Issue 1291 2nd February 2020

Saturday 1st February 2020

Children’s Church is back!! NEW time 6pm Mass in Blessington on Saturdays

Blessing of Throats will take place at 7.30pm Mass in Lacken

Sunday 2nd February 2020

Blessing of Throats will take place at 11.15am Mass in Valleymount

Candlemas – Candles will be blessed for use in the home at Masses this weekend. Candles available in the Parish Office.

Monday 3rd February 2020

Holy Hour in Crosschapel every Monday after 10am Mass (ex-Bank Holidays)

Blessing of Throats at 9.30am Mass in Blessington & 10am in Crosschapel

Blessington Community Walking Group. Walks from the Coimín Centre on Monday (ex-bank holidays) & Thursday at 7pm. All levels catered for & welcome. Find us on Facebook

Benediction and Guided Prayer in Lacken Church at 8pm. All Welcome.

Tuesday 4th February 2020

Citizens Information Centre in Blessington Library from 1pm to 4pm. Legal advice service on 1st & 3rd Tues of month by appointment

Blessington Book Club meeting at 10.30am in Education Centre. All Welcome

Blessington & District Active Retired meeting at 2.30pm in the Coimín Centre Blessington, new members welcome.

Eucharistic Adoration from 7.30pm to 8.30pm in Blessington Church.

Wednesday 5th February 2020

The Citizens Information Centre is open in Blessington Library today 10am to 12.30pm.

The Rosary will be offered at 7.30pm for the intentions of our families in Blessington Church

Prayers to the Holy Face of Jesus in Crying Room Blessington Church 11am

Christian Meditation Group meet in the Mass Centre in Brittas from 11am. All welcome

Friday 7th February 2020

Bethany Bereavement Support Group are available in the Coimín Centre Blessington for caring confidential support from 10am to 11am

1st Friday of the Month. The Masses will be offered for all those whose names are on the Altar List of the Dead. The priests will visit the sick & housebound. If you would like a visit please contact the Parish Office, 045 865 327

1st Friday Mass in Manor Kilbride at 9am.

1st Friday Mass in Valleymount at 11.15am

Coffee Morning in Lacken Community Centre from 10.30am to 12.30pm

Padre Pio Mass at 8pm in Blessington. 

Mass Intentions this Week

Saturday 6pm: Edward Boylan (1st A) Bridie & Owen Naughton (A) Joe Tracey (A) Jim Luttrell (A) Michael Doran (A)

Sunday 10am: Bernadette Byrne (1st A) Conor Curran (A) Brigid O’Connell

We also Remember the following:  Margaret Hayden (A) Bill Brady, Kit Brady (A) Ann O’Byrne

Monday: Mass for those on list for Sick

Tuesday: Sp Living Int, Thank you Mass, Thank you, Mass,

Wednesday: James Fallon (RD) Marie Cox (RD)

Thursday: Jim Redmond (RD) Ann Ryan (RD)

Friday: Mass for all  on Altar List of the Dead

Beginning on Monday 17th February, between 11am & 1pm Fr Richard & Deacon Gerry will be visiting farms in Valleymount to bless the stock & homes in the area.

Monday: Annacarney Togher, Logstown  (Upper & Lower)

Tuesday: Carrigacurra

Wednesday: Lower Baltyboys

Thursday: Upper Baltyboys

Friday: Granamore, Granabeg

If you would like a visit, please call Blessington Parish Office 045 865 327 (your Eircode would be helpful)

St Brigid’s N.S. Manor Kilbride are now accepting enrolments for all pupils wishing to start in September.  Please contact the school office on 01-4582550 for an enrolment form.

Lacken NS are currently accepting enrolments for September 2020. Enrolment forms are available on or from the school, call 045 865 086 and we will post one out to you. Lacken NS also runs a pre-school & an after-school service. Please join us at our open day on Wednesday 12th February from 11am to 12.15pm. All are welcome.

St. Joseph’s National School (Valleymount) are now accepting enrolment forms for September 2020. Forms available from the school office, please call in or phone 045 867289. Places are filling up fast. Closing date for applications April 30th.

Community Engagement Day in St. Brigid’s School, Manor Kilbride Fri 31st at 7pm. Local Gardai, IFA branch reps & reps from community groups involved in the National Rural Safety Forum will be engaging with local community. This is a great opportunity for the local community to get to know their local Gardai and local community representatives

Blessington Parish will host the Climate Justice Candle for the month of Feb. On Sunday 16th Feb, Sr Catherine Brennan of Eco Congregation Ireland will speak at the 10am & 11.15am Masses in Blessington & Valleymount on ways in which our parishes can become more environmentally aware & eco-friendly.

Visitation of the Sick: If there are any parishioners ill, at home or in hospital who would like a visit from a priest, please contact the Parish Office to let us know and to make arrangements 045 865 327

Coffee Concert organised by Pipeworks, which promotes Hungarian organ & choral music in St Jude’s Church, Templeogue on Sun 2nd of Feb at 4pm. Featruing Organist Judit Mate & St Jude’s Concert Choir. Tickets €10/€5

Blessington based Baritone, Gyula Nagy is singing the role of Schaunard in ROH Covent Garden’s La Boheme, which will be screened live in cinemas on Jan 29th Details:

Huge, Huge THANK YOU from Blessington Musical & Dramatic Society for your support for our Panto “Robin Hood” We hope everyone enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed putting it on! See you again next time…..

Join us for Blessington Bingo every Wednesday in the Avon at 8.15 pm. Great prizes, weekly Jackpot & bonus prizes if you check on Lucky Number, Raffle etc. Shuttle Bus available €2 return. €10 for book and flyers. Contact Catherine 087 122 4019 or Jess 086 860 2822

Car Boot Sale (Des Redmond Charities) in St. Kevin’s Hall Sunday 9th February from 7am to 4pm. €10 per table, Free Car Park, Tea & Coffee. Pat Conlan 086 075 2072

TABLE QUIZ in Tutty’s Pub Hollywood on 7th February at 9pm Sharp. Table of 4 €40. Proceeds towards Senior Citizens Summer Outing, your support appreciated. Quiz Master “Supreme” Pat O Neill.

Interested in a social cycle in the Blessington area?  Led by an experienced volunteer, Cycling Ireland/Axa Community Bike Rides are gentle, social bike rides for adults, usually followed by coffee & chat.  New series for beginners added for Wednesdays at 10:30am. Join for FREE at

Happy Faces Play School Blessington Education Centre is a fun, stimulating & welcoming environment with a curriculum focusing on the best care & education for your child. Our staff are highly trained in up to date childcare & Montessori methods of learning and development. Places available, full & part time. Enrolling now for Sept 2020.

Cub Scout Blessington. Is your child aged 9-11years, if they are interested in joining scouts & you would like to become a scout leader (free training provided) please contact me for more details.

LOOKING FOR A GREAT NIGHT OUT? Blessington Bowls meet every Thurs at 7.30pm in St. Kevin’s Hall, Blessington. guests welcome, come along & bring a friend.

MEMBER NOTICE – Blessington & District Credit Union Limited, Annual General Meeting will take place on 30th January at 8 pm in The Avon, Blessington

Last Chance for Groups, Floats, Businesses etc to take part in the Blessington St Patrick’s Day Parade on 17th March at 12 noon. Contact 087 7811691  for registration. Ken Darker & Noel Nolan will be the commentators on the day. All proceeds to Community Pool for West Wicklow

West Wicklow Cancer Support – Weekly Meditation with essential oils hosted by Gemma Deeney of Yogagym on Wednesdays at 11.30am Primary Care Centre Blessington.  If your life has been touched by cancer in any way come & join us. No charge, all welcome. Find us on facebook /

Friends of Lady Leona McNally Buggy of The Lodge, would like to wish her a happy birthday on becoming a Quadragenarian.

TRY IT OUT, Blessington Mini-Rugby for Tots is looking for new members to play fun & games every Sat @ 10:15am at St Kevin’s Hall, Main St, Blessington (opposite Vincent’s Charity Shop). Ages 3-5 years.

Hollywood Friendship Club every Wed from 2.15pm to 4.15pm in the Hollywood Centre. New members welcome

West Wicklow General Election Debate. Community Pool for West Wicklow have invited all General Election candidates running in Wicklow to take part in a debate in The Avon on Tues Feb 4th at 8:15pm For more info: email

Adult Fencing Classes on Tuesdays from 8pm in St Kevin’s Hall. Fencing is a fun sport & all ages & levels of fitness can enjoy. No special equipment required only comfortable clothes & trainers. All are welcome to pop along & give it a go with no obligation. Call 087 676 4183 if you need any additional information

The Parish Book Club next meeting will be on Thurs 13th Feb at 10am in The Church Meeting Room.  The book for discussion is ‘Following Jesus: Finding Our Way Home in an Age of Anxiety’ by Henri Nouwen, SPCK Publishing (17 Sept. 2019).  New members are always welcome.

The Divine Mercy Conference 2020 takes place in the Main Hall, RDS Ballsbridge on:

Friday 21st February (evening for Young People)

Saturday 22nd & Sunday 23rd February.

THEME: “Deliver us from Evil” (Mt 6:13)

Sat: from 10am to 9pm with Rosary, Holy Hour & Mass,

Sun: from 10am to 5pm again concluding with Mass


Speakers include: Fr Pat Collins, C.M. – Fr Peter Glas – Holy Hour. – Fr Brendan Walsh, Eucharistic Healing Service.

Archbishop Diarmuid Martin DD Archbishop of Dublin

Tickets: Sat €30, Sunday €20, full weekend €35 available from PayPal online or at main door:

Info: Margaret 087 669 8745 or Eileen 087 990 5723

Further details & to book online at



Issue 1290 January 26th 2020

Sunday 26th January 2020

All children in 3rd Class are invited to 10am Mass in, Blessington for a special blessing & remembrance of their 1st Communion last year.

1st Communion Preparation Mass at 11.15am in Valleymount

Bridge Tournament hosted by St Mary’s College Past Pupils Union, Lawlor’s Hotel, Naas at 2pm €10 per person. Raffle & Prizes. All funds will go to the school. Parking will be available at the school

Monday 27th January 2020

Holy Hour in Crosschapel every Monday after 10am Mass (ex-Bank Holidays)

Blessington Community Walking Group. Walks from the Coimín Centre on Monday (ex-bank holidays) & Thursday at 7pm. All levels catered for & welcome. Find us on Facebook

Tuesday 28th January 2020

Citizens Information Centre in Blessington Library from 1pm to 4pm. Legal advice service on 1st & 3rd Tues of month by appointment

Eucharistic Adoration from 7.30pm to 8.30pm in Blessington Church.

Wednesday 29th January 2020

The Citizens Information Centre is open in Blessington Library today 10am to 12.30pm.

The Rosary will be offered at 7.30pm for the intentions of our families in Blessington Church

Christian Meditation Group meet in the Mass Centre in Brittas from 11am. All welcome

Thursday 30th January 2020

West Wicklow Cancer Support monthly drop in “Manifestation Meditation” hosted by Gemma Deeny of Yogagym at 7.30pm in the Coimin Centre, Blessington.  No charge, all welcome. Find us on Facebook, call 087 434 6004 or email

Mass Intentions this Week

Saturday 6pm: Peggy Howlin (A) Jim & Maisie Browne (A) Sean & Betty Tutty (A) Jimmy Hanlon (Butterhill) (A) Jim & Mary Kavanagh (A)

Sunday 10am: Paddy Owens (RD) Mary Hoey (RD)

We also Remember the following: Christopher Flanagan (A) Lil Horan (A) Bernadette Dunne (A) Denis Ryall (A)

Monday: Mass for those on list for Sick

Tuesday: Winnie McDermott (A) Denis Ryall (A) Spec Living Intentions

Wednesday: Denis Kelleher (1st A) Barry O’Donnell (Rem)

Thursday: Get Well Mass, Spec Intentions

Friday: Anne Ryan (RD) Joe Dunne (RD)

Children’s Church is back!!  NEW time 6pm Mass in Blessington on Saturday 1st February

Blessing of Throats

Saturday 1st in Lacken at 7.30pm

Sunday 2nd February Valleymount at 11.15am

Monday 3rd February,

Blessington, & Crosschapel

Special broadcast of Knock Mass from Rome. Mass will be celebrated by Pope Francis in St. Peter’s Basilica, Rome this Sunday 26th January at 9am (Irish time) It will be broadcast “live” on the EWTN channel on SKY 588 or Virgin Media 815

Visitation of the Sick: If there are any parishioners ill, at home or in hospital who would like a visit from a priest, please contact the Parish Office to let us know and to make arrangements 045 865 327

Applications for Junior Infant places in Sept 2020 in St Mary’s Junior School should be submitted by Friday 24th January 2020. Forms are available from our school website, from the school office between 9am & 3pm Mon – Fri. or from the parish office (9am to 1 Mon – Fri).  Completed forms may be dropped into the school office or emailed to bsec@live 045 865 501.

St Brigid’s N.S. Manor Kilbride are now accepting enrolments for all pupils wishing to start in September.  Please contact the school office on 01-4582550 for an enrolment form.

Lacken NS are currently accepting enrolments for September 2020. Enrolment forms are available on or from the school, call 045 865 086 and we will post one out to you. Lacken NS also runs a pre-school & an after-school service. Please join us at our open day on Wednesday 12th February from 11am to 12.15pm. All are welcome.


St. Mary’s Schools & Blessington Parish Fundraiser – Weekly LOTTO DRAW

 a new fund-raising initiative, the money raised will be used to directly support our schools & our parish. You can help in a real, practical way by joining & your support is greatly appreciated.

Carmel Dillon, Principal, St. Mary’s JNS

Gerry Brown, Principal, St. Mary’s SNS

Fr. Richard P.P. Blessington Parish

Full details of how to join, next week

MEMBER NOTICE – Blessington & District Credit Union Limited, Annual General Meeting will take place on 30th January at 8 pm in The Avon, Blessington Lakeshore, Burgage, Blessington, Co Wicklow. We look forward to seeing you on the night

TRY IT OUT, Blessington Mini-Rugby for Tots is looking for new members to play fun & games every Sat @ 10:15am at St Kevin’s Hall, Main St, Blessington (opposite Vincent’s Charity Shop). Ages 3-5 years.

Date for your Diary – Blessington GAA & LGFA Registration night Tues 28th Jan 7pm to 9pm in the clubhouse. Players need to be registered to play & be insured. 2020 sees the launch of Blessington GAA Healthy Club Programme.

Hollywood Friendship Club every Wed from 2.15pm to 4.15pm in the Hollywood Centre. New members welcome

West Wicklow General Election Debate. We need West Wicklow & the issues that affect the people here to be a priority for our incoming TDs! Community Pool for West Wicklow have invited all General Election candidates running in Wicklow to take part in a debate to tell us how they are going to represent us. Come along to The Avon on Tuesday February 4th at 8:15pm to have your voice heard & make sure that West Wicklow is firmly on the agenda for our next TDs. For more info or to get involved please email us at

Adult Fencing Classes on Tuesdays from 8pm in St Kevin’s Hall. Fencing is a fun sport & all ages & levels of fitness can enjoy. No special equipment required only comfortable clothes & trainers. All are welcome to pop along & give it a go with no obligation. Call 087 676 4183 if you need any additional information

The Parish Book Club next meeting will be on Thurs 13th Feb at 10am in The Church Meeting Room.  The book for discussion is ‘Following Jesus: Finding Our Way Home in an Age of Anxiety’ by Henri Nouwen, SPCK Publishing (17 Sept. 2019).  New members are always welcome.

The Divine Mercy Conference 2020 takes place in the Main Hall, RDS Ballsbridge on Friday 21st February (evening for Young People) Saturday 22nd & Sunday 23rd February.

THEME: “Deliver us from Evil” (Mt 6:13) Sat: from 10am to 9pm with Rosary, Holy Hour & Mass, Sun: from 10am to 5pm again concluding with Mass


Fr Pat Collins, C.M.

Fr Peter Glas – Holy Hour

Fr Brendan Walsh, Eucharistic Healing Service.

Archbishop Diarmuid Martin DD Archbishop of Dublin

Tickets: Sat €30, Sunday €20, full weekend €35 available from PayPal online or at main door:

Parish Contacts:

Margaret 087 669 8745 or Eileen 087 990 5723

Further details & to book online at

Free Beginner’s Fitness Drop-in Class every Monday & Thursday at 9.20am in St Kevin’s Hall, Blessington in conjunction with #Active Wicklow

TaiChi Class every Thursday at 11am High Definition in aid of the Coimín Centre. Contact 085 760 7727

Join us for Blessington Bingo every Wednesday in the Avon at 8.15 pm. Great prizes, weekly Jackpot & bonus prizes if you check on Lucky Number, Raffle etc. Shuttle Bus available €2 return. €10 for book and flyers. Contact Catherine 087 122 4019 or Jess 086 860 2822

Car Boot Sale (Des Redmond Charities) in St. Kevin’s Hall Sunday 9th February from 7am to 4pm. €10 per table, Free Car Park, Tea & Coffee. Pat Conlan 086 075 2072

TABLE QUIZ in Tutty’s Pub Hollywood on 7th February at 9pm Sharp. Table of 4 €40. Proceeds towards Senior Citizens Summer Outing, your support appreciated. Quiz Master “Supreme” Pat O Neill.

Interested in a social cycle in the Blessington area?  Led by an experienced volunteer, Cycling Ireland/Axa Community Bike Rides are gentle, social bike rides for adults, usually followed by coffee & chat.  New series for beginners added for Wednesdays at 10:30am. Join for FREE at

Happy Faces Play School Blessington Education Centre is a fun, stimulating & welcoming environment with a curriculum focusing on the best care & education for your child. Our staff are highly trained in up to date childcare & Montessori methods of learning and development. Places available, full & part time. Enrolling now for Sept 2020.

Cub Scout Blessington. Is your child aged 9-11years, if they are interested in joining scouts & you would like to become a scout leader (free training provided) please contact me for more details.

Fuel Stamps are a great way to help budget for fuel costs. The STAY WARM SAVING SCHEME is an easy payment option plan which enables households to budget for their central heating oil & or solid fuel by saving €5 Stay Warm Saving Stamps. The stamps can be used to pay in full or part payment for fuel supplies from your local supplier. Stamps and cards are only available from Hennessy’s Hardware and SVP Shop. Full details are listed on the Fuel Stamps Card. The Scheme is open to all households in the Blessington area. This initiative is in association with Department of Communications Energy & Natural Resources.

World Day of the Sick 2020: The World Day of the Sick Seminar will take place on Saturday, February 8th from 9.30am to 1pm in the Newtown Parish Pastoral Centre, Newtownpark Avenue, Blackrock, Co Dublin. This year’s theme is on Hope in the Face of Suicide. The World Day of the Sick Mass will take place the following day on Sunday 9th February in Church of the Guardian Angels, Newtontownpark Avenue, Blackrock, for further information please contact – Trish Conway on M:  087 6220349.

Laudate Festival

The Laudate Festival will be celebrated in four venues in the Archdiocese of Dublin during Catholic Schools Week.

A large choir of children from schools in the diocese,

500-1000 in each venue, will lead in song and prayer.

The festival nights are joyful and reflective gatherings celebrating the gift of faith.

This is for everyone to enjoy and is free for all parents, families, friends and parishioners.

Church of St Agnes, Crumlin on

Monday 27th January from 7pm to 8.15pm

Our Lady of Victories Church, Ballymun Road on

Tuesday 28th January from 7pm to 8.15pm.

Church of the Holy Spirit, Ballyroan on

Wednesday 29th January from 7pm to 8.15pm.

St Pius X, Templeogue on

Thursday 30th January from 7pm to 8.15pm

Issue 1289 January 19th 2020

Sunday 19th January 2020

1st Communion Preparation Mass at 10am in Church of Our Lady, Blessington


Monday 20th January 2020

Holy Hour in Crosschapel every Monday after 10am Mass (ex-Bank Holidays)


Tuesday 21st January 2020

Citizens Information Centre in Blessington Library from 1pm to 4pm. Legal advice service on 1st & 3rd Tues of month by appointment

Blessington & District Active Retired meeting at 2.30pm in the Coimin Centre Blessington, new members welcome.

Eucharistic Adoration from 7.30pm to 8.30pm in Blessington Church.


Wednesday 22nd January 2020

The Citizens Information Centre is open in Blessington Library today 10am to 12.30pm.

The Rosary will be offered at 7.30pm for the intentions of our families in Blessington Church

Sunday 26th January 2020

All children in 3rd Class are invited to 10am Mass in Church of Our Lady, Blessington for a special blessing and remembrance of their 1st Holy Communion last year.

1st Communion preparation Mass in Valleymount at 11.15am Mass


Mass Intentions this Week

Anne Ryan (RD) Joe Dunne (RD) JK Fallon (RD) Jimmy Walker (RD) Rosie Bohan (RD)

Saturday 6pm: Alice Garry (1st A) Pat Garry (A) Jamie Mahon (A) Helen Kennedy Lunden (A) John, Ann & Liam Craul (A)

Sunday 10am: Derek Larkin (Mths Mind) Tom Carroll (A)

We also Remember the following:  Marie Joyce (A) Anne Mooney (A) John & Brigid Keogh (A) Mary Walsh (A) Imelda & James Plummer (A) Seamus Hayden, Michael Higgins

Monday: Mass for those on list for Sick

Tuesday: Sheila Kearns (RD) Brenda Delaney (RD)

Wednesday: Judy Aspel (RD) Tom Prendergast (RD)

Thursday: Maureen King (RD) Tom Fox (RD)

Friday: Blessington Deceased Mass Card List

Visitation of the Sick: If there are any parishioners ill, at home or in hospital who would like a visit from a priest, please contact the Parish Office to let us know and to make arrangements 045 865 327

Blessington Parish Finance Committee would like to thank all who are supporting the Parish Neighbourhood Collection & the Parish Development Fund Boxes

(PDF boxes) in Church of Our Lady.

The money raised through the Neighbourhood Collection & the PDF boxes stays in the parish

so by your contributions you are supporting your local parish & we are most grateful.

If you have ANNUAL Envelopes & MONTHLY Envelopes that have not been collected, please drop them into the Parish Office or into one of the collection bags at Mass on Sunday.

The personal information you provide is used by the parish to process the contribution in line with revenue guidelines.  It is not shared with any other person or organisation.

Applications for Junior Infant places in Sept 2020 in St Mary’s Junior School should be submitted by Friday 24th January 2020. Forms are available from our school website, from the school office between 9am & 3pm Mon – Fri. or from the parish office (9am to 1 Mon – Fri).  Completed forms may be dropped into the school office or emailed to Bernadette at Please phone with any queries – St Mary’s Junior School 045 865 501.

St Brigid’s N.S. Manor Kilbride are now accepting enrolments for all pupils wishing to start in September.  Please contact the school office on 01-4582550 for an enrolment form. St Brigid’s will also be having an open evening for all prospective students and their families on Tuesday 18th February 2020.  The school will be open from 7pm till 8pm. All the staff look forward to seeing you there.

This year’s Panto ROBIN HOOD from Thurs 16th to Sun 19th Jan. in the Tramway Theatre. Limited tickets still available from The Office Shop & Next Door Off Licence!

Blessington Parish Team wish to thank all who donated and loaned cribs to the recent and many thanks to all who visited the exhibition. A donation on €500 was made to the Sisters of Charity, Homeless Shelter.

You are Invited to an Information Evening: ‘Let’s take Ireland back for Christ’ in the Avon Hotel, Blessington at 7.30pm on Thurs 23rd Jan with HLI Ireland. Relic of the Holy Face available for veneration). Info: 085 2525 612

Music Generation Hub Blessington (BFEC) We are after starting new classes in singing & song writing with local songwriter Megan O’Neill as tutor. Semester 2 Jan to end of May will cost €110 for 18 lessons. Spaces available on Thursday from 4.30 onwards for 8 to 18-year olds.  Call Tod, ASAP on 086 045 0375 or

Hollywood Friendship Club every Wed from 2.15pm to 4.15pm in the Hollywood Centre. New members welcome

LOOKING FOR A GREAT NIGHT OUT? Blessington Bowls meet every Thurs at 7.30pm in St. Kevin’s Hall, Blessington, guests welcome, come along & bring a friend.

Interested in a social cycle in the Blessington area?  Led by an experienced volunteer, Cycling Ireland/Axa Community Bike Rides are gentle, social bike rides for adults, usually followed by coffee & chat.  New series for beginners added for Wednesdays at 10:30am. Join for FREE at

Happy Faces Play School Blessington Education Centre is a fun, stimulating & welcoming environment with a curriculum focusing on the best care & education for your child. Our staff are highly trained in up to date childcare & Montessori methods of learning and development. Places available, full & part time. Enrolling now for Sept 2020.

 Social Dancing on 18th January from 9pm to12 midnight in Donard Community Hall, Donard, Co Wicklow. Refreshments will be served. Social Dancing night will be held the 3rd Saturday of every month to follow.

 Cub Scout Blessington. Is your child aged 9-11years, if they are interested in joining scouts & you would like to become a scout leader (free training provided) please contact me for more details.

GROW Community Mental Health “West Wicklow” Support Group every Wednesday at 7.30pm in Camphill, Grangebeg, Dunlavin. Why not come along & learn more about positive mental health, wellbeing, recovery & how GROW may help you achieve this.  New members are always welcome (free of charge).  Info: John 086 803 3126 or

The Parish Book Club meets 4 times a year.  The books chosen for review are varied and are of spiritual & philosophical interest.  We notify the book under review here in the newsletter.  Our next meeting will be on Thurs 13th Feb at 10am in The Church Meeting Room.  The book for discussion is ‘Following Jesus: Finding Our Way Home in an Age of Anxiety’ by Henri Nouwen, SPCK Publishing (17 Sept. 2019).  New members are always welcome.  Please contact the Parish Office if you are interested and would like to go on the text reminder list.

Blessington Comhaltas Classes in Bodhran, Concertina, Accordion, Whistle, Flute, Beginner Fiddle, Intermediate Fiddle, Tune Classes, Guitar Lessons, Singing Classes, Ceili Band. Classes on Sundays from 5pm in St. Mary’s SNS Info Pat 086 075 2072 or Rebecca 087 228 2012

West Wicklow General Election Debate. We need West Wicklow & the issues that affect the people here to be a priority for our incoming TDs! Community Pool for West Wicklow have invited all General Election candidates running in Wicklow to take part in a debate to tell us how they are going to represent us. Come along to The Avon on Tuesday February 4th at 8:15pm to have your voice heard & make sure that West Wicklow is firmly on the agenda for our next TDs. For more info or to get involved please email us at

TRY IT OUT, Blessington Mini-Rugby for Tots is looking for new members to play fun & games every Sat @ 10:15am at St Kevin’s Hall, Main St, Blessington (opposite Vincent’s Charity Shop). Ages 3-5 years.

Date for your Diary – Blessington GAA & LGFA Registration night Tues 28th Jan 7pm to 9pm in the clubhouse. Players need to be registered to play & be insured. 2020 sees the launch of Blessington GAA Healthy Club Programme. Watch out for lots of great events, talks and initiatives coming soon.

Adult Fencing Classes will be starting again on Tuesday 21st January from 8pm in St Kevin’s Hall. Fencing is a fun sport & all ages & levels of fitness can enjoy. No special equipment required only comfortable clothes & trainers. All are welcome to pop along & give it a go with no obligation. Call 087 676 4183 if you need any additional information

TABLE QUIZ in Tutty’s Pub Hollywood on 7th February at 9pm Sharp. Table of 4 €40. Proceeds towards Senior Citizens Summer Outing, your support appreciated. Quiz Master “Supreme” Pat O Neill.

West Wicklow Environmental Network meeting in the Avon, Blessington on Thurs 23rd Jan at 7pm.  Guest speaker from the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) on energy efficiency grants for the home & the supports available for community energy initiatives. A speaker on behalf of the Blessington Sustainable Energy Community will explain what is already happening in the local area. There will also be a presentation on “Rewilding” & what we can do to promote this. All very welcome for this informative evening.

Blessington Library in conjunction with Wicklow Sports & Recreation Partnership, Siel Bleu Ireland & Healthy Ireland will host Chair Exercise Classes – It’s a 6-week programme starting Thurs 23rd Jan from 10am to 11am – All 6 Classes taking place in Blessington Library. Classes are free to attend but booking is essential. This one-hour exercise session for older people aims to improve physical & mental capacities. For more information please contact Blessington Library phone: 045 891 740

Health & Wellbeing Talks at Blessington Library Benefits of Physical Activity with Nathalie Lennon on Thursday 23rd January from 7pm to 8pm,  January Nutrition Made Simple with Cliona Mc Carthy – McGreal’s on Thursday 30th January from 7pm to 8pm

St Vincent de Paul  087 181 1579


Iaaue 1288 January 12th 2020

Families of all children baptised in any of our Churches during 2019 are invited to bring your child for a special blessing at any Mass on this weekend Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th January. This blessing will take place at all Masses in all our churches.

Monday 13th January 2020

Holy Hour in Crosschapel every Monday after 10am Mass (ex-Bank Holidays)

Children’s Choir Rehearsal from 2.45pm to 3.30pm in Church of Our Lady. All Welcome!!

Blessington & District Forum meet at 8pm in St Mary’s Junior School. All Welcome

Neighbourhood Collection Envelopes for January are due. Envelopes may be left into the Parish Office or in collection bags at Mass.

Tuesday 14th January 2020

Citizens Information Centre in Blessington Library from 1pm to 4pm. Legal advice service on 1st & 3rd Tues of month by appointment

Blessington & District Active Retired meeting at 2.30pm in the Coimin Centre Blessington, new members welcome.

Eucharistic Adoration from 7.30pm to 8.30pm in Blessington Church.

Wednesday 15th January 2020

The Citizens Information Centre is open in Blessington Library today 10am to 12.30pm.

The Rosary will be offered at 7.30pm for the intentions of our families in Blessington Church

Mass Intentions this Week

Yvonne Mellin (RD) Regina Duffy (RD)

Saturday 6pm:

Leo Howlin (A) Myles (Miley) Balfe (A)

Sunday 10am:

Sean Duffy (1st A) John O’Connor (A) John Byrne (A)

We also Remember the following:

William Bolton, Sean, John & Julia Carroll (A) Rose Hastings, Teddy Shirran, Ann Clarke, Harry Lee, Joan Bird

Monday: Mass for those on list for Sick

Tuesday: Blessington Christmas Mass List

Wednesday: William Bolton (A) Nora Coomey (RD)

Thursday: Thora Leahy (RD) Regina Duffy (RD)

Friday: Frankie Kennedy (RD) Laurie Byrne (RD)

Visitation of the Sick: If there are any parishioners ill, at home or in hospital who would like a visit from a priest, please contact the Parish Office to let us know and to make arrangements 045 865 327

GOAL MILE: Thanks to everyone who came along and supported the Goal Mile on Christmas Day. It’s was our largest one yet and you raised €1200 for charity. Well done!

Applications for Junior Infant places in Sept 2020 in St Mary’s Junior School should be submitted by Friday 24th January 2020. Forms are available from our school website, from the school office between 9am & 3pm Mon – Fri. or from the parish office (9am to 1 Mon – Fri).  Completed forms may be dropped into the school office or emailed to Bernadette at Please phone with any queries – St Mary’s Junior School 045 865 501.

The Blessington St Patrick’s Day Committee pick a different charity every year that needs help in our community. The proceeds from all our fundraising events for the year, including the St Patrick’s Day Parade event goes to the chosen charity.  Last year we raised funds for the Blessington Day Care Centre. The committee, who are all Garda vetted, hold discos in St Joseph’s Hall every month during the school term for boys & girls in 4th to 6th classes in all our schools as a regular fundraiser.  On Friday 17th January at 7pm we will be presenting a cheque to the Day Care Committee in the Coimín Centre, Blessington and we would love if everyone could join us. Tea & coffee will be served & we will have cakes donated by cuisine de France. Come see how much we raised!!!  A very big thank you to everyone who attends the discos & has made this happen in our community.

Not long to go, to this year’s Panto ROBIN HOOD! Limited tickets still available from The Office Shop & Next Door Off Licence! Thursday 16th to Sunday 19th January. Get yours now to avoid disappointment!

Valleymount Parish Calendar 2020 on sale now, €6 each or 2 for €10 from the Parish Office, Valleymount & Lacken Churches & shops locally. All funds to support Valleymount & Lacken Parish, many thanks to our many sponsors & advertisers for your generous funding.

Hollywood Friendship Club will return on 8th Jan. Wishing all our friends a Happy Christmas & New Year.  Hope to see new members in 2020.

Happy Faces Play School Blessington Education Centre is a fun, stimulating & welcoming environment with a curriculum focusing on the best care & education for your child. Our staff are highly trained in up to date childcare & Montessori methods of learning and development. Places available, full & part time. Enrolling now for Sept 2020.

GAELSCOIL NA LOCHANNA, Oíche Oscailte agus Chlárúcháin, 16ú Eanáir 2019 Open/Enrolment night for places in school for next Sept is on 16th January 7:30pm in Gaelscoil (Kilmalum road, Blessington) We also invite parents who might be thinking of joining the Gaelscoil in next few years to come along also. PPS and birth cert required to enrol. 087 938 8651 for enquiries.  Fáilte! PLEASE SEE OUR NEW PARENTS’ WEBPAGE for all the information new parents may need

Hollywood Friendship Club every Wednesday from 2.15 to 4.15pm in Hollywood Centre New members welcome.Social Dancing on 18th January from 9pm to12 midnight in Donard Community Hall, Donard, Co Wicklow. Refreshments will be served. Social Dancing night will be held the 3rd Saturday of every month to follow.

Cub Scout Blessington. Is your child aged 9-11years, if they are interested in joining scouts & you would like to become a scout leader (free training provided) please contact me for more details.

GROW Community Mental Health “West Wicklow” Support Group every Wednesday at 7.30pm in Camphill, Grangebeg, Dunlavin. Why not come along & learn more about positive mental health, wellbeing, recovery & how GROW may help you achieve this.  New members are always welcome (free of charge).  Info: John 086 803 3126 or

Enriching your Marriage. A Marriage Enrichment Weekend offers married couples of all ages, time away from the busyness of life to refresh their love for one another. The next (residential) weekends (Fri 8pm to Sun 4pm) will be held at the Dromantine Conference Centre, Newry from 31st Jan to 2nd February & at The International Hotel Cork from 3rd to 5th April. For info & booking visit or Ph: 087 216 2436.

The Parish Book Club meets 4 times a year.  The books chosen for review are varied and are of spiritual & philosophical interest.  We notify the book under review here in the newsletter.  Our next meeting will be on Thurs 13th Feb at 10am in The Church Meeting Room.  The book for discussion is ‘Following Jesus: Finding Our Way Home in an Age of Anxiety’ by Henri Nouwen, SPCK Publishing (17 Sept. 2019).  New members are always welcome.  Please contact the Parish Office if you are interested and would like to go on the text reminder list.

Retired Civil and Public Servants Association.   The Kildare Branch of the RCPSA invites recently & long retired colleagues to the quarterly meeting in the Town House Hotel, Newbridge Rd., Naas, Co Kildare on Tuesday 14th January @ 11.15am  Teas/Coffees will be served from 11am.  The meeting will be updated on issues applicable to retired colleagues & will conclude with a presentation of the options available on health insurance.

Adult Fencing Classes will be starting again on Tuesday 21st January from 8pm in St Kevin’s Hall. Fencing is a fun sport & all ages & levels of fitness can enjoy. No special equipment required only comfortable clothes & trainers. All are welcome to pop along & give it a go with no obligation. Call 087 676 4183 if you need any additional information

MEDJUGORJE IRISH CENTRE PILGRIMAGES Apr to Oct 2020: 7 Nights inc Airport Shuttle from Dubrovnik or Split €266 per person sharing. Book any flight – any time & we provide guaranteed airport shuttle service. Call us for further info & book the dates that suit you: 01 4434510 or email:

Blessington Comhaltas Classes in Bodhran, Concertina, Accordion, Whistle, Flute, Beginner Fiddle, Intermediate Fiddle, Tune Classes, Guitar Lessons, Singing Classes, Ceili Band. Classes on Sundays from 5pm in St. Mary’s SNS Info Pat 086 075 2072 or Rebecca 087 228 2012

Lacken Community Centre Calendar 2020 on sale now from Supervalu, Blessington Bookstore, The Office Shop, Blessington Tourist Office, West Wicklow House, Flowers by Enda, Zellers Lacken & Cullens Bar Ballyknocken

LOOKING FOR A GREAT NIGHT OUT? Blessington Bowls meet every Thurs at 7.30pm in St. Kevin’s Hall, Blessington, guests welcome, come along & bring a friend.

Interested in a social cycle in the Blessington area?  Led by an experienced volunteer, Cycling Ireland/Axa Community Bike Rides are gentle, social bike rides for adults, usually followed by coffee & chat.  New series for beginners added for Wednesdays at 10:30am. Join for FREE at

FOUND A Silver Ring with 3 diamond bands was found on yard in St Mary’s JS before Christmas. Contact school office for details

Take my hand O Blessed Mother,

Hold me firmly lest I fall,

I am nervous when I am walking,

And to thee I humbly call.

Guide me over every crossing,

Watch me when I am on my way,

Let me know you are beside me,

Listen to my frequent prayers.

Bring me to my destination,

Safely every single day,

Help me with my understanding,

As the hours pass away.

And when evening falls upon me,

And I fear to be alone,

Take my hand O Blessed Mother,

And once again guide me home.

St Vincent de Paul 087 181 1579



Issue 1287 22nd Dec 2019

Sat/Sun 21st/22nd December 2019

Mass times as normal in all our Churches this weekend

Monday 23rd December 2019

Holy Hour in Crosschapel every Monday after 10am Mass (ex-Bank Holidays)

Christmas Eve Tues 24th Dec 2019

Confessions: 12 noon to 1pm in Church of our Lady, Blessington and from 5pm to 6pm in St Brigid’s Church, Manor Kilbride

Christmas Eve Mass Times

►Blessington 5.00pm

►Blessington 7.30pm

►Lacken 7.30pm

►Manor Kilbride 8.00pm

►Eadestown 9.00pm

►Crosschapel 9.00pm

►Valleymount 9.30pm

►Blessington 10.00pm

Christmas Day Wed 25th Dec 2019

Christmas Day Mass Times

►Blessington 10.00am

►Valleymount 10.00am

►Kilteel 10.00am

►Manor Kilbride 11.00am

►Eadestown 11.30am

►Crosschapel 11.30am

►Blessington 11.30am

GOAL MILE: The annual Goal Mile will take place on Christmas Day at 12:30pm. It happens on the running track at the rear of the Community College, Naas Road. Everyone is welcome to run/walk this event, so come along and support this great cause!

St Stephen’s Day Thurs 26th Dec

Mass 11am Church of Our Lady Blessington

Sunday 29th December 2019

Free session of SONGS & TUNES. Zellers, Lacken; 6pm to 9+. Used to sing or play? A ‘novice’? ‘Just a listener’? ALL welcome. ALL ages ANY song, tune, acoustic self-accompaniment. No mic. Just for fun!

Mass Intentions this Week

Sheila Kearns (RD)

Saturday 6pm: Elizabeth Coogan (Mths Mind) Eddie Conroy (Rem) Margaret Roche (A) Claire Twyford (A)

Sunday 10am: Michelle Pender (Mths Mind) Jamie Mahon (A)

We also Remember the following: Bridget McEvoy (1st A) Liam & Roseana O’Hara, Deceased Members of O’Hara Family, John & Bridie Hamilton, Deceased Members of Hamilton Family, Tina Walsh, Patsy Hamilton, William Clarke, May & Jim Breen, Mary Breen, Kathy Ryan, Christina Ryan Fogarty, Anna Ryan, Jimmy & Micky Ryan, Sheila Zeller, Kathleen Smith, Thomas & Ann Eustace, Thomas & Susan Eustace, Patrick & Molly Conway, Mary Pollard, Mary Cullen, Tony, Lil & Brian Kenny, Charles & Catherine Doran, Simon, Rebecca & Maisie Hopkins, Paddy & Dolores Burnett, John & Bernadette Byrne.

Monday 23rd: Mass for those on list for Sick

Christmas Masses: offered for the intentions of all our parishioners

Thursday 26th 11am: Louis Walsh (A) Frank & Olwyn Langan (A) Millicent Jones (A)

Friday 27th 11am: Hannah Smith (A) Katie Kelly, Mary Ann Sargent

Saturday 28th Dec 6pm: Karen McEvoy (1st A)  Bill Kinsella (A)

We also Remember the following: Jim & Kitty Nolan, Vincent Bohan, Kay McGrath, Peggy & Pauline O’Brien

Monday 30th December 11am Mass for those on the list for the Sick

Tues 31st Dec 11am Joseph McDonald (A)

Wed 1st January 11am: Special Intention

Thurs 2nd Jan 9.30am: Elsie Hennessy

Friday 3rd Jan 9.30am: 1st Friday Masses offered for all on the Nov List of the Dead

May the Holy Family bring Peace, Joy & Happiness to you & your family this Christmas. We invite you to join with us in celebrating the birth of Jesus.

Archdeacon Kevin Lyon,

Fr. Paraic McDermott,

Fr. Micheál Comer,

Fr. Noel Campbell,

Rev. Deacon Gerry Malone

Áine Egan, Pastoral worker

Fr. Richard Behan P.P.

Reverend Canon Leonard Ruddock

From Thursday 26th December to Wednesday 1st January no weekday Mass in Crosschapel. Mass at 11am in Church of Our Lady, Blessington

Blessington Parish Office

Closed from Monday 23rd December at 1pm and will reopen on Tuesday 7th January at 9am The next edition of the Parish Newsletter will be dated 12th January

Mass Intentions

Sunday 5th Jan 10am: Liam O’Reilly (A) William & Elizabeth Coyle (A) Peter, Mary & Pat Brady

We also Remember the following: Michael Tully Snr (A)

Holy Day Monday 6th Jan 10am: Mass for those on the list for the Sick

Holy Day Monday 6th Jan 8pm: Blessington Christmas Mass Bouquet Intentions

Tuesday 7th Jan 9.30am: Michael Tully Snr (A)

Wednesday 8th Jan 9.30am:  Blessington Christmas Mass Bouquet Intentions

Thursday 9th Jan 9.30am: Blessington Christmas Mass Bouquet Intentions

Friday 10th Jan 9.30am: Blessington Christmas Mass Bouquet Intentions

Friday 3rd January 2020

Bethany Bereavement Support Group are available in the Coimín Centre Blessington for caring confidential support from 10am to 11am

1st Friday of the Month. The Masses will be offered for all those whose names are on the Altar List of the Dead. The priests will visit the sick & housebound. If you would like a visit please contact the Parish Office, 045 865 327

1st Friday Mass in Manor Kilbride at 9am.

1st Friday Mass in Valleymount at 11.15am

Coffee Morning in Lacken Community Centre from 10.30am to 12.30pm

Padre Pio Mass at 8pm in Blessington.

Monday 6th January 2020

Feast of the Epiphany – Holy Day Masses:

10.00am: Church of Our Lady Blessington

11.00am: Manor Kilbride

11.15am Valleymount

11.30am: Crosschapel

11.30am Eadestown

8.00pm: Blessington

Wednesday 7th January 2020

Bethany Bereavement Support group available for caring confidential support from 8pm to 9pm no appointment necessary.

Ring in the New Year with the Bells of St. Mary’s and the Blessington & District forum

The community of Blessington & District are invited to greet 2020 in a new way this New Year’s Eve. Blessington Forum in conjunction with St Mary’s Church, Blessington, is encouraging everyone to ring out the old year & ring in the new one accompanied by the church’s historic bells. People are encouraged to gather in the Square Blessington at 11.45pm on December 31st where they will be given tea lights. The church’s bells will toll for 10 minutes in the run up to midnight to ring out 2019. The bells will fall silent for a time before12 single strokes are rung at midnight. Then all the bells will ring in the new year. People will light their tea lights on the stroke of midnight bringing light into the darkness at the dawn of the new year bringing hope to our community for 2020

Valleymount Parish Calendar 2020 on sale now, €6 each or 2 for €10 from the Parish Office, Valleymount & Lacken Churches & shops locally. All funds to support Valleymount & Lacken Parish, many thanks to our many sponsors & advertisers for your generous funding.

Hollywood Friendship Club will return on 8th Jan. Wishing all our friends a Happy Christmas & New Year.  Hope to see new members in 2020.

Happy Faces Play School Blessington Education Centre is a fun, stimulating & welcoming environment with a curriculum focusing on the best care & education for your child. Our staff are highly trained in up to date childcare & Montessori methods of learning and development. Places available, full & part time. Enrolling now for Sept 2020.

Community Pool for West Wicklow Christmas Monster Raffle! Prizes include a family pass for Kaleidoscope, Afternoon Tea at Ballymaloe, dinner for two at Tulfarris Hotel & Golf Resort & much, much more! Tickets €5 each & 4 for €20 at All monies raised go towards a pool for West Wicklow. Draw in Murphy’s Bar on Sun Dec 22nd. For more information email

Blessington Comhaltas Classes in Bodhran, Concertina, Accordion, Whistle, Flute, Beginner Fiddle, Intermediate Fiddle, Tune Classes, Guitar Lessons, Singing Classes, Ceili Band. Classes on Sundays from 5pm in St. Mary’s SNS Info Pat 086 075 2072 or Rebecca 087 228 2012

Lacken Community Centre Calendar 2020 on sale now from Supervalu, Blessington Bookstore, The Office Shop, Blessington Tourist Office, West Wicklow House, Flowers by Enda, Zellers Lacken & Cullens Bar Ballyknocken

Happy Christmas to all our Mini-Rugby Players from Blessington RFC!!

LOOKING FOR A GREAT NIGHT OUT? Blessington Bowls meet every Thurs at 7.30pm in St. Kevin’s Hall, Blessington, guests welcome, come along & bring a friend.

West Wicklow Cancer Support: – Would like to wish everyone a Wonderful Christmas and a healthy and Happy New Year.  There will be no monthly drop in on the last Thursday of the month (December). Our next Drop will be on Thursday 30th January 2020. We are available on 087 434 6004 or by email over the holiday season. Thank you to all for your ongoing support.  “The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it”

Interested in a social cycle in the Blessington area?  Led by an experienced volunteer, Cycling Ireland/Axa Community Bike Rides are gentle, social bike rides for adults, usually followed by coffee & chat.  New series for beginners added for Wednesdays at 10:30am. Join for FREE at

Adults Beginners Fencing Classes on Tuesdays from 8pm to 9.30pm in St Kevin’s Hall

St. Vincent De Paul would like to offer our sincere gratitude for all the donations we received last weekend. If anyone still wishes to donate, can you please drop it into the Parish Office marked for SVP. All donations dropped in here remain in Blessington & the surrounding areas & 100% of donations are distributed to those in need. Any donations left in the SVP Shop are sent to Dublin.

Many Thanks to all who helped make the Christmas Concert in Valleymount such a huge success. Mass will be offered for your intentions.

GAELSCOIL NA LOCHANNA, Oíche Oscailte agus Chlárúcháin, 16ú Eanáir 2019 Open/Enrolment night for places in school for next Sept is on 16th January 7:30pm in Gaelscoil (Kilmalum road, Blessington) We also invite parents who might be thinking of joining the Gaelscoil in next few years to come along also. PPS and birth cert required to enrol. 087 938 8651 for enquiries.  Fáilte! PLEASE SEE OUR NEW PARENTS’ WEBPAGE for all the information new parents may need.


Masses in Irish on Christmas Eve

7.30 p.m. ARD AIDHIN, AIREAGAL AN AISÉIRÍ Bóthar na Cille Móire, Baile Átha Cliath 5

ARTANE, Oratory of the Resurrection, Kilmore Road, Dublin 5

9.00 p.m. BELFIELD, AN SÉIPÉAL OLLSCOILE An Coláiste Ollscoile, Baile Átha Cliath 4

BELFIELD, University Chapel, UCD, Dublin 4

St Vincent de Paul  087 181 1579

Issue 1286 December 15th 2019

Blessington Parish CHRISTMAS CRIB EXHIBITION in the Coimín Centre Blessington on

December 14th 1pm to 8pm

December 15th 11am to 8pm

December 16th 10am to 4pm

Over 100 exhibits of “Cribs from around the World”

 Saturday 14th December 2019

Sacrament of the Sick & Healing Mass at 12 noon in Church of Our Lady, Blessington. There will be tea & coffee served in the Coimín Centre after Mass.

Sunday 15th December 2019

First Communion & Confirmation preparation Mass at 11.15am in Valleymount

Blessington Ecumenical Carol Service at 5pm in Church of Our Lady, Blessington.

Valleymount & Lacken Parish Concert in St Joseph’s Church Valleymount at 7pm.  Tickets €10 or 2 for €15.

Monday 16th December 2019

St. Mary’s Junior School Christmas Mass.

at 9:30am in Church of Our Lady. All welcome.

Holy Hour in Crosschapel every Monday after 10am Mass (ex-Bank Holidays)

Blessington Children’s Choir practice 2:45pm to 3.30pm in the Church.

Neighbourhood Collection Envelopes for December now due Envelopes may be left into the Parish Office or in collection bags at Mass.

Tuesday 17th December 2019

Citizens Information Centre in Blessington Library from 1pm to 4pm. Legal advice service on 1st & 3rd Tues of month by appointment

Eucharistic Adoration from 7.30pm to 8.30pm in Blessington Church.

Wednesday 18th December 2019

The Citizens Information Centre is open in Blessington Library today 10am to 12.30pm.

The Holy Face of Jesus Prayer Group in Church of Our Lady, Blessington “Crying Room” from 11am to 11.45am. All welcome.

Mass Intentions this Week

Mary Brennan (RD) Edward (Ned) Slattery

Saturday 6pm: Bill Smith (A) Denis Brereton (A)

Sunday 10am: Cathal Gallagher (1st A) Bridget Norton (1st A) Laurence & Gertrude Kehoe (A)

We also Remember the following: Jimmy, Maisie & May Nolan. Christy, Kathleen, Goo & Pete Nolan. Julia Hunt (A) Sean & Elizabeth O’Donnell, Sidney & Maureen Humbley. Michael & Irene O’Donnell

Monday: Mass for those on the list for Sick

Tuesday: Mary Harney (Mths Mind) Nellie Carroll (Mths Mind) Annie & Patrick Carroll (A) Teresa & Leo Sheridan (A)

Wednesday: Jenny & Mary Robinson (A) Barry O’Donnell (Rem)

Thursday: Sean & Elizabeth O’Donnell, Sidney & Maureen Humbley. Michael & Irene O’Donnell Jimmy, Maisie & May Nolan. Christy, Kathleen, Goo & Pete Nolan.

Friday: Blessington Deceased Mass Card List

The family of the late Dicky (Richard) Reid, Crosscoolharbour, Blessington, Co. Wicklow, wish to acknowledge the many expressions of sympathy & gestures of kindness shown to us during Dicky’s long illness & at the time of his sad passing on 7th November 2018. We offer sincere thanks to family, friends, neighbours & all those who called to the house, attended the funeral mass & burial & also those who sent cards & messages of condolences. As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our deepest gratitude. The holy sacrifice of the Mass will be offer for your intentions.

The Winter Fair at St Brigid’s Manor Kilbride was a great success and a special gathering of all ages across our community.    The organising team and the wider school community would like to sincerely thank all those who supported our event

Visitation of the Sick: If there are any parishioners ill, at home or in hospital who would like a visit from a priest, please contact the Parish Office to let us know and to make arrangements 045 865 327

West Wicklow Cancer Support: – Would like to wish everyone a wonderful Christmas & a healthy & happy New Year.  There will be no monthly drop in on the last Thurs of Dec. Our next Drop will be on Thurs 23rd Jan. We are available on 087 434 6004 or by email over the holiday season. Thanks for your ongoing support.

St. Vincent De Paul would like to offer our sincere gratitude for all the donations we received last weekend. If anyone still wishes to donate, can you please drop it into the Parish Office marked for SVP. All donations dropped in here remain in Blessington & the surrounding areas & 100% of donations are distributed to those in need. Any donations left in the SVP Shop are sent to Dublin.

Blessington Allotments public meeting on Sat 14th Dec at 12:30 in Blessington Library Would you be interested in allotments in Blessington? Our group is continuing to campaign for the provision of allotments in the Blessington area. – come & show your support for allotments at this meeting! For more details, contact Dónal at

Valleymount Parish Calendar 2020 on sale now, €6 each or 2 for €10 from the Parish Office, Valleymount & Lacken Churches & shops locally. All funds to support Valleymount & Lacken Parish, many thanks to our many sponsors & advertisers for your generous funding.

Christmas Collection for the Homeless at Method Physiotherapy. Accepting unused toys, clothes, toiletries etc. For more info call 045 857 444

 ♫ Sunday 29th December 2019 (+ every Last Sunday). Free session of SONGS & TUNES. Zellers, Lacken; 6pm to 9+. Used to sing or play? A ‘novice’? ‘Just a listener’? ALL welcome. ALL ages ANY song, tune, acoustic self-accompaniment. No mic. Just for fun!

Lacken Community Centre Calendar 2020 on sale now from Supervalu, Blessington Bookstore, The Office Shop, Blessington Tourist Office, West Wicklow House, Flowers by Enda, Zellers Lacken & Cullens Bar Ballyknocken

Happy Christmas to all our Mini-Rugby Players from Blessington RFC!!

Many thanks to all who supported ‘An Evening with Oscar Wilde’ at Russborough House recently. Great night had by all! Happy Christmas! Richard Lynch.

LOOKING FOR A GREAT NIGHT OUT? Blessington Bowls meet every Thurs at 7.30pm in St. Kevin’s Hall, Blessington, guests welcome, come along & bring a friend.

Valleymount Parish Private Members Draw

We wish to thank you all for your generous support for the draw which has been a great success. One of the reasons for its success has been the tireless work of the committee & its collectors over the years. They have given their time & energy to running this draw & we thank them very much for this service. The Committee are now taking a well-deserved break from fund-raising & are passing on the task. Their dedication & diligence have paved the way for the next group to take up this important work for our parish. All the money from this draw has funded the roof repairs, the repairs to the back wall & some painting in the Church. As there are further works needed to keep our beautiful Church maintained & to keep the parish running, we are appealing for volunteers to take up this task & join those who will continue to make the draw a success. If you are available to help, please leave your name & contact details in the sacristy after Mass & we will call you. Again, we want to thank the outgoing committee for al l their work & ask God to bless them for their generosity. The next draw will be in February 2020 & we hope for your continuous support. Good luck to all in the final draw for 2019 this Sunday.

Valleymount Theatre Company have cancelled Scrooge. Refunds from the Office Shop, Blessington.

Blessington Christmas Bingo Bonanza Nights in the Avon on 4th, 11th & 18th December at 8.15pm. Single Books inc. Flyer Sheets €10. Double Books inc Flyer Sheets €20. Jackpot €1500 in 45 calls or less. Bonus Prizes of Turkeys, Hams & lots more.

Community Pool for West Wicklow Christmas Monster Raffle! Prizes include a family pass for Kaleidoscope, Afternoon Tea at Ballymaloe, dinner for two at Tulfarris Hotel & Golf Resort & much, much more! Tickets €5 each & 4 for €20 at All monies raised go towards a pool for West Wicklow. Draw in Murphy’s Bar on Sun Dec 22nd. For more information email

GOAL MILE: The annual Goal Mile will take place on Christmas Day at 12:30pm. It happens on the running track at the rear of the Community College, Naas Road. Everyone is welcome to run/walk this event, so come along and support this great cause!

Blessington Comhaltas Classes in Bodhran, Concertina, Accordion, Whistle, Flute, Beginner Fiddle, Intermediate Fiddle, Tune Classes, Guitar Lessons, Singing Classes, Ceili Band. Classes on Sundays from 5pm in St. Mary’s SNS Info Pat 086 075 2072 or Rebecca 087 228 2012

Interested in a social cycle in the Blessington area?  Led by an experienced volunteer, Cycling Ireland/Axa Community Bike Rides are gentle, social bike rides for adults, usually followed by coffee & chat.  New series for beginners added for Wednesdays at 10:30am. Join for FREE at

Adults Beginners Fencing Classes on Tuesdays from 8pm to 9.30pm in St Kevin’s Hall

Community Pool for West Wicklow would like to thank everyone who came & supported our Christmas Market at Russborough House on Saturday. It was a wonderful day & was only possible because of our amazing volunteers, stall holders, sponsors, musicians, the team at Russborough House, Clare & all at East Coast FM, Philip & Leo from Water Safety Ireland & of course Santa! We’re already looking forward to next year’s Christmas Market!

Christmas Storytime for 3 to 6-year olds on Monday 16th December at 2pm in Blessington Library

Happy Faces Play School Blessington Education Centre is a fun, stimulating & welcoming environment with a curriculum focusing on the best care & education for your child. Our staff are highly trained in up to date childcare & Montessori methods of learning and development. Places available, full & part time. Enrolling now for Sept 2020.

Hollywood Friendship Club will return on 8th Jan. Wishing all our friends a Happy Christmas & New Year.  Hope to see new members in 2020.

Events this Weekend in Blessington

Cruthú West Wicklow Art Group Christmas Exhibition in Blessington Tourist Office from 11am to 6pm daily until Sun 15th Dec.  Late opening Friday to 8pm.  There will be original locally produced Art, Craft, Photography on display, all available to buy.   Find a perfect Christmas gift, or simply drop in to enjoy the art & be inspired.  Like us on Facebook & Instagram or visit

Kilbride & Lakeside Music Committee Concert on Saturday 14th December in Manor Kilbride Community Hall at 6.30pm. Featuring KILBRIDE & LAKESIDE YOUTH MUSIC With guest artist one of Ireland’s most revered musicians DONAL LUNNY along with rising star SIOBHÁN HARTE (granddaughter of singer & song collector, the late great Frank Harte) also the amazing Manor Kilbride native, KELAN WALSH baritone sax. Admission €10 Adults

Valleymount & Lacken Parish Concert St Joseph’s National School Present ‘The Nativity’ according to The Gospel of St Luke. Concert featuring St John’s Gospel Choir, Ballinteer & Blessington Folk Group in St Joseph’s Church Valleymount on Sunday 15th December at 7pm. Tickets €10 each or 2 for €15, available from St Joseph’s School or Valleymount Church (after Sunday Mass) and from Blessington Parish Office

Issue 1285 December 8th 2019

St Vincent de Paul Annual Appeal  this weekend at all Masses in all churches. Your generous support is needed to look after those in need in our local community

Saturday 7th December 2019

Community Pool for West Wicklow Christmas Market from 12noon to 4pm at Russborough House!

Tramway Theatre Proudly Presents – Connor McKeon “Swing into Christmas” Doors 7:30pm, show at 8pm sharp. Tickets €25 (including wine & mince pie reception)

Sunday 8th December 2019

Christmas Car Boot Sale (Des Redmond Charities) in St. Kevin’s Hall from 7am to 4pm. €10 per table, Free Car Park, Tea & Coffee

1st Communion Preparation Mass at 10am in Church of Our Lady, Blessington.

Blessington Millennium Choir 20th Anniversary Concert in St Mary’s Church, Blessington at 4pm. It will be a concert of famous & favourite pieces which have brought joy to choir members & audiences over the past twenty years. Tickets (€10 adults, €5 children) from Parish Office or at the door

Monday 9th December 2019

Holy Hour in Crosschapel every Monday after 10am Mass (ex-Bank Holidays)

Blessington Children’s Choir practice 2:45pm to 3.30pm in the Church.

Tuesday 10th December 2019

Citizens Information Centre in Blessington Library from 1pm to 4pm. Legal advice service on 1st & 3rd Tues of month by appointment

Eucharistic Adoration from 7.30pm to 8.30pm in Blessington Church.

Wednesday 11th December 2019

The Citizens Information Centre is open in Blessington Library today 10am to 12.30pm.

Irish Blood Transfusion Service Clinic in Blessington Community College 5pm – 8.30pm.

Mass Intentions this Week

Saturday 6pm: Oliver Sheerin (Mths Mind) Frankie Keogh (Mths Mind) Deceased Members of Blessington GAA Club, Mary & Tom Tivnan (A), Essie Hanlon (A)

Sunday 10am: Josie Byrne (A) Kathleen Coyne (RD)

We also Remember the following: Maisie O’Reilly (A) Terry Bolton (A), Michael O’Toole (A)

Monday: Mass for those on the list for Sick

Tuesday: Get Well Int, Living Int,

Wednesday: Mary Gibbons (RD) Birthday Int

Thursday: Cathal Gallagher (1st A) Bridget, Patrick & Paddy Nolan (Rem) Dessie Nolan (A)

Friday: Elizabeth Coogan (RD), Sheila Walsh (RD)

The family of the late Cathal Gallagher, Humpherystown, Valleymount, Christine, Conor, Aimee & Grace wish to acknowledge the many expression of sympathy & gestures of kindness shown to us during Cathal’s illness & at the time of his sad passing on December 13th, 2019. We offer sincere thanks to family, friends, neighbours & all those who called to the house, attended the funeral mass & burial & also those who sent cards & messages of condolences. As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our deepest gratitude. The holy sacrifice of the mass will be offered for your intentions. Cathal’s 1st Anniversary Mass will be in the Church of Our Lady, Blessington, at 10am Mass on Sunday 15th December.

On the 1st Anniversary of Karen McEvoy’s passing, Barry Kelly, their children & the extended Kelly Family wish to thank everyone most sincerely for their help & support over the last year. Your kindness has been a great comfort to us all. Karen’s 1st Anniversary Mass will be held at 6pm Mass in Blessington & 11.30am Mass in Crosschapel on the weekend of December 29th, 2019. 

Annual Ecumenical Carol Service on Sun 15th Dec at 5pm in Church of Our Lady, Blessington

St. Mary’s Junior School Christmas Mass. Monday 16th December 9:30 am. All welcome.

Visitation of the Sick: If there are any parishioners ill, at home or in hospital who would like a visit from a priest, please contact the Parish Office to let us know and to make arrangements 045 865 327

Sacrament of the Sick & Healing Mass on Saturday 14th December at 12 noon in Church of Our Lady, Blessington. There will be tea & coffee served in the Coimín Centre after Mass.

Blessington Parish CHRISTMAS CRIB EXHIBITION in the Coimín Centre Blessington on

December 14th 1pm to 8pm

December 15th 11am to 8pm

December 16th 10am to 4pm

Over 100 exhibits of “Cribs from around the World”

Valleymount Parish Calendar 2020 on sale now, €6 each or 2 for €10 from the Parish Office, Valleymount & Lacken Churches & shops locally. All funds to support Valleymount & Lacken Parish, many thanks to our many sponsors & advertisers for your generous funding.

Christmas Collection for the Homeless at Method Physiotherapy Accepting unused toys, clothes, toiletries etc. Info: Contact 045 857 444

Blessington Allotments – Next Public Meeting. Would you be interested in allotments in Blessington? Our group is continuing to campaign for the provision of allotments in the Blessington area. Our next public meeting is on Sat 14th Dec at 12:30 in Blessington Library – come & show your support for allotments at this meeting! For more details, contact Dónal at

Lacken Community Centre Calendar 2020 on sale now from Supervalu, Blessington Bookstore, The Office Shop, Blessington Tourist Office, West Wicklow House, Flowers by Enda, Zellers Lacken & Cullens Bar Ballyknocken

Adults Beginners Fencing Classes on Tuesdays from 8pm to 9.30pm in St Kevin’s Hall

‘Rugby Practice at Russborough for U7s (2013) to U12s (2008) boys & girls this Sat 23rd Nov at 10:30am”

♫ Sunday 29th December 2019 (+ every Last Sunday). Free session of SONGS & TUNES. Zellers, Lacken; 6pm to 9+. Used to sing or play? A ‘novice’? ‘Just a listener’? ALL welcome. ALL ages ANY song, tune, acoustic self-accompaniment. No mic. Just for fun!

LOOKING FOR A GREAT NIGHT OUT? Blessington Bowls meet every Thurs at 7.30pm in St. Kevin’s Hall, Blessington, guests welcome, come along & bring a friend.

Interested in a social cycle in the Blessington area?  Led by an experienced volunteer, Cycling Ireland/Axa Community Bike Rides are gentle, social bike rides for adults, usually followed by coffee & chat.  New series for beginners added for Wednesdays at 10:30am. Join for FREE at

Valleymount & Lacken Parish Concert

St Joseph’s National School Present The Nativity’ according to The Gospel of St Luke.

Concert featuring St John’s Gospel Choir, Ballinteer & Blessington Folk Group in St Joseph’s Church Valleymount on Sunday 15th December at 7pm.

Tickets €10 each or 2 for €15, available from St Joseph’s School or Valleymount Church (after Sunday Mass) and from Blessington Parish Office

Valleymount Theatre Company will present Scrooge by Charles Dickens on Thurs 12th, Fri 13th & Sat 14th Dec at 8pm in Valleymount Community Hall. Tickets available in the Office Shop, Blessington.

Blessington Christmas Bingo Bonanza Nights in the Avon on 4th, 11th & 18th December at 8.15pm. Single Books inc. Flyer Sheets €10. Double Books inc Flyer Sheets €20. Jackpot €1500 in 45 calls or less. Bonus Prizes of Turkeys, Hams & lots more.

Community Pool for West Wicklow are having a Christmas Monster Raffle! Prizes include a family pass for Kaleidoscope, Afternoon Tea at Ballymaloe, dinner for two at Tulfarris Hotel & Golf Resort & much, much more! Tickets are €5 each or 4 for €20 & are available at All monies raised go towards a pool for West Wicklow. Draw will take place in Murphy’s Bar on Sunday December 22nd. For more information email

GOAL MILE: The annual Goal Mile will take place on Christmas Day at 12:30pm. It happens on the running track at the rear of the Community College, Naas Road. Everyone is welcome to run/walk this event, so come along and support this great cause!

“TRY it out! Mini-Rugby for Tots for ‘under 5 (2015)’ and Under 6 (2014) in St Kevin’s Community Centre, Blessington every Saturday at 10:15am for ‘boys & girls’

Lakeshore Striders Running Club would like to thank the local community for supporting their 4th annual collection for the Capuchin Day Centre for Homeless People. A total of 95 sleeping bags were donated along with over a dozen boxes & bags of much needed items for the centre. A further €1,050 was donated in cash on the day. A sincere thank you to the parish for the use of the Church of Our Lady to hold the collection & to Charles Camping for supplying the sleeping bags at a cost price. A special thank you to the Blessington Scouts & St. Brigid’s N.S, Kilbride for the young people’s generous donations.  For further information on the Capuchin Centre or to make a donation visit

Blessington Comhaltas Classes in Bodhran, Concertina, Accordion, Whistle, Flute, Beginner Fiddle, Intermediate Fiddle, Tune Classes, Guitar Lessons, Singing Classes, Ceili Band. Classes on Sundays from 5pm in St. Mary’s SNS Info Pat 086 075 2072 or Rebecca 087 228 2012

New Books for SVP Christmas Appeal. Blessington Library are delighted to be involved in the Society of St. Vincent De Paul’s “WordPower Appeal” to bring brand new books to children in your locality. Perhaps this could be their only opportunity to own or purchase a new book. If you would like to help, drop your new book or a book token into Blessington Library up until Friday 20th December. Books will be delivered to children in your area. Your support will be very much appreciated.

 Events this Weekend in Blessington

Cruthú West Wicklow Art Group Christmas Exhibition in Blessington Tourist Office from 11am to 6pm daily until Sun 15th Dec.  Late opening Friday to 8pm.  There will be original locally produced Art, Craft, Photography on display, all available to buy.   Find a perfect Christmas gift, or simply drop in to enjoy the art & be inspired.  Like us on Facebook & Instagram or visit

Community Pool for West Wicklow are having a Christmas Market THIS Saturday December 7th from 12noon to 4pm at Russborough House! We’ll have over 30 local artists, bakers & crafters, Live Music & Santa is coming too! We hope to see you there!

Tramway Theatre Proudly Presents – Connor McKeon “Swing into Christmas” on Saturday 7th December: A glitzy & glamorous night of high energy big-band swing including the best loved Christmas Classics.  Doors open 7:30pm, show starts at 8pm sharp. Tickets €25 (including wine & mince pie reception) available from Hennessy’s Next Door & The Office Shop or call 086 8239946

West Wicklow Day-Care Committee will be putting up a Christmas Tree in the grounds of Baltinglass Hospital in celebration of the lives of our family & friends who are no longer with us, you can shine a light in their memory by sponsoring a light for €5 on the Christmas Tree. Please call Mary 087 293 4806 or Valerie 045 865 412 to sponsor a light. Christmas Tree lighting ceremony & Carol Service will take place on Sunday 8th December at 2pm

Christmas Concert with ‘Celtic Brothers’ starring The Willoughby’s in Tynock Church at 8pm on Sun 8th Dec. Concert in aid of a Multi-Sensory Room for Baltinglass Hospital Tickets available from 087 266 8300 or email

Events next Weekend

Kilbride & Lakeside Music Committee Concert on Saturday 14th December in Manor Kilbride Community Hall at 6.30pm. Featuring KILBRIDE & LAKESIDE YOUTH MUSIC With guest artist one of Ireland’s most revered musicians DONAL LUNNY along with rising star SIOBHÁN HARTE (granddaughter of singer & song collector, the late great Frank Harte) also the amazing Manor Kilbride native, KELAN WALSH baritone sax. Admission €10 Adults

Valleymount & Lacken Parish Concert St Joseph’s National School Present ‘The Nativity’ according to The Gospel of St Luke. Concert featuring St John’s Gospel Choir, Ballinteer & Blessington Folk Group in St Joseph’s Church Valleymount on Sunday 15th December at 7pm. Tickets €10 each or 2 for €15, available from St Joseph’s School or Valleymount Church (after Sunday Mass) and from Blessington Parish Office

Further Education & Training Centre Blessington

We are currently enrolling for courses for our new term starting in January 2020

Full Time Courses – Monday to Friday

QQI Level 5 Business Studies with Sage 50 Accounting

QQI Level 5 Nursing Studies

Part Time Courses (Day and Evening)

Looking to up-skill or learn something new?

We have part time courses available in the following:

eBusiness QQI Level 5

Tourism with Business QQI Level 5

Childcare QQI Level 5 – Childcare QQI Level 6

Healthcare QQI Level 5 – Computer Science QQI Level 5

Further information from: Anne McGrath or Karen Townsend on 086 850 3833 or

Issue 1284 December 1st 2019

St Vincent de Paul Annual Appeal next weekend at all Masses in all churches.

Your generous support is needed to look after those in need in our local community

Saturday 30th November 2019

Blessington Lights Up Christmas 1pm to 3:45pm in St. Kevin’s Hall, followed by ‘The Big Switch On’ The Square at 4:30pm

Sunday 1st December 2019

Children’s Church at 10am Mass in Blessington for children aged 5 to 10 years.

Ecumenical Service with the Millennium Choir at 11am in St Mary’s Church Blessington with Advent readings & carols.

St Brigid’s NS, Manor Kilbride, Winter Fair from 12pm to 4pm. Arts & Crafts Stalls, Books, Toys, Clothes & Cake Stalls & Refreshments. Fun Fair Games & activities for young & old. Festive decorations & Christmas Trees on sale

Variety Concert in Church of Our Lady Blessington in aid of Blessington & District Day Care & the Coimín Centre. Featuring: The Roscommon Solstice Choir, Rachel Coyne & Lorraine Willoughby. Tickets €10 at the door

Monday 2nd December 2019

Holy Hour in Crosschapel every Monday after 10am Mass (ex-Bank Holidays)

Blessington Children’s Choir practice 2:45pm to 3.30pm in the Church.

Benediction, guided prayer & music in Lacken Church 8pm. Refreshments later.

Tuesday 3rd December 2019

Citizens Information Centre in Blessington Library from 1pm to 4pm. Legal advice service on 1st & 3rd Tues of month by appointment

Blessington & District Active Retired 2.30pm in the Coimín Centre Blessington, new members welcome.

Eucharistic Adoration from 7.30pm to 8.30pm in Blessington Church.

Wednesday 4th December 2019

The Citizens Information Centre is open in Blessington Library today 10am to 12.30pm.

The Rosary will continue after Christmas

Meditation in Brittas will take a break until the New Year.

Thursday 5th December 2019

Coimín Management Meeting 7pm

Blessington PPC Meeting 8pm

West Wicklow Cancer Support Special Christmas Meditation hosted by Gemma Deeney of Yogagym  at 7.30pm in the Coimin Centre Blessington. We hope this will be a very special, spiritual & healing session followed by some Christmas cheer & mince pies!!

Friday 6th December 2019

Bethany Bereavement Support Group are available in the Coimín Centre Blessington for caring confidential support from 10am to 11am

1st Friday of the Month. The Masses will be offered for all those whose names are on the Altar List of the Dead. The priests will visit the sick & housebound. If you would like a visit please contact the Parish Office, 045 865 327

1st Friday Mass in Manor Kilbride at 9am.

1st Friday Mass in Valleymount at 11.15am

Coffee Morning in Lacken Community Centre from 10.30am to 12.30pm

Padre Pio Mass at 8pm in Blessington.


Mass Intentions this Week Shay Duffy (RD) Elizabeth Coogan (RD) Patrick Poole (RD)

Saturday 6pm: Jonas Cesokas (A) Patrick & Josephine Farrington (A) Brendan & Aoife Cummins (A) Chrissie Cummins (A), Noel Cummins (A) Phyllis Murphy (A)

Sunday 10am: Joanne & Denis Jones (A) Noel Tyrrell (RD)

We also Remember the following: Camillus Balfe (A) Patrick Mullally (A) Lily, Violet & Gerry Brown (A) Rosaleen Elliott (A)

Monday: Mass for those on the list for Sick

Tuesday: Micheline & Peter Comey (A) Sp Int

Wednesday: Norah Murphy(A) Kay Nolan(RD)

Thursday: Living Int, Living Int

Friday: 1st Friday List of the Dead

The family of the late Teresa Byrne, on her 1st Anniversary, 4th December, wishes to acknowledge the many expressions of sympathy & support shown to them following the death of their mother. We offer our sincere thanks to everyone who called to the house, brought food, attended the funeral home & funeral Mass, sent letters, mass cards, floral tributes & also to those who travelled long distances to be with us. Special thanks to Regina & Tony Clarke for their professionalism & care, to Fr Richard, Fr Prendiville & Deacon Gerry Malone, singer Lorraine Willoughby, Eucharistic Ministers, Altar Servers, Palliative Care Team & her doctors, especially Dr Mary Kearney. A special Mass is being offered for their intentions

Annual Ecumenical Carol Service on Sun 15th Dec at 5pm in Church of Our Lady

Sacrament of the Sick & Healing Mass on Saturday 14th December at 12 noon in Church of Our Lady, Blessington. There will be tea & coffee served in the Coimín Centre after Mass.

Christmas Collection for the Homeless at Method Physiotherapy Accepting unused toys, clothes, toiletries etc. Info: Contact 045 857 444

Blessington Allotments – Next Public Meeting. Would you be interested in allotments in Blessington? Our group is continuing to campaign for the provision of allotments in the Blessington area. Our next public meeting is on Sat 14th Dec at 12:30 in Blessington Library – come & show your support for allotments at this meeting! For more details, contact Dónal at

Beginners Fencing Classes on Tuesdays from 8pm to 9.30pm in St Kevin’s Hall

Winners of Valleymount Parish Draw Mary Fitzpatrick, John & Teresa Reid, Mary & Don Sullivan, Fiona Shannon, Marie & Johnny Brophy. €100 each

‘Rugby Practice at Russborough for U7s (2013) to U12s (2008) boys & girls this Sat 23rd Nov at 10:30am”

LOOKING FOR A GREAT NIGHT OUT? Blessington Bowls meet every Thurs at 7.30pm in St. Kevin’s Hall, Blessington, guests welcome, come along & bring a friend.

Further Education & Training Centre Blessington

We are currently enrolling for courses for our new term starting in January 2020

Full Time Courses – Monday to Friday

QQI Level 5 Business Studies with Sage 50 Accounting

QQI Level 5 Nursing Studies

Part Time Courses (Day and Evening)

Looking to up-skill or learn something new?

We have part time courses available in the following:

eBusiness QQI Level 5

Tourism with Business QQI Level 5

Childcare QQI Level 5 – Childcare QQI Level 6

Healthcare QQI Level 5 – Computer Science QQI Level 5

Further information from: Anne McGrath or Karen Townsend on 086 850 3833 or

Christmas Car Boot Sale (Des Redmond Charities) in St. Kevin’s Hall on Sunday 8th Dec from 7am to 4pm. €10 per table, Free Car Park, Tea & Coffee.

Ballycane Church Choir presents Songs of Praise Concert at Ballycane Church, Naas on Sun 1st Dec from 6.30pm to 8pm. Admission free. Donations Welcome.

“TRY it out! Mini-Rugby for Tots for ‘under 5 (2015)’ and Under 6 (2014) in St Kevin’s Community Centre, Blessington every Saturday at 10:15am for ‘boys & girls’

Cruthú West Wicklow Art Group Christmas Exhibition in Blessington Tourist Office.  The exhibition opening event will be on Friday 29th November from 7pm to 8pm. The exhibition will open from 11am to 6pm daily until Sun 15th Dec.  Late opening Friday to 8pm.  There will be original locally produced Art, Craft, Photography on display, all available to buy.   Find a perfect Christmas gift, or simply drop in to enjoy the art & be inspired.  Like us on Facebook & Instagram or visit

Valleymount & Lacken Parish Concert

St Joseph’s National School Present The Nativity’ according to The Gospel of St Luke.

Concert featuring St John’s Gospel Choir, Ballinteer & Blessington Folk Group in St Joseph’s Church Valleymount on Sunday 15th December at 7pm.

Tickets €10 each or 2 for €15, available from St Joseph’s School or Valleymount Church (after Sunday Mass) and from Blessington Parish Office

Cub Scout Blessington. Is your child aged 9-11years, if they are interested in joining scouts & you would like to become a scout leader (free training provided) please contact me for more details.

Interested in a social cycle in the Blessington area?  Led by an experienced volunteer, Cycling Ireland/Axa Community Bike Rides are gentle, social bike rides for adults, usually followed by coffee & chat.  New series for beginners added for Wednesdays at 10:30am. Join for FREE at

Lacken Community Centre Calendar 2020 on sale now from Supervalu, Blessington Bookstore, The Office Shop, Blessington Tourist Office, West Wicklow House, Flowers by Enda, Zellers Lacken & Cullens Bar Ballyknocken

Hollywood Friendship Club every Wednesday from 2.15 to 4.15pm in Hollywood Centre New members welcome. The Club members will visit Newbridge Silverware to do their usual Christmas Shopping on Wed 4th December

Community Pool for West Wicklow Christmas Monster Raffle in aid of a pool for West Wicklow! Prizes include a family pass for Kaleidoscope, Afternoon Tea at Ballymaloe, an overnight stay at Tulfarris Hotel & Golf Resort & much, much more! Tickets €5 or 4 for €20 available at Draw will take place in Murphy’s Bar on Sunday December 22nd Info email:

December Events

As part of Russborough’s Oscar Wilde Christmas join us on for ‘An Evening with Oscar Wilde’ on Dec 6th at 7pm. Compiled & performed by Richard Lynch, share Wilde’s sparkling humour & wit, tinged with a certain pity & sadness.  Tickets €15. Booking 045 865 239 or

Bealin’s Bar Golf Society Christmas Party & Prize Presentation in Bealin’s Lounge on Friday 6th December with a monster raffle on the night. Music by Sean Reddy

Join us at Russborough House on Saturday December 7th from 12pm to 4pm for a Christmas Market in aid of the Community Pool for West Wicklow. We’ll have live music, face painting, over 30 stalls with local crafts, baking and Christmas gifts and Santa will be there too!

Saturday 7th December: Tramway Theatre proudly presents – Connor McKeon Swing into Christmas. Let the good times roll. A glitzy & glamorous night of high energy big-band swing including the best loved Christmas Classics.  Doors open 7:30pm, show starts at 8pm sharp. Tickets €25 (including wine & mince pie reception) available from Hennessy’s Next Door & The Office Shop or call 086 8239946

Christmas Concert with ‘Celtic Brothers’ starring The Willoughby’s in Tynock Church at 8pm on Sun 8th Dec. Concert in aid of a Multi-Sensory Room for Baltinglass Hospital Tickets available from 087 266 8300 or email

West Wicklow Day-Care Committee will be putting up a Christmas Tree in the grounds of Baltinglass Hospital in celebration of the lives of our family & friends who are no longer with us, you can shine a light in their memory by sponsoring a light for €5 on the Christmas Tree. Please call Mary 087 293 4806 or Valerie 045 865 412 to sponsor a light. Christmas Tree lighting ceremony & Carol Service will take place on Sunday 8th December at 2pm

Hollywood Senior Citizens Christmas Party on Thurs 12th Dec Hollywood Inn. Meal at 3.30pm Music/Song/Dance until 8pm. Invitations will be sent out first week December.

Kilbride & Lakeside Music Committee Concert on Saturday 14th December in Manor Kilbride Community Hall at 6.30pm. Featuring KILBRIDE & LAKESIDE YOUTH MUSIC With guest artist one of Ireland’s most revered musicians DONAL LUNNY along with rising star SIOBHÁN HARTE (granddaughter of singer & song collector, the late great Frank Harte) also the amazing Manor Kilbride native, KELAN WALSH baritone sax. Admission €10 Adults


Issue 1283 November 24th 2019

Saturday 23rd November 2019

Valleymount Christmas Fair from 10am to 5pm in Valleymount Hall

Lakeshore Striders A.C Annual Charity Collection for the Capuchin Day Centre for Homeless from 12pm to 3pm in the ‘Crying Room’ of Church of Our Lady, Blessington. Items requested include; new sleeping bags (available from Charles Camping at a reduced cost of €10), toiletries (shampoo, shower gel, deodorant, razors, toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc), nappies, baby food & formula. Please note they do not require clothing, shoes, duvets or similar items. Cash donations also accepted. Email or call Edel on 087 961 8337

Sunday 24th November 2019

Valleymount Christmas Fair from 10am to 5pm in Valleymount Hall

Baltinglass Hospital Annual Christmas Bazaar in the hospital from 2pm.

Christmas Craft Fair in St Kevin’s Hall from 11am to 2pm

Monday 25th November 2019

Holy Hour in Crosschapel every Monday after 10am Mass (ex-Bank Holidays)

Blessington Children’s Choir practice 2:45pm to 3.30pm in the Church.

Tuesday 26th November 2019

Citizens Information Centre in Blessington Library from 1pm to 4pm. Legal advice service on 1st & 3rd Tues of month by appointment

Blessington & District Active Retired EXERCISE WITH THEA at 2pm. Regular meeting at 2.45pm in the Coimin Centre Blessington, new members welcome.

Eucharistic Adoration from 7.30pm to 8.30pm in Blessington Church.

Wednesday 27th November 2019

The Citizens Information Centre is open in Blessington Library today 10am to 12.30pm.

The Rosary will be offered at 7.30pm for the intentions of our families in Blessington Church

Christian Meditation Group meet in the Mass Centre in Brittas from 11am. All welcome

Thursday 28th November 2019

West Wicklow Cancer Support – Drop in Meeting, “Has your life been touched by Cancer” An evening of relaxation & Christmas Crafts at 7.30pm, Coimín Centre, Blessington. No charge, all welcome & bring a friend.

Mass Intentions this Week

Michelle Pender (RD) Marie Sheridan (nee Byrne) RD)

Saturday 6pm:

Liz McGinnity (A) Dan Murphy (A) Agnes Twyford (A)

Sunday 10am:

Bridie Coughlan (A) Michael Lennon (A) Kay Lennon (Rem)

We also Remember the following:

Brendan & Aoife Cummins, Chrissie Cummins, Noel Cummins, Edith McInerney (A) Alicia Hamilton, Hugh & Billy Hamilton (A) Teresa Flanagan (A) Nora Shirran (A) Vera Donovan (A)

Monday: Mass for those on the list for Sick

Tuesday: Birthday Rem, Birthday Rem

Wednesday: Amby Miley (A) Mary Donegan (A)

Thursday: Dan Murphy (A) Frankie Keogh (RD)

Friday: Margaret Hyland (RD) Michelle Pender (RD)

Visitation of the Sick: If there are any parishioners ill, at home or in hospital who would like a visit from a priest, please contact the Parish Office to let us know and to make arrangements 045 865 327

Children’s Church on Sunday 1st December.

Blessington Lights Up Christmas 2019 on Sat Nov 30th 1pm to 3:45pm in St. Kevin’s Hall, followed by ‘The Big Switch On’ @ The Square at 4:30pm & Presentation by Reservoir Cogs. Free Santa! Craft, Gift & Food Fair, Hot Chocolate. Music by Rockabilly Rebels & Sinead O Brien. Drop off point for annual shoebox appeal. Macari Special offers on the day. If you are a local vendor & would like to take a stall at our fair, call Carmel on 085 118 0182 stalls cost €10 all proceeds to the Christmas lights fund.

Variety Concert on Sun 1st December in Church of Our Lady Blessington in aid of Blessington & District Day Care and the Coimín Centre.

Featuring: The Roscommon Solstice Choir, Rachel Coyne &  Lorraine Willoughby. Tickets €10 on sale after Mass this weekend or from the Parish Office & the usual outlets.

Cruthú West Wicklow Art Group will hold their Christmas Exhibition in Blessington Tourist Office.  The exhibition opening event will be on Friday 29th November from 7pm to 8pm. The exhibition will open from 11am to 6pm daily until Sunday 15th December.  Late opening Friday until 8pm.  There will be plenty of original locally produced Art, Craft, Photography on display, all available to buy.   Find a perfect Christmas gift, or simply drop in to enjoy the art & be inspired.  Like us on Facebook and Instagram or visit

Blessington Allotments – Would you be interested in allotments in Blessington? Our group is continuing to campaign for the provision of allotments in the Blessington area. If you are interested and to get involved, contact Dónal at

Blessington Comhaltas Classes in Bodhran, Concertina, Accordion, Whistle, Flute, Beginner Fiddle, Intermediate Fiddle, Tune Classes, Guitar Lessons, Singing Classes, Ceili Band. Classes on Sundays from 5pm in St. Mary’s SNS Info Pat 086 075 2072 or Rebecca 087 228 2012

The Community Pool for West Wicklow Committee would like to say a very big THANK YOU to all of the boys & girls who took part in our West Wicklow Non-Uniform School Day last week. Over 50 schools from across West Wicklow took part. Thank you to all of the teachers, principals, parents & children for their continued support.

The Community Pool for West Wicklow is having a Christmas Party! Sat 14th Dec from 8pm at Poulaphouca House & Falls. Tickets €25 & available from Charles Camping, The Office Shop & Blessington Tourist Office or online at

The Annual Fun-Filled Festive Fair will be held in Scoil Chonglais, Baltinglass on Sun Nov 24th in the school hall from 11am to 4pm. Seasonal Fare, Arts & Crafts, Cakes, Yule Logs, & Jewellery. Wheel of Fortune & monster raffle!

Would you like to be in with the chance of winning up to €1500 and having a really entertaining night as well? Ballymore Eustace GAA Club are holding ‘The Chaser’ fundraising night in Tulfarris Hotel on Friday 29th November at 8pm based on the well-known TV Quiz show ‘The Chase’ followed by a disco (after the event, for the adults). The Chaser event is a family event & a family ticket (€50) admits four adults or two adults & three children. Single tickets are €20. All tickets must be pre purchased before the show. For further information or tickets, please contact Fiona Breslin 087 995 6085

West Wicklow Cancer Support – Volunteers – Have you got some free time & would like to volunteer with us? We are a Cancer Support Group catering for the West Wicklow area for the past 5 years & we provide support & information to people & families affected by cancer.  We are looking for a Volunteer Bookkeeper to look after our day to day books. If this suits you, we would like to hear from you.  Volunteers will be fully supported by our caring & confidential team. Contact us on 087 4346004/ or on Facebook

“TRY it out! Mini-Rugby for Tots for ‘under 5 (2015)’ and Under 6 (2014) in St Kevin’s Community Centre, Blessington every Saturday at 10:15am for ‘boys & girls’

 ‘Rugby Practice at Russborough for U7s (2013) to U12s (2008) boys & girls this Sat 23rd Nov at 10:30am”

 Cub Scout Blessington. Is your child aged 9-11years, if they are interested in joining scouts & you would like to become a scout leader (free training provided) please contact me for more details.

Interested in a social cycle in the Blessington area?  Led by an experienced volunteer, Cycling Ireland/Axa Community Bike Rides are gentle, social bike rides for adults, usually followed by coffee & chat.  New series added for Wednesdays at 10:30am. Participants can join for FREE at

Lacken Community Centre Calendar 2020 on sale now from Supervalu, Blessington Bookstore, The Office Shop, Blessington Tourist Office, West Wicklow House, Flowers by Enda, Zellers Lacken & Cullens Bar Ballyknocken

Beginners Fencing Classes on Tuesdays from 8pm to 9.30pm in St Kevin’s Hall

LOOKING FOR A GREAT NIGHT OUT? Blessington Bowls meet every Thurs at 7.30pm in St. Kevin’s Hall, Blessington, guests welcome, come along & bring a friend.

Hollywood Friendship Club every Wednesday from 2.15 to 4.15pm in Hollywood Centre New members welcome. The Club members will visit Newbridge Silverware to do their usual Christmas Shopping on Wed 4th December

December Events for your Diary

St Brigid’s National School, Manor Kilbride, Winter Fair in the school on Sunday 1st Dec from 12pm & 4pm.  All welcome – Arts & Crafts Stalls, Books, Toys, Clothes & Cake Stalls & Refreshments. Fun Fair Games & activities for young & old. Festive decorations & Christmas Trees on sale. Bring your pre-loved “Good as New” items to our school for recycling at the Fair on Sat 16th Nov between 10am & 11am or Sun 24th Nov between 12pm & 1pm. 

As part of Russborough’s Oscar Wilde Christmas join us on for ‘An Evening with Oscar Wilde’ on Dec 6th at 7pm. Compiled & performed by Richard Lynch, share Wilde’s sparkling humour & wit, tinged with a certain pity & sadness.  Tickets €15. Booking 045 865 239 or

Bealin’s Bar Golf Society Christmas Party & Prize Presentation in Bealin’s Lounge on Friday 6th December with a monster raffle on the night. Music by Sean Reddy

Join us at Russborough House on Saturday December 7th from 12pm to 4pm for a Christmas Market in aid of the Community Pool for West Wicklow. We’ll have live music, face painting, over 30 stalls with local crafts, baking and Christmas gifts and Santa will be there too!

Tramway Theatre Proudly Presents – Connor McKeon “Swing into Christmas” on Saturday 7th December. Let the good times roll. A glitzy & glamorous night of high energy big-band swing including the best loved Christmas Classics. Tickets €25 (including mulled wine & mince pie reception) available from Hennessy’s Next Door & The Office Shop.

Christmas Concert with ‘Celtic Brothers’ starring The Willoughby’s in Tynock Church at 8pm on Sun 8th Dec. Concert in aid of a Multi-Sensory Room for Baltinglass Hospital Tickets available from 087 266 8300 or email

West Wicklow Day-Care Committee will be putting up a Christmas Tree in the grounds of Baltinglass Hospital in celebration of the lives of our family & friends who are no longer with us, you can shine a light in their memory by sponsoring a light for €5 on the Christmas Tree. Please call Mary 087 293 4806 or Valerie 045 865 412 to sponsor a light. Christmas Tree lighting ceremony & Carol Service will take place on Sunday 8th December at 2pm

Hollywood Senior Citizens Christmas Party on Thurs 12th Dec Hollywood Inn. Meal at 3.30pm Music/Song/Dance until 8pm. Invitations will be sent out first week December.

Annual Carol Service on Sunday 15th December at 5pm in Church of Our Lady, Blessington

Valleymount & Lacken Parish Concert St Joseph’s National School PresentThe Nativity’ according to The Gospel of St Luke. Concert featuring St John’s Gospel Choir, Ballinteer, Dublin & Blessington Folk Group in St Joseph’s Church Valleymount on Sunday 15th December at 7pm. Tickets €10 each or 2 for €15, available from St Joseph’s School or Valleymount Church (after Sunday Mass) and from Blessington Parish Office.


Courses in the Further Education & Training Centre Blessington

We are currently enrolling for courses for our new term starting in January 2020

Full Time Courses – Monday to Friday

QQI Level 5 Business Studies with Sage 50 Accounting

QQI Level 5 Nursing Studies

Part Time Courses (Day and Evening)

Looking to up-skill or learn something new?

We have part time courses available in the following:

eBusiness QQI Level 5

Tourism with Business QQI Level 5

Childcare QQI Level 5

Childcare QQI Level 6

Healthcare QQI Level 5

Computer Science QQI Level 5

Office Skills QQI Level 4

For further information please contact Anne McGrath or Karen Townsend on 086 850 3833 or

St Vincent de Paul 087 181 1579

The most important decision you can make is to be in a good mood

Issue 1282 November 17th 2019

Saturday 16th November 2019

Blessington Men’s Shed Variety Concert in the Tramway Theatre at 8pm. Special Guests: The RAMS & local singers / musicians. Tickets €10 from Hennessy’s & The Office Shop. Info, Kevin: 087 747 0461 or Pat 086 075 2072. Please Support

Sunday 17th November 2019

1st Communion Preparation Mass at 11.15am in Valleymount

Monday 18th November 2019

Holy Hour in Crosschapel every Monday after 10am Mass (ex-Bank Holidays)

Blessington Children’s Choir practice 2:45pm to 3.30pm in the Church.

Tuesday 19th November 2019

Blessington U3A are pleased to welcome Vincent Butler, Travel Expert & Photographer for National Geographic Explorer at 10.30am in the Education Centre, Blessington. All welcome, €5pp or €20 full membership

Citizens Information Centre in Blessington Library from 1pm to 4pm. Legal advice service on 1st & 3rd Tues of month by appointment

Blessington & District Active Retired EXERCISE WITH THEA at 2pm. Regular meeting at 2.45pm in the Coimin Centre Blessington, new members welcome.

Eucharistic Adoration from 7.30pm to 8.30pm in Blessington Church.

Wednesday 20th November 2019

The Citizens Information Centre is open in Blessington Library today 10am to 12.30pm.

The Rosary will be offered at 7.30pm for the intentions of our families in Blessington Church

Christian Meditation Group meet in the Mass Centre in Brittas from 11am. All welcome

Thursday 21st November 2019

The Parish Book Club meeting at 10am in The Parish Meeting Room (Crying Room).  The book is ‘Traveling Mercies’ by Anne Lamott.  New members are always welcome.

Mass Intentions this Week

Margaret Hyland (Bunny McDonald)

Saturday 6pm: John Cummins (Mths Mind) Kathleen Doyle (A) Lena O’Neill (A) Winnie Hayes (A)

Sunday 10am: Jack & Timothy Jones (A) Rosario Fitzsimons (A)

We also Remember the following:

Monday: Mass for those on the list for Sick

Tuesday: Alicia, Hugh & Billy Hamilton (A) Oliver Shirran (RD)

Wednesday: Birthday Rem, Get Well

Thursday: Agnes Twyford (A) Maureen O’Meara (RD)

Friday: Blessington Deceased Mass Card List

Visitation of the Sick: If there are any parishioners ill, at home or in hospital who would like a visit from a priest, please contact the Parish Office to let us know and to make arrangements 045 865 327

Variety Concert on Sun 1st December in Church of Our Lady Blessington in aid of Blessington & District Day Care and the Coimín Centre. Featuring: The Roscommon Solstice Choir, Rachel Coyne & Lorraine Willoughby. Tickets €10 on sale after Mass this weekend or from the Parish Office & the usual outlets.

Valleymount Christmas Fair next weekend 23rd & 24th Nov. “Good as New” items wanted for Bric-a-Brac. The Community Hall will be open on Sat 23rd at 10am to accept donations.

Next Children’s Church date is changed to Sunday 1st December.

West Wicklow Cancer Support – November Drop in Meeting, “Has your life been touched by Cancer” Come and join us at our monthly drop in. An evening of relaxation and Christmas Crafts, Thursday 28th November 7.30pm, Coimín Centre Main Street, Blessington. No charge, all are welcome and do feel free to bring a friend. Contact 087 4346004 or find us on Facebook

CASA would like to thank all who contributed to the Church Gate Collection recently, the amount raised was €1,654 for which we are extremely grateful.

Collection for the Capuchin Day Centre for Homeless. Lakeshore Striders A.C Annual Charity Collection for the Capuchin Day Centre for the Homeless will take place on Saturday 23rd of November from 12pm to 3pm in the ‘Crying Room’ of Church of Our Lady, Blessington. Items requested by the centre include; new sleeping bags (available from Charles Camping at a reduced cost of €10 when you indicate it’s for this collection), toiletries (shampoo, shower gel, deodorant, razors, toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc),   nappies, baby food & formula. Please note the centre does not require clothing, shoes, duvets or similar items. Cash donations also accepted. For info email or Edel on 087 961 8337

Baltinglass Hospital Annual Christmas Bazaar on Sunday 24th Nov in the hospital from 2pm. All donations of Cakes, Bottles, Bric-a-Brac & Toys (in good condition please) to Mary 087 293 4806 or Valerie 045 865 412

Blessington Lights Up Christmas 2019 on Sat Nov 30th 1pm to 3:45pm in St. Kevin’s Hall, followed by ‘The Big Switch On’ @ The Square at 4:30pm & Presentation by Reservoir Cogs. Free Santa! Craft, Gift & Food Fair, Hot Chocolate. Music by Rockabilly Rebels & Sinead O Brien. Drop off point for annual shoebox appeal. Macari Special offers on the day. If you are a local vendor & would like to take a stall at our fair, call Carmel on 085 118 0182 stalls cost €10 all proceeds to the Christmas lights fund.

Cruthú West Wicklow Art Group will hold their Christmas Exhibition in Blessington Tourist Office.  The exhibition opening event will be on Friday 29th November from 7pm to 8pm. The exhibition will open from 11am to 6pm daily until Sunday 15th December.  Late opening Friday until 8pm.  There will be plenty of original locally produced Art, Craft, Photography on display, all available to buy.   Find a perfect Christmas gift, or simply drop in to enjoy the art & be inspired.  Like us on Facebook and Instagram or visit

Community Pool for West Wicklow are having a Christmas Party! Join us at Poulaphouca House & Falls on Saturday December 14th from 8pm for canapés, mulled wine, DJ, dancing & spot prizes! Tickets only €25, available from Charles Camping, The Office Shop & Blessington Tourist Office from Saturday November 9th or email us at

 Blessington Comhaltas Classes in Bodhran, Concertina, Accordion, Whistle, Flute, Beginner Fiddle, Intermediate Fiddle, Tune Classes, Guitar Lessons, Singing Classes, Ceili Band. Classes on Sundays from 5pm in St. Mary’s SNS Info Pat 086 075 2072 or Rebecca 087 228 2012

GROW Community Mental Health“West Wicklow” Support Group every Wed at 7.30pm in Camphill, Grangebeg, Dunlavin. Why not come along & learn more about positive mental health, wellbeing, recovery & how GROW may help you achieve this.  New members are always welcome (free of charge).  Info: John 086 803 3126 or

The Annual Fun-Filled Festive Fair will be held in Scoil Chonglais, Baltinglass on Sun Nov 24th in the school hall from 11am to 4pm. Seasonal Fare, Arts & Crafts, Cakes, Yule Logs, & Jewellery. Wheel of Fortune & monster raffle!

Would you like to be in with the chance of winning up to €1500 and having a really entertaining night as well? Ballymore Eustace GAA Club are holding ‘The Chaser’ fundraising night in Tulfarris Hotel on Friday 29th November at 8pm based on the well-known TV Quiz show ‘The Chase’ followed by a disco (after the event, for the adults). The Chaser event is a family event & a family ticket (€50) admits four adults or two adults & three children. Single tickets are €20. All tickets must be pre purchased before the show. For further information or tickets, please contact Fiona Breslin 087 995 6085

West Wicklow Cancer Support – Volunteers – Have you got some free time & would like to volunteer with us? We are a Cancer Support Group catering for the West Wicklow area for the past 5 years & we provide support & information to people & families affected by cancer.  We are looking for a Volunteer Bookkeeper to look after our day to day books. If this suits you, we would like to hear from you.  Volunteers will be fully supported by our caring & confidential team. Contact us on 087 4346004/ or on Facebook

Cub Scout Blessington. Is your child aged 9-11years, if they are interested in joining scouts & you would like to become a scout leader (free training provided) please contact me for more details.

Interested in a social cycle in the Blessington area?  Led by an experienced volunteer, Cycling Ireland/Axa Community Bike Rides are gentle, social bike rides for adults, usually followed by coffee & chat.  New series added for Wednesdays at 10:30am. Participants can join for FREE at

Lacken Community Centre Calendar 2020 on sale now from Supervalu, Blessington Bookstore, The Office Shop, Blessington Tourist Office, West Wicklow House, Flowers by Enda, Zellers Lacken & Cullens Bar Ballyknocken

Mini-Rugby for Tots for Under 5 (2013) & Under 6 (2014) in St Kevin’s Community Centre, Blessington every Saturday at 10:15am for boys & girls’

Rugby at Russborough for U7s (2013) to U12s (2008) boys & girls this Sat 5th Oct at 11:30

Beginners Fencing Classes on Tuesdays from 8pm to 9.30pm in St Kevin’s Hall

 LOOKING FOR A GREAT NIGHT OUT? Blessington Bowls meet every Thurs at 7.30pm in St. Kevin’s Hall, Blessington, guests welcome, come along & bring a friend.

Hollywood Friendship Club every Wednesday from 2.15 to 4.15pm in Hollywood Centre New members welcome. The Club members will visit Newbridge Silverware to do their usual Christmas Shopping on Wed 4th December

December Events for your Diary

St Brigid’s National School, Manor Kilbride, Winter Fair in the school on Sunday 1st Dec from 12pm & 4pm.  All welcome – Arts & Crafts Stalls, Books, Toys, Clothes & Cake Stalls & Refreshments. Fun Fair Games & activities for young & old. Festive decorations & Christmas Trees on sale. Bring your pre-loved “Good as New” items to our school for recycling at the Fair on Sat 16th Nov between 10am & 11am or Sun 24th Nov between 12pm & 1pm. 

 As part of Russborough’s Oscar Wilde Christmas join us on for ‘An Evening with Oscar Wilde’ on Dec 6th at 7pm. Compiled & performed by Richard Lynch, share Wilde’s sparkling humour & wit, tinged with a certain pity & sadness.  Tickets €15. Booking 045 865 239 or

Community Pool for West Wicklow Christmas Market in the Hippodrome, Russborough House on Dec 7th from 12noon to 4pm. Christmas Shopping, Visit Santa, enjoy a mince pie or two Any local Crafters, Artists, Bakers or Businesses interested in having a stall at the market please email at

Tramway Theatre Proudly Presents – Connor McKeon “Swing into Christmas” on Saturday 7th December. Let the good times roll. A glitzy & glamorous night of high energy big-band swing including the best loved Christmas Classics. Tickets €25 (including mulled wine & mince pie reception) available from Hennessy’s Next Door & The Office Shop.

Christmas Concert with ‘Celtic Brothers’ starring The Willoughby’s in Tynock Church at 8pm on Sun 8th Dec. Concert in aid of a Multi-Sensory Room for Baltinglass Hospital Tickets available from 087 266 8300 or email

West Wicklow Day-Care Committee will be putting up a Christmas Tree in the grounds of Baltinglass Hospital in celebration of the lives of our family & friends who are no longer with us, you can shine a light in their memory by sponsoring a light for €5 on the Christmas Tree. Please call Mary 087 293 4806 or Valerie 045 865 412 to sponsor a light. Christmas Tree lighting ceremony & Carol Service will take place on Sunday 8th December at 5pm

Hollywood Senior Citizens Christmas Party on Thurs 12th Dec Hollywood Inn. Meal at 3.30pm Music/Song/Dance until 8pm. Invitations will be sent out first week December.

Annual Carol Service on Sunday 15th December at 5pm in Church of Our Lady, Blessington

St. Vincent De Paul Society would like to offer our sincere gratitude for all the donations we receive throughout the year. If anyone wishes to donate, can you please drop it into the Parish Office marked for SVP. All donations dropped in here remain in Blessington & the surrounding areas & 100% of donations are distributed to those in need. Any donations left in the SVP Shop Blessington are sent to Dublin.

When people praise you, don’t let it go to your head. When they criticise you, don’t let it go to your heart…

St Vincent de Paul Local number 087 181 1579