. A talk titled “A layman’s experiences of the Irish Language” will be given by Tim Kyne on the night.

Blessington U3A  are pleased to announce our next talk Speaker: Dr Rebecca O’Neill Title: “Celebrating Irish Women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)” Date:Tuesday 21st January  at 10.30am Venue: Avon Hotel, Blessington

Childminder needed Manor Kilbride Home. Part time from 2pm approx. 5.30pm Monday to Thursday.  Friday flexible. Please call Anne 0868590772

Blessington Bridge Club Meets every Monday at 7.30pm in the Kare Centre. All new players welcome.

Blessington Bowls Club meet every Thursday night at 7.30pm in St Kevin’s Hall, Main Street Blessington. Guests are most welcome, why not come along and bring a friend

Blessington Library Events If you need help with your smart phone, tablet, laptop, or navigating the internet, Blessington Library offers 45-minute sessions one – one with a qualified tutor on Mondays, 1.30pm – 4.30 pm & Thursdays, 3 – 7 pm. Book your place: (045) 891 740 / Social Inclusion Week Sunday, 13th -19th October Stories, Crafts and Music with Agata Lojek – children 5-9 (Wed 16th Oct at 3 pm) Connection through song with Mags from Blessington Choir (event for adults, coffee and tea provided). Thurs 17th Oct at 10 am. Book your place: (045) 891 740 /

GAELSCOIL NA LOCHANNA will hold their open night on 9 January 2025, 7:30. Fáilte [All parents welcome to find out what life is like in the Gaelscoil] Enrolments for 25-26 school year accepted all through January. (31 spaces) Enrolments for our Autism class accepted all through February. (4 spaces left) Fáilte romhaibh – You don’t need Irish to join the Gaelscoil!! 087 9388651 / 045 900525 …AGUS NOLLAIG SHONA DAOIBH 🎄

Manor Kilbride Community Hall Available for hire for Classes, Training Groups Parties & Events. Email:

Daz Auto Motors Blessington Newly opened a small garage for motor repairs and car valeting Contact 0894564703 Beside Pet Hospital in Blessington Unit 4 Blessington Industrial Estate W91HY32

Ustore @ Hollywood Large storage area available Phone 087-356-7601 €100 Per month

Catriona Byrne & Co Solicitors BESIDE AIB – OVER 20 YEARS ESTABLISHED FOR ALL YOUR LEGAL NEEDS 3 Mill Bank, Blessington County Wicklow Tel: 045 857 537

Septic Tanks Emptied & Digger Hire Call Dermot or Adam Phibbs 087 799 5320 – 083 037 4750      License no: NWCPO-21-12619-01

Blessington Counselling & Psychotherapy – Mandy Downes MAPCP 085 134 9813 Specialist in CBT & Solution focused Therapy

Wicklow & Kildare Mental Health Services  Counselling & Psychotherapy. Aran Centre, Blessington, Co. Wicklow. For Bookings please contact, by phone: 089 274 4920 or e-mail:

Driving instructor RSA and ADI approved.  Contact Michael 087 459 4258  for bookings.

GF Services Tile Cleaning Upholstery Cleaning Carpet Cleaning 0899889861

Painter & Decorator Interior & Exterior Call Damien 085 826 0431

HEADSTONES McEvoy Monumental Works Blessington. Headstones, Inscriptions, Renovations. Serving the people of Blessington for over 40 years. Call to our workshop at Millbank Blessington Call: Mick 045 865 487 – 086 843 8832 or Gary 087 933 3487

Local Builder Available All services under one roof, Windows & Doors, Plumbing, Tiling, Roofing, Plastering, Electrical, Carpentry, Insulation. All levels of construction services available. Fully registered. Call Paul: 086 309 1829

Paying too much for SKY or Virgin Media? We Install or Repair Free to Air & Saorview! No more Bills! Call Billy 086 868 0053

Eagle Cleaning Solutions Chimney Cleaning, Exterior Power Washing, Window Cleaning, Gutter Cleaning & Repairs. Find us on Facebook! Call for appointment: 087 247 4388.

German Autoworks – Service Specialist VW/Audi, Mercedes, Skoda, Seat, Opel – Call 087 286 3997

Function Rooms available at the Avon Call 045 900670 for further info. Kiln-Dried Firewood Standard bag from €110 Large bag from €180 Larch, birch, hornbeam, or ash available. Call 01-2118469 Delivery charge – €20 per order

Niall Kearns Building & Roofing Contractor 086 274 6969 Building New Homes, Extensions, Sunrooms Attic Conversions, Renovations, Chimney Repairs Roofing New Roofs, All Roof Repairs Flat Roofs, Gutter Repairs Roof Replacement, PVC Fascia & Soffit All Work Fully Guaranteed

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